University of Virginia Library


Vhom suld I warie bot my wicked weard,
Vha span my thriftles thrauard fatall threed?
I wes bot skantlie entrit in this eard,
Nor had offendit, vhill I felt hir feed.
In hir vnhappy hands sho held my heed,
And straikit bakuard wodershins my hair;
Syne prophecyed, I suld aspyre and speed:
Quhilk double sentence wes baith suith and sair,
For I wes matchit with my match and mair;
No worldly woman neuir wes so weill;
I wes accountit Countes but compair,
Quhill fickle Fortun whirld me from hir vheell:
Rank and renoun in lytill roum sho ranged,
And Lady Lucrece in a Cressede changed.