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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 32. Beati quorum.

Davidis Maschil.


Blest is he, whose transgression
hath free forgivenesse gain'd:
And he, whose sinne that he hath done,
a covering hath obtain'd.


Blest is the man, unto whose charge
the Lord imputes no sin;
Whose spirit no hollow holds so large,
to lodge deceit therein.


When now my tongue all speech forborne,
in painfull silence lay:
Through my loud roaring daily worne,
my bones with age decay.


For day and night with weight so great,
thine hand upon mee lies,
That like the drought in summers heat,
my kindly moisture dries.



I did acknowledge unto thee
the sinne that I had done:
Of mine iniquitie in mee
I have concealed none.


My sinne, I said, I will repeat,
and to the Lord confesse:
And of my crime thy mercy great,
forgave the wickednesse.




Now therefore every Saint shall pray,
while time to find is found:
Sure, reach him none there is that may,
when many waters sound.


From troubles heat my head to shade,
thou art a secret place:
With songs for my deliverance made,
thou shalt about mee trace.



I will instruct, and teach thee so,
thou shalt not walke awry:
And in the way that thou shalt goe,
give counsell with mine eye.


O doe not ye like Horse, like Mule,
no understanding beare;
Whose mouth must bit and bridle rule,
to thee for comming neere.


Much sorrow swells on every side,
to plague the wicked race:
But in the Lord whose hopes abide,
him mercy shall embrace.


Joy in the Lord, ye Just rejoyce,
shout out your glad delight,
As well in gesture, as in voice,
all ye of heart upright.