University of Virginia Library


All Degree applicants who haven't
signed up for year book pictures,
come to the Corks and Curls Office,
5th floor, Newcomb Hall.

QUAKERS listen with cars of love.
Charlottesville Friends' Meeting.
Hope House Garrett St. Charlottesville
for rides, Info. 296-3876.

Anyone desiring to have linen may
sign up at the Echols Office. If you
live off ground, enjoy the luxury of
clean linen delivered weekly to
your door.

Organizational Meeting for all interested
in becoming Draft Counselors
Tuesday Sept. 29 at 8:00 PM Rm
4-A Newcomb Hall.

All off grounds linen service subscribers
are reminded to pick up
their initial linen set at the Echols
Basement Office. Mon. thru Thurs.
4-6 PM.

All University Notices must be in
this office no later than 12:00 AM
to appear in next issue.

FOUND: Teentime "beetle" watch.
Identify at Director's Office, Newcomb