University of Virginia Library

Gerard At Center

Conner, speculating on a
possible alignment for next season's
first-year men, cited Gerard as a
natural for the center spot because
he is "much stronger inside than
outside", thus freeing Graham and
Bonner for wing berths. He also did
not eliminate the possibility of a
rotating three-man front line.

Playmaking chores have been
assigned to Tulley, with the fifth
signee presumably his back-court
companion. Although Virginia only
allotted four grant-in-aids last year,
this year's total represents a goal
which the coaching staff has hoped
to achieve in recent recruiting

Earlier last week Virginia lost a
chance to nab one of the biggest
catches of all. Ferrum Junior
College ace Larry Robinson had
narrowed his decision about where
to play next year to Virginia and

He had been close to signing
with Virginia, probably due to the
high standard of competition in the
ACC and also the noted academic
reputation of the school.
Nevertheless, at the last moment.
Robinson was possibly dissuaded by
the chance for immediate success in
Tennessee's program, contrasted
with Virginia's rebuilding efforts,
and decided to go the way of the