University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

It is time for somebody to issue
an authoritative response to the
misinformation supplied to the
University community by the YAF.
As co-chairman of the Virginia
Moratorium Committee, I feel it
necessary to speak to their constant
lies. I have felt that in political
opposition in an academic community
a degree of integrity could
be maintained. The YAF: obviously
feels differently.

The YAF states that we "have
discussed the possibilities of disrupting
traffic on Main Street." A total
and absolute lie. We have discussed
the remote possibility of a march
from the campus to City Hall, but
at no time have we discussed the
desirability of such a disruption.
Rather, we have always emphasized
that the Moratorium is a "super liberal"
movement, and such a
disruption would work against this.
Our aim is to educate and convince,
not coerce or force. The leaders of
the YAF have a terrible time
keeping their meetings straight; the
quote "(the Left) has outgrown the
on-violence of the Quaker types . .
." was made at a Radical Student
Union meeting and is not a
statement from the Moratorium.
While the RSU is supporting the
Moratorium, so are various other
groups, including those notorious
radicals, the Quakers and several
Commie ministers. Really, the YAF
is certainly trying a bit too hard.
Ethics? Honor? Truth?

Secondly, in asking President
Shannon to cancel regular classes
on October 15, we are not asking
for a closure of the academic
community. Rather, we are asking
that for at least one day the entire
University dedicate itself to a
thorough search for peace in a
tragic nation. Whether this is done
by individual professional or by the
President, it is more "evil" or
"coercive" that the regular curriculum.
Perhaps it is just a reassertion
of the TRUE nature of an academia.
As Mason Gross, President
of Rutgers, has stated: "We ought
always, as a University community,
to examine and debate among
ourselves in the freest and fullest
way all the great problems . . . I ask
that on October 15, we at Rutgers
positively and dramatically demonstrate
the role of the University as
teacher, as guardian of civilized
values and as the critical and moral
intelligence which compels the
community to ponder its courses of
action . . ."

Thirdly, if the YAF wishes us to
infer from its statement that the
Moratorium will stop individual
students from attending classes if
they so wish, it is ludicrous in the
extreme. The idea deserves no
comment whatsoever.

Mr. Kwapisz states "the issue at
stake is not simply ending the war."
Sorry, sir, but it is. We have
sublimated other political aims and
differences and have joined united
to end this tragic and wasteful
conflict. If you are going to "sock
it to us," at least have some validity
in your bucket.

Finally, I ask all students,
faculty, administration, and members
of the community to actively
support the Moratorium on October
15th. (One way would be to
attend all meetings of the Moratorium
Committee and USA, where
workshops will be organized.) Putting
the war into the context of one
day, a person will have been killed
every four seconds. Is it too much
to ask for one day of true
dedication in the search for peace.
Going to physics or Latin or gym
will not do it. Perhaps this will.
Please, work for peace.

Chuck Wheeler
College III