University of Virginia Library

I. General Physics.

Junior Class.—The Junior Class meets three times in each week.
The object of the course of lectures to this class is to furnish the student
with a comprehensive view of modern Physics, and to make him familiar
with its methods of investigation. With the design of laying a thoroughly
scientific basis for the course, a large space is given at the outset to the
discussion of the cardinal doctrines of motion, force, energy, and potential,
and to their simpler applications in the pressure and motion of visible


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With this preparation the student proceeds to the subject of Molecular
Physics, embracing Sound, Light, Heat, and Electricity. Throughout
the course the laws of motion and force are kept steadily in view, and an
attempt is made to exhibit the evidence, daily becoming stronger and
clearer, for the belief prevalent among scientists that the entire body of
Physics is a coherent and harmonious system of mechanical truth.

Text-books:—The Professor's Syllabus; Everett's Units and Physical Constants. For
—Treatises by Clerk Maxwell; Jamin; Daguin.

Senior Class.—This class meets thrice each week, and studies Mathematical
Physics and Theoretical Astronomy. The parts of Physics
studied are usually Sound and Light one session, and Heat and Electricity
the next. The members of this class spend from one to two months
in the Physical Laboratory.

Text-books:—Cummings' Electricity; Everett's Wave Motion; Glazebrook's Physical
Optics; Norton's Astronomy; Notes and Problems given by the Professor.

Candidates for graduation in Natural Philosophy are required to
attend only the foregoing classes.