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The Virginia Institute of Government, a component of the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, will:

• Develop a comprehensive training curriculum for local government officials, and broker the delivery of training through existing and new providers, including state and local agencies, colleges and universities, associations, and other organizations;

• Develop and maintain data and information relevant to state and local government and share this information with state and local governments via the information superhighway and other media;

• Gather and supply information to state and local officials on local government operations; and conduct applied research and offer technical assistance to state and local government officials.

The President will appoint a Committee to advise the Director of the Virginia Institute of Government. This Committee will

• Review and comment on workplans, research, and programs of the VIG, and on funding mechanisms, membership charges, and allocations of resources;

• Encourage participation by county, city and town governments in the VIG and its various programs;

• Provide information and feedback about the efficacy of the efforts of the VIG:

• Advise the University on the selection of the VIG's Director.

The Committee's members will include:

• Six from local governments (i.e., one municipal official to be nominated by the Virginia Municipal League, one county official to be nominated by the Virginia Association of Counties, one county and one municipal official to be nominated by the Virginia Local Government Management Association, one official to be nominated by the Virginia Association of Locally-Elected Constitutional Officers, and one official to be nominated by the Virginia Local Government Attorneys' Association). One of these persons will serve as Chair of the Committee.

• Eight members at large. The President will solicit advice from the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the Chairman of the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee before making these appointments. Members-at-large may be drawn from the Governor's Cabinet, current and former members of the General Assembly, and the public. This listing is not exclusive.

• Four members from other colleges and universities.

The Director of the Cooper Center will serve on the Committee ex officio with vote and without term.

Members will serve two-year terms, except that the first members appointed to serve after June 30, 1996, will be in two classes. The first class will serve a one-year term expiring on June 30, 1997, and the second class will serve a two-year term expiring on June 30, 1998. In this initial class, equal numbers will be appointed to one-year and two-year terms. Subsequent classes will be selected for two-year terms on or before June 30 of each calendar year.