University of Virginia Library

Second Row

Jumping in the lineouts is Mike
Scheer. Club president Jay Waldron,
a teacher in the Nelson
County system, mans the other
second row position. Locker John
Pierson, a third year law student, is
a member of the Law Review.

Dwight Van Horne, at wing forward
paces the squad with a 3.8
scholastic average in his fourth
year. Dwight, a member of Phi
Beta Kappa, shows that ruggers are
not dumb creatures flinging themselves
at one another for a few
beers. Holding down the other wing
slot is Byron Shankman. "Train,"
so dubbed because of his ability to
carry players on his back while he
fights for tries, is attending law

Working the ball out to the
backline is serum half Wick
Williams. Sick the latter part of last
season with pneumonia, "West Virginia
Willy" is fully recovered and
ready to return to the pitch. Tom
Furniss, the field captain, is at fly.
Known for his "electric drop kick,"
Tom often is seen at post game
parties wearing a kilt.