University of Virginia Library

November ye 8th.

Yesterday, to my great joy, came my beloved Cousin
Rebecca from Boston. In her companie also came the
worthy Minister and Doctor of Medicine, Mr. Russ, formerly
of Wells, but now settled at a plantation near Cocheco.
He is to make some little tarry in this Towne,
where at this present time manie complain of sickness.
Rebecca saith he is one of the excellent of the Earth,
and, like his blessed Lord and Master, delighteth in
going aboute doing good, and comforting both soul and


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bodie. He hath a cheerful, pleasant Countenance, and
is verie active, albeit he is well stricken in years. He
is to preach for Mr. Richardson next Sabbath, and in
the mean time lodgeth at my Uncle's House.

This morning the Weather is raw and cold, the
ground frozen, and some snow fell before sunrise. A
little time ago, Doct. Russ, who was walking in the
garden, came in a great haste to the Window where
Rebecca and I were sitting, bidding us come forth.
Soe we hurrying out, the good man bade us look
whither he pointed, and lo, a Flock of wild Geese,
streaming across the Skie, in two great files, sending
down, as it were, from the Clouds, their loud and sonorous
Trumpetings, “Cronk, cronk, cronk!” These
birds, the Doctor saith, do goe Northward in March to
hatch their Broods in the great boggs and on the desolate
islands, and fly back again when the cold Season
approacheth. Our worthie guest improved the occasion
to speak of the care and goodness of God towards His
creation, and how these poor Birds are enabled, by
their proper instincts, to partake of His bountie, and to
shun the evils of adverse climates. He never looked,
he said, upon the Flight of these Fowls, without calling
to mind the query which was of old put to Job: Doth
the Hawk flie by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings
toward the south? Doth the Eagle mount up at thy
command, and make her nest on high?


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