University of Virginia Library

Talented Camera

The camera is a very
objective, very realistic
observer during the first half of
the movie. Everything is shown
in brutally realistic detail, to
match the brutality of the
climax: the incident with the
mountain men.

When Ed starts to climb
that cliff, however, the camera
becomes impressionistic. It
moves in very close to Ed,
plays trick with the color, and
becomes a part of the action
rather than an observer.

Perhaps the most excellent
aspect of Deliverance is the
pacing. It never hurries, it is in
fact extremely slow, but it is
never boring, because
something interesting is always
being shown. If they want to
take time out for a little
country music, they take time
out, and while they're at it
they show us more about the
characters and their
environment. This attitude
governs the whole movie.