University of Virginia Library

Awaken, Students

Dear Sir:

The recent "coat and tie" demonstrations
and actions taken by the student
coalition have pointed out the obvious -
the University is a living, breathing and
flourishing anachronism in today's society.
When I first came to the University I was
imbued with the 'spirit' of traditionalism
and the honor code.

It was only after becoming a member of
the First-Year Committee and working with
the Student Council and the administration
that I came to realize that the University
and its ideals were completely fallacious.

I must admit, though, that I value the
education I am attaining here and have
come to have a rapport with several
professors. I was very surprised recently
upon hearing from one of my professors
that he felt he had no chance of getting
tenure or promoted in his department. He is
a "publishing" professor so I questioned
him as to why he felt this way. He replied
that his ideas in teaching and politics were
not commensurate with the full professors
in the department. I expect that he will
resign within the next two years because he
cannot compromise his principles and
beliefs. And he should not be required to do
that, either.

Power politics have no place in an
academic community. The fact that two
qualified and well liked teachers at the
University have obviously been forced to
resign by the administration serves as
evidence to this assumption of power
politics. Professors, as well as students,
should have no bans on what they are able
to think or say. For too long the
administration has acted on the principle of
in loco parentis and this prevention of
personal expression, as exemplified by these
two men, as well as Dean Canevari's notice
about demonstrations, ably served to the
demonstrators by members of the athletic
department, cannot and should not be
tolerated. I am personally against the use of
violence at any time, but I feel that the
student body should take some action to
save our rights to dissent. Sitting back at
this time can only serve, as Dr. England
stated, to "destroy the University."

Students, remove the blindfold the
University and the administration has
wrapped around you, and see what is really
happening here.

Arnold Jay Magid
College 3