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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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To the Translation of Pallingen.

The labour swete,
that I sustaynde in the,
(O Pallingen)
when I tooke Pen in hande,
Doth greue me now,
as ofte as I the se,
But halfe hewd out,
before myne eyes to stande,
For I must needes
(no helpe) a whyle go toyle,
In Studyes, that
no kynde of muse delyght.

And put my Plow,
in grosse vntylled soyle,
And labour thus,
with ouer weryed Spryght,
But yf that God,
do graunt me greater yeares.
And take me not
from hence, before my tyme,
The Muses nyne,
the pleasaunt synging feares
Shall so enflame
my mynde with lust to ryme,
That Palingen
I wyll not leaue the so,
But fynysh the
accordyng to my mynd.
And yf it be
my chaunce away to go,
Let some the ende,
that heare remayne behynde.