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Well may the happy youth rejoice,
Who, to thy arms a welcome guest,
Hears the soft musick of thy voice,
And on thy smiles may freely feast.


As gods above, securely blest,
He envies not the throne of Jove;
Endearing graces with his breast,
And sweetly charm him into love.
Ah, adverse fate! unhappy hour!
With horror, at thy form I start!
My faltering tongue forgets its power,
And struggling passions rend the heart!
Quick flames enkindle in my veins;
Impervious clouds my eyes surround;
Deep sighs I heave; wild Frenzy reigns;
My ears with dismal murmurs sound!
My colour, like the lily, fades;
Rude tremours seize my throbbing frame;
A gelid sweat my limbs pervades,
And strives to quench the vital flame;
My quivering pulse forgets to play;
Enraged, confused, I faint away!