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Albemarle County (Virginia.)

A hand book giving a description of its topography, climate, geology, minerals, fruits, plants, history, educational, agricultural and manufacturing advantages, and inducements the county offers the industrious and intelligent farmer and manufacturer

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Every effort is made to have our children trained to a
happy home life here at the school. Their associations
with the teachers are always pleasant and profitable. It
is recognized by all officers that the great object of the
school is to develop our children, mentally, morally and
physically. The introduction of lady teachers into the school
has had a most elevating and refining influence upon all the
pupils. Their work with our smaller boys is showing most
excellent results. Every pupil is trained to feel that this is
his home; that every officer is his friend, and is here for his
good. They are taught to be respectful and polite at all
times, while they, by kind and courteous treatment, are
made to feel free and easy in the presence of the officers. A
special feature of the school is a series of entertainments, to
which the pupils are invited in turn. The object of these entertainments
is to confer a pleasure upon the pupils by affording
them an agreeable recreation from the monotony of their
daily tasks, to bring teacher and pupil together and promote
cordial relations between them, and to cast about the latter a
refining, social influence. The entertainments occur upon
alternate Wednesday evenings, and to each are invited a certain
number of pupils, the officers and the ladies of the school.
On the appointed evening these assemble in the parlor; refreshments
are partaken of, and the evening is passed in games,
music and appropriate amusements. These entertainments


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have proved very successful, and, we feel confident, are destined
to exercise a highly beneficial influence upon the manners
and morals of the pupils of the school.