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Otia Sacra Optima Fides

[by Mildmay Fane]

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The Five Porches to Bethesda.

Man is Bethesda, and's five Senses be
Porches unto that Great Infermery,
Where Divers Cures are sought for; yet not one
Attain'd but through an Angels Motion,
Grace powred on the Heart; which who so can
Improve, becommeth straight a perfect Man:
But Those who Opportunity neglect,
Must not an other Saving help expect.
For as the Cripple Thirty eight years lay,
And had done more, had not Christ come ith' way:
So whilst these powr'd out waters we would try,
Others step in, Prophane their Sanctity.
Lusts both our Ears, and Eyes, and Palates charm:
Through Nostrils and by Fingers we doe harm;
And 'cause all over Leprous and defil'd,
We'd fain be cleans'd, to health be reconcil'd,
Yet cannot get so soon into this Tide,
Afford us of that Jordan from Thy side.