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Sonetto. 4.


Sonetto. 4.

[Relieûe my minde being ouerprest with care]

Relieûe my minde being ouerprest with care,
O heare my sorowes for I doe complaine,
Non may thē help saue you the cure being rare,
Ah put me not to death with lingring paine.
Lest that my death to you shall nothing gaine,
Enforced loûe dislikes which is not meete,
Equalite of loûe doth neuer paine.
You paragon most pretious pure and sweete,
Reioyce your louers harte with loûe for loûe,
Vnlace dislike and let be far disdaine,
Both one in one and let affection mooûe:
Since that in hart affection doth remaine.
Vntie distresse to finde my blisfull sport,
Let not your hart be cruell to the meeke,
Attend my harts desire in humble sort:
Soone grant my humble hart what it doth seeke.