University of Virginia Library



Bird of the South! is this a scene to waken
Thy native notes in thrilling, gushing tone?
Thy woodland nest of love is all forsaken—
Thy mate alone!
While stranger-throngs roll by, thy song is lending
Joy to the happy, soothings to the sad:
O'er my full heart it flows with gentle blending,
And I am glad.
And I will sing, though dear ones, loved and loving,
Are left afar in my sweet nest of home,
Though from that nest, with backward yearnings moving,
Onward I roam!
And with heart-music shall my feeble aiding,
Still swell the note of human joy aloud;
Nor, with untrusting soul kind heaven upbraiding,
Sigh mid the crowd.
Philadelphia, May 24, 1836.