University of Virginia Library

Replacement Stars

Ed McClung, inserted at 130
pounds in place of Captain John
Shurberg, demonstrated the wisdom
of that decision with a 13
victory over Carolina's Tom
Guthrie. McClung used an advantage
in strength and leverage
over his opponent in scoring numerous
takedowns which had the
crowd of 700 roaring in appreciation.

John Pegues, who dropped down
to 137 to replace Jamie Christopher,
also scored his first collegiate
triumph, a 5-3 win over John
Stacy of UNC. Pegues' victory
gave Virginia a 9-0 lead.

But in the 145 pound bout,
Carolina began to fight back. Virginia's
Chuck Wescott allowed a
7-2 lead to evaporate in the last
two periods and was fortunate to
salvage a draw with the Tar Heels'
Dave Barnes, 7-7.