University of Virginia Library

Not Included

In addition to loss of viability
by failing to meet state needs, a
ceiling would seriously erode the
University's cosmopolitan character
which contributes substantially to
the openness of the University. This
quality makes the University
attractive to eminent faculty and
scholars. The "academic
excellences" which Mr. Shannon is
actively striving for, would be
negated by the restriction.
Therefore, the University would no
longer be viable in an academic
sense, too. This sacrifice is a price
too great to pay. So the University
expanded in deference to
out-of-state admissions.

Most students are not opposed
to growth per se, but would like to
see the imposition of "interim
suspension" on growth until
facilities are adequate. Mr. Shannon
side stepped this possibility by
saying that Admissions was unable
to control enrollment because a
federal court ordered the University
to coeducate, Student Council
requested greater admissions of
minority peoples and more
applicants accepted admissions than
expected. Simultaneously, facilities
were not expanded because the
General Assembly did not
appropriate capital outlay funds for
the current biennium and students
rejected his Lambeth Field proposal
in a referendum.