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Poems by Robert Gomersall
Gomersall, Robert (1602-1646?)
An Elegy upon the death of Mris Anne King.
To the Deane, from Flower in Northampton shire 1625. now the worthy Bishop of Norwich.
To Mr. Holiday Archdeacon of Oxon: from Flower 1625.
Vpon the death of his worthy friend Mr. Iohn Deane of New-Colledge.
To his Detractors.
A Song for the Musicke lecture.
An Elegie upon the Noble Merchant Mr. Fishborne.
Vpon a vertuous Magistrate.
THE EXPLANATION of the Frontispice.
The explanation of the Frontispice.
To my learned and highly esteemed Friend, Mr. Robert Gomersall.
Epitaphium Concubinæ.
Psal. 92
Canto. I.
Canto. II.
Canto. III.
The Argument.
A Thanksgiving for a recovery from a burning Feaver.
Upon our vaine flattery of ourselves that the succeeding times will be better then the former.
AN ELEGY VPON the untimely, yet Heroicall death of Gustavus Adophus the Victorious King of Sweden, &c.
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Poems by Robert Gomersall
Are we the onely faulty? or am I
Pickt out for eminent Iniquity?
All lights on me, twas I that rays'd these warres,
Twas I that this thicke people like to starres,
Have lessend into Number; I alone
Merit both peoples curses joynd in one,
Poems by Robert Gomersall