University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Mr. Joel Gardners article concerning
the Radical Student and
other "pro-Marxist, irrational, ludicrous,
and anti-traditional" radical
left movements must be a study in
sour grapes. Or perhaps it represents
an attempt by Mr. Gardner to
reassert his conservative credentials
after posing as a liberal candidate
and still losing in last year's Student
Council elections?

The booklet that Mr. Gardner
discusses was written by two
members of the Union. However, if
Mr. Gardner had taken the effort to
attend the organizational meeting
(there were other members of the
Right there), he would have heard
Tom Gardner note that there's a
great difference in the group's views
- but we are united on the goals. I
for one, am not pro-Marxist,
Leninistic, etc. I don't even have a
sunburn. I reject much if not all the
rhetoric contained in the booklet;
however I subscribe completely to
the Union's goals.

Let us though examine Mr.
Gardner's other grossly inflated
charges. It might be noted that SDS
sparked last year's demonstrations
on the Grounds and were later
joined by many at the University. It
might also be noted that President
Shannon's Committee on Equal
Opportunity has agreed with many
of the protest's allegations. Problems
located by "pro-Marxists" do
not simply disappear for that
reason. Ludicrous and irrational?

But if all else fails, there's
always the Honor System i.e.
those who attack the Honor System
are bad and ridiculous. Hardly. Last
year it might be related that Mr.
Murdock ran on a revitalize the
Honor System platform and was
almost elected. It might also be
recalled that Mr. Murdock garnered
more votes in that election than Mr.
Joel Gardner could in the subsequent
election. Perhaps, people
don't think that revitalizing the
Honor System is absurd after all?
Only Mr. Gardner.

R.S. Goldberg
College 3