University of Virginia Library

Immediately Obsolete

Dear Sir:

University Hall became
immediately obsolete when our
varsity basketball team beat the
Blue Devils in their home 1969-70
season contest. As a Wahoo
enthusiast who wanted a good seat,
I had to go to U Hall an hour
before the freshman games started.
Even those who would be satisfied
with any bleacher vacancy still had
to be early. This was particularly
true of our games with Maryland
and South Carolina. Furthermore,
the announcer harassed students
into squeezing together so that the
frozen students in line outside
could be packed into our pride and
joy - the Sardine Can.

Increased enrollment merely
exacerbates the existing crisis. In
the Athletic Department's
deployment of the free enterprise
system, students are inferior
economic consumers. Students are
very much hurt by any decision to
limit their participation, the most
recent scheme included. Rape!
Next year, tickets will be rationed
out and, in 1973, students will be
selected randomly. The following
year, close circuit TV will be
installed around the Grounds. But
all will come to naught - for in
1975, the student appetite to see
Virginia play in person will be so
intense that it causes a state of war
and, ultimately, prohibition of

The wrath of unplanned growth
is upon us. Raze U Hall and rebuild

Robert Voit Ritter
College 4