University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I arrived at U Va. this summer
with great expectations. Coming
from a large urban university
where you couldn't leave a used
Kleenex, for fear of it being stolen),
I stepped, with great relief, into the
realm of the honor system. But, as
the old cliche says, "It just takes a

These few have relieved the
Biology Library of many books on
its reserve. A few of Dr. Garrett's
(Biochemistry) own books have
vanished after he kindly put them
at our disposal. Now, there could
be an ulterior motive for removing
the texts. Perhaps the individual
works for the publishers, for his
neat work necessitates in the class
purchasing these helpful books.
However, I intuitively feel he (or
she) is simply a self centered,
inconsiderate thief. Please return
the books!

Ronald R. Cohen
Grad. Arts and Sciences