University of Virginia Library


1969 Dodge Trademan Va. 8 pass.
One owner excellent condition
Never raced. $2,200. 973-6268

1970 TR-6, blue, WW, 17,000
miles, excellent condition. Call
295-0702 after 6:00 p.m.

1970 Yamaha 200 Street
Scrambler. Excellent condition.
Low mileage, $400 or best offer.
Call 293-5001 during day. Ask for

For Sale: 1967 Rover TC 2000. A
great touring car; call 295-3824
after 5:00 p.m.

Porsche, 1963 356B.
Excellent—new trans. Radial tires
and brakes $1,695.00 295-7261
after 5.

1962 Sunbeam Alpine, 55,000
actual miles, good condition.
Professor owned. Call 295-5545.