University of Virginia Library

'1776' Revisited

Dear Sir,

In the Friday edition of the
CD there was an article
describing the latest in
Charlottesville's night life;
the "1776". Last Friday night
there was a private fraternity
buffet for "300 people", and
admission was by ticket only.

After having read the article
in the CD, I purchased two
tickets from my fraternity, for
my date and I. I eagerly
awaited what was sure to be a
great night of entertainment
with the brotherhood of the
U. After having driven all the
way to Mary Washington and
back, I made my way to the
"friendliest place in town".

Once inside Mr.
McFarland's restaurant, I was
refused entrance, even though I
had the tickets that were to
have reserved room for my
date and I. After being told we
could not join the rest of the
brotherhood, Mr. McFarland
had the audacity to to tell me
to come back on Saturday

Now Mr. McFarland, if I
had wished to visit your
establishment on Saturday, I
would not have purchased
tickets for Friday night. Mr.
McFarland you say you "help
students out", I say horse

Despite all your great
planning and preparations, you
forgot that people are humans,
not a commodity that can be
thrown around. If Mr.
McFarland expects widespread
patronage of his establishment,
then he must improve what he
has to offer the University
community. As for me, it is
extremely doubtful that I will
even consider returning to his
establishment after being
subjected to such humiliation
as I was Friday night.

Clayton W. Herbert
Engr. 1