University of Virginia Library

Highly Unproductive

Finding the Alumni channels to
be highly unproductive, Mr. Mannix,
in a final effort to gain a
favorable response and achieve
some results wrote to Senators William
Spong and Harry F. Byrd Jr.,
as well as to Mr. Santarelli. As of
this date, Senator Spong has been
the only party to reply. In this
letter the Senator notes that no
general meetings of the Alumni
Club are to be held at the segregated
Country Club and that the
Executive Committee is seeking
another location for their meetings.
Senator Spong also mentions the
adoption of the resolution by the
Alumni Board as an indicator of the
good faith of the parties involved.

That is the extent of all correspondence
to this date. However,
further light may be shed on the
matter by relating the contents of
conversations held between the
manager of the Country Club and Mr.
Sullivan with this writer.