University of Virginia Library


The obvious starting point was
the coeducated dorms. So, Watson
House became the target of my
attack. The fourth floor seemed as
good a starting place as any. When I
burst through the door into the
first suite, much to my surprise a
young man was sitting there alone
reading the liberal Washington Post.
Something was definitely up. The
first year man had obviously been
affected to be caught reading such a
controversial piece of literature.

Nothing "out of hand" was
going on so I sat down to rest for
just a moment. No sooner had I
done that than a girl walked out of
her room in a bathrobe. Let me
repeat that, a bathrobe! And in
broad daylight. What the hell was
going on? A quick interrogation
revealed that the girl lived there.
She invited me into her room when
I asked her if I could get her
opinion on some aspects of life at
Virginia. Imagine that, there I was
alone in a room with a very
attractive coed from Virginia. I was
just waiting for it to get out of
hand. Ah, but alas, we spoke on
topics such as housing, the
Mary-Munford - Gwathmey
situation and life here at college.
Time was moving on and I got the
feeling that maybe the next suite
was "out of hand." Politely
excusing myself, I moved on.