University of Virginia Library

Vote Today

Regrettably this fall's Student Council
elections have generated little interest, much
less any excitement. In years past we have
usually warned candidates on the last day of
the election to avoid mud slinging, smear
campaigns, or last minute "whisper" tactics in
efforts to swing deciding votes their way.
Now it seems that these elections can only be
characterized by their dullness.

We believe this to be unfortunate because
whoever finally emerges victorious after the
polls close will be responsible for many
decisions that have great bearing on the
direction of this University and the lives of its
students while they attend the University.
The winners could just become dead wood on
the Council or make much noise and little
sense during their tenure, but they could be
progressive leaders who by their actions and
work on the Student Council could help to
eliminate some of the problems that face the
University and launch sensible innovative
programs designed to benefit the bulk of the
students. A representative on the Student
Council is in a potentially powerful position.

Students should make a concentrated
effort to find out what and how much the
candidates are willing to do for the University
and its students while they serve on the
Council or in a position of leadership for the
Senior Class. They should by all means vote,
whether the issues, position, or candidates
appear lackluster or not. These students will
be determining student policy as your
representatives. While in office, their actions
will reflect on each individual student.