University of Virginia Library

The Weekend Revisited

We hope we don't sound too "sophomoric"
again (although being labelled that
by a letter-writer last week made us feel
years younger), but we do want to congratulate
Mr. Blackburn and his team for
their rampage over Buffalo this past weekend.
Mr. Quayle was as skilled as ever,
and Mr. Arnette is perhaps the most pleasant
surprise of the season. While it's difficult
to single out others from such a well-working
team, guards Bob Buchanan, Chuck
Hammer and Mike Jarvis deserve special

Our compliments also go to the Rugby
Club, whose 14-0 rout over Richmond at
Nameless Field was a show more students
should have seen, and to the Polo Club,
for its 3-1 victory over Penn.

While athletic successes were welcomed,
perhaps the most memorable aspect of the
weekend was the long-overdue initiation of
the new dorm social rules. All reports
indicate the new visiting plan worked
smoothly, a justification of the trust the
Board of Visitors put in the student body.

Finally, the weekend marked the return
of green to the Lawn, a fact which the
residents who partied around its perimeter
Saturday and Sunday found cause to celebrate.

Although we still think it a pity first-year
men caught their first glimpse of a dusty
field, the Lawn looks better than ever,
and the new sprinkling system should fill
a definite need on those parched late summer
days. Our earlier criticisms were perhaps
a bit short-sighted, and we shall say no more.