University of Virginia Library

Wiretap Possibility

Neither Mr. Elzinga nor Sen.
Kennedy's office knew how
the Justice Department learned
of the original conversation,
and both raised the possibility
of a wiretap on the Senator's
phones. Mr. Sussman thought
that the man who replaced Mr.
Elzinga in the Justice
Department, George Eades,
might have been the source of
the leak, but Mr. Eades
yesterday denied this.

Mr. Eades was one of a
number of Justice Department
officials and former officials
contacted by Mr. Sussman
Wednesday night. Sen.
Kennedy's aide said that, as his
staff was making its
investigation, they joked about
the possibility of the Senator's
phones being tapped. It was
also hinted that the phones of
some of those they were
contacting might have been

Questions have been raised
concerning the possible
involvement of other Justice
Department officials as well as
Mr. Kleindienst. In his column,
Mr. Anderson charged that
Attorney General Mitchell was
linked to the settlement, even
though he officially
disqualified himself from the
case because of an old
relationship with ITT.