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Intercollegiate and intramural athletics are under the supervision of the
Director of Athletics and his staff. The University is represented in intercollegiate
competition by both varsity and first-year football, baseball, basketball,


Page 21
track, cross-country, boxing, tennis, swimming and lacrosse teams. The athletic
plant is one of the finest in the South. Memorial Gymnasium contains three
basketball courts, a swimming pool, a track, boxing and wrestling rooms, and
adequate locker facilities. Scott Stadium, which seats 22,000 people, is regarded
as one of the most beautiful in the country. Lambeth Field has excellent facilities
for track and baseball. Twenty-two tennis courts and four practice fields
for mass games have been built near the Gymnasium.


There have been established at the University of Virginia Student Branches
of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1912), the American Society
of Civil Engineers (1921), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(1922), and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1934). These societies
hold regular meetings for the discussion of periodical literature and the
exposition by resident and visiting engineers of the present-day problems in
Engineering. A valuable feature of the meetings is the opportunity presented for
practice in public speaking and debate. At stated meetings the Branches hold
joint sessions for the discussion of mutually interesting questions.


In 1934 was established the students' Engineering Council with representatives
of the Student Branches and a Faculty advisor chosen by the Council.
This Council coördinates the activities of the student societies and plans in general
to advance the welfare of students in Engineering by every means within
the reasonable reach of the Department.


In May, 1921, a chapter of the National Honorary Engineering Fraternity
Tau Beta Pi was granted and the Alpha of Virginia Chapter of Tau Beta Pi will
henceforth serve to further inspire high scholarship and integrity. This fraternity
is recognized as the leading honorary engineering fraternity of this country
and its chapters are found in a limited number of engineering schools of the
highest standing. The members are elected with care and the standards maintained
are rigid both in respect to scholarship and character.


In June, 1923, a chapter of the National Engineering Fraternity of Theta Tau
was granted at the University of Virginia. This fraternity has chapters in a
score or more of the leading engineering schools of the country and membership
is eagerly sought and greatly appreciated by the members of the student body.
Elections are made each year based on scholarship and general record of ability
and promise of future service to the profession of engineering.


The Trigon Engineering Society was founded at the University of Virginia
early in the spring of 1923. It is a local organization which has for its object the


Page 22
broadening of the education of the engineering student by fraternal and social
contact and by encouraging lectures and study on subjects aside from those
dealing primarily with engineering. The society is active in the student affairs
of the department and is always ready to help in any undertaking for the betterment
of the Engineering School. Members are selected for their personality,
sociability, and promise of high engineering attainment.


On May 27, 1922, a charter was granted at the University of Virginia, creating
the Alpha Kappa chapter of the National Chemical Fraternity of Alpha Chi
Sigma. This fraternity recognizes high scholarship, character, and seriousness of
purpose in students specializing in chemistry and chemical engineering. As the
leading national fraternity in this field, it has 47 active college chapters, 10 professional
chapters, and six professional groups, serving to advance chemistry and
chemical engineering both scientifically and professionally. Among the regular
activities of the local chapter are the sponsoring of the annual Alpha Chi Sigma
lecture, the award of a membership in the American Chemical Society to the
outstanding student in chemistry and chemical engineering, and general assistance
to the faculty in the conduct of official functions.


A gift to the Department of Engineering from Messrs. Arthur P. Jones,
William Barham Jones (B.A. 1907) and Major Kenneth S. Jones (B.A., LL.B.,
C. E. 1915, Major U. S. A., Engineer Corps) in memory of their father, the late
Walter H. Jones, of Norfolk, Va., and of his deep interest in the University of
Virginia, in the form of an endowment fund has made it possible to provide a
considerable number of professional periodicals representing the various engineering
activities. A gift to the Department of Engineering from Mrs. Hamilton
Barksdale in memory of her husband, an alumnus of the Engineering Department,
specifically donated for the purpose of building up the department
library, has made possible much needed changes and additions to the library.


Oral Examinations are held at the beginning of each lecture hour on the
topics of the preceding lecture. Written test papers are set monthly, or at such
interval as the professor may appoint. Absences from lecture except by reason
of sickness are not excused without a written leave from the Dean. Class standing
is determined on the basis of the oral examinations and the written tests.
Absence from the latter or failure to answer incurs a 0 grade. Absences from
laboratory periods, however caused, must be made up by special private arrangement
with the instructor.

Written Examinations are held at the end of each term on the entire work
of that term. The result of examination combined with the student's class-standing
gives his term-grade. The pass-mark is 75 per cent. Absence from the
written term examination incurs a 0 term-grade, which may not be removed


Page 23
except by the passage of a special written examination on the work of that term.
Such special examinations are granted only upon presentation of a written certificate
from a reputable physician that the student by reason of sickness on the
day of the regular examination was unable to attend.

Regular Reports are sent out at the end of every term to the student's
parent or guardian. These state for each course followed the term-grade. Further
comment may be added by the Dean or the professor, if it appears probable
that such comment would be helpful to the student. Parents are urged to examine
these reports carefully and to exert such parental influence as may seem needed
to establish and confirm the student in habits of industry and order.

Special Reports are sent to parents at the end of each month for students
delinquent in attendance or studiousness and for delinquents only. When a
student is making steady progress and showing due diligence in his work, only
the regular reports are sent. The receipt of a special report is evidence that, in
the judgment of the faculty, prompt and pointed parental admonition is urgently

If in any class the Department of Engineering a student fails to make satisfactory
progress, he is first admonished by the professor in charge. In default
of prompt and permanent improvement, he is next formally warned by the Dean.
If due amendment is then not immediately effected, the student's name is
dropped from the rolls of the Department, on the ground that he is not accomplishing
the purposes for which he should have entered upon a University course
of study.


The following regulations, adopted to define the policy of the faculty, are
published for the information and guidance of the students:

1. Practice-courses as well as lecture-courses must be conducted under the
Honor System. The student who submits any work to be graded is considered to
submit it under pledge.

2. When the lecture-course and the associated practice-course are given in
the same term of the same year, no student will be admitted to examination on
the lecture-course until he has completed at least three-fourths of the practice-course.

3. No student will be admitted to any practice-course unless he is at the
same time pursuing the associated lecture-course, or has already received credit
for the same.

4. No student will be admitted to the graduating examination on a lecture-course
unless he has been present at more than half the lectures in that course.

5. In the technical courses in Engineering (i. e., courses not given in the
College) term-grades shall not be averaged; except that the term-grades for
Freshmen Applied Mathematics may be averaged for the first-year men only,


Page 24
provided no mark is below 65, and term-grades in Freshman English, Freshman
Mathematics, Sophomore Mathematics, and Sophomore Physics may be averaged,
provided a grade of 75 or higher be made in the third term of the course with
no grade below 65 in the first and second terms of the course.

6. The pass-mark in every course is 75. Class standing and written examination
are combined for the term-grade in such proportions as the several professors
may determine.

7. No student who fails to make 75 on term-grade shall be granted another
examination on the course until he has again attended lectures on that course.

8. A student who fails a second time on any course will be allowed to attempt
the course for a third time only by special permission of the faculty; a
third failure in a course will prevent such student from acceptance as a degree
candidate here in engineering.

9. Special examinations are not given except by reason of sickness on the
day of examination, attested by the written certificate of a reputable physician, or
for other like providential causes. In every case they must be validated by special
vote of the faculty.

10. Any engineering student who fails to attain a passing grade of 75 on at
least 9 term-hours will be placed on probation for the following term, probation
to continue until at least 9 term-hours are passed in one term. No engineering
student shall remain on probation for more than three terms, whether consecutive
or not, in his entire engineering course. If probation is imposed a fourth
time the student shall be suspended.

11. Any engineering student on probation who fails to attain a passing
grade of 75 on at least 6 term-hours and whose average grade on all courses
taken is less than 65 will be suspended. Any engineering student who passes less
than 6 term-hours and whose average grade on all courses taken is less than 65
will be suspended. Suspension during a session continues for the remainder of
the regular session. Suspension imposed at the end of a session holds for the
whole of a subsequent session, except that such suspension may be absolved by
the successful completion of prescribed work in the Summer Quarter. No engineering
student suspended for a second time shall re-enter the department.

12. The Dean's List.—A student, who in any successive three terms, passes
on all courses taken, aggregating not less than 18 session-hours, with an average
grade on all courses of not less than 82 per cent, will be placed on the Dean's
list. A student, who, in any successive three terms, passes on all courses taken
aggregating not less than 18 session-hours, but who does not average 82 per cent,
and who, in any subsequent term, passes on all courses taken, aggregating not
less than 18 term-hours, with an average grade on all 18 term-hours of not less
than 82 per cent will be placed on the Dean's List. A student will be automatically
dropped from the Dean's List, if, in any term, he does not pass on all
courses taken, aggregating not less than 18 term-hours, with an average grade on


Page 25
all courses of not less than 82 per cent. A student dropped from the Dean's List
will be again placed on it if he meets the above mentioned standard for a term.
A student on the Dean's List is not subject to the regulations limiting the issuance
of leaves of absence from the University, nor does absence from any class
entail on such student any penalty, affecting class standing, imposed for absence
alone. Students on the Dean's List must attend all laboratory classes and must
perform all written problem work and take all written quizzes under the same
conditions as all other students.


The Drafting Rooms are abundantly lighted and are provided with solidly
constructed tables with locked drawers for instruments and materials. Each
student is assigned to a table and has a drawer for his exclusive use. The regular
Drawing Classes execute each one plate a week under the supervision of the
Instructors in Drawing. The more advanced students have such additional drawings
assigned by their respective professors as are needed for the full development
of the courses of study.

Careful attention is given to the training of the students in free-hand lettering,
in the conventional signs of mechanical drawing, in the proper layout of
drawings, and in neat and accurate execution. Exercises are required also in
tracing and in blue-printing, the rooms for which are conveniently arranged and
in close contiguity to the drafting rooms. A vertical blue-printing machine with
arc lamp, complete with trays, has recently been procured and installed. While,
however, technical dexterity is demanded, the graphical method is taught and
used primarily as an indispensable instrument of research, the thoughtful mastery
of which is essential for the instructed Engineer.

The construction and theory of the Polar Planimeter, the Slide Rule, and
the Pantograph are carefully taught, and the student is trained in the practical
use of these appliances for the rapid and accurate production of estimates and
copies from finished drawings.


Roads Materials Laboratory.—The apparatus for tests of non-bituminous
road materials includes a two-cylinder Deval abrasion machine, a ball mill, a
moulding press for briquettes of rock dust, a Page impact cementation tester, a
Page impact toughness tester, a rock crusher and a Purdue brick rattler. This
outfit the University owes to the generous aid of the late Dr. Logan Waller
Page. In addition, the Department has acquired a 40,000-pound compression
tester, a diamond core drill, a diamond rock saw, a grinding lap, a Westphal
balance, specific gravity apparatus, and a complete set of sieves. Useful researches
in the road-building rocks and gravels of Virginia, as well as the standard
tests, are conducted each year by the class in Civil Engineering.

The apparatus for tests of bituminous road materials includes the New
York Testing Laboratory penetrometer, the Kirschbaum ductility machine, the
Engler viscosimeter, the asphalt viscosimeter, the New York Testing Laboratory
extractor, the New York State Board of Health oil tester, Hubbard pyknometers,
asphalt flow plates, gas and electric hot plates, and the accessory apparatus
needed for research on bituminous road-binders.


Page 26

Structural Materials Laboratory.—The Sinclair Laboratory for work in
testing structural materials was founded on the original donation of Mrs. John
Sinclair, of New York City, as a memorial to her late husband. The collection
has since been considerably enlarged. It contains a Riehle 100,000-pound machine,
arranged for tensile, compressive, and transverse tests, with an attachment for
taking autographic diagrams; an Olsen 100,000-pound machine and fitted with
a suspended ball compression block; a 200,000-pound Olsen machine suitable for
compressive tests and also supplied with extension arms for making transverse
tests of beams; an Olsen torsion machine of 50,000 inch-pound capacity; an
Olsen impact-testing machine of 100 foot-pounds capacity; three machines of
rotating beam type for fatigue tests of metals; Shore scleroscope; a Ewing
machine for finding the modulus of elasticity; hand machines for testing rods
and wires under pull, and small specimens of timber and cast iron under transverse
loads. It is also equipped with accessory measuring instruments; these
include a Riehle extensometer, an Olsen compressometer for metals and timber,
an Olsen special strain gauge extensometer, an Olsen special extensometer, Olsen
wire extensometers, a Ewing extensometer of great delicacy, and tools for
shearing tests of metals and timber.

Cement Laboratory.—The laboratory is completely equipped for making
tests of cement, cement aggregates, and concrete. It contains a Fairbank's tensile
tester of 1,000 pounds capacity; a compressometer for concrete specimens;
Riehle dial compressometer for concrete specimens; Riehle dial compressometer-extensometer
for specimens up to 3-inch diameter; tools for shearing tests of
concrete; an Olsen steaming oven for accelerated tests; a Freas electric drying
oven with automatic temperature regulation; moist air closets; sieves for mechanical
analysis; moulds for tension and compression tests; and the required
small apparatus.

Fuel and Oil Laboratory.—For the determination of the heating value
of coal, petroleum, etc., the laboratory has an Emerson bomb calorimeter. For
gas and liquid fuel calorimetry, a Junker calorimeter made by the American
Meter Co. is used. The equipment also includes two electric muffle furnaces, a
Freas electric drying oven with automatic temperature regulation, sample crusher
and grinder, a Brown high resistance pyrometer, balances, platinum crucibles,
etc. For investigating lubricants, the laboratory is equipped with such apparatus
as flash and chill point testers, hydrometers, viscosimeters, etc., used in the
determination of the physical properties of oil.

Hydraulics Laboratory.—The laboratory equipment for work in hydraulics
comprises a steel tank for weir experiments with interchangable bronze
notches; a hook gauge for measurement of surface levels; a stand-pipe provided
with a set of standard bronze orifices for experiments on efflux; commercial
pipe and elbows arranged for determining friction losses; Gurley current meter;
and the necessary scales, tanks, manometers, etc. It also includes a pump which
is piped to circulate water from a cement cistern to a tank in the attic of the

Additional equipment of this laboratory is a motor driven centrifugal pump
with a capacity of 350 gallons per minute at 100 feet head, equipped with a
Venturi meter and the necessary piping, valves and gauges to provide for complete


Page 27
performance tests on the pump. This unit also supplies water at constant
pressure for the other hydraulic tests. Recently added were a motor driven
centrifugal pump with a capacity of 300 gallons per minute at 500 feet head,
and a Pelton wheel manufactured by the Pelton Wheel Company expressly for
laboratory use.

Power Laboratory.—The laboratory is equipped to illustrate the theory
involved in Mechanical Engineering; to give practical instruction in the handling
of machinery; and to teach the fundamental methods of experimental work. It
contains a Ball high-speed engine; a De Laval turbine with condensing and noncondensing
nozzles, which is direct-connected to a 20-kva. alternating-current
generator; an Otto gasoline engine with a special piston for alcohol; a White
and Middleton 12 HP. Engine (gasoline or illuminating gas); two Liberty
aeroplane motors; a Wheeler surface condenser to which the exhaust from any
of the steam units may be connected; a Sturtevant engine and blower; an air
compressor; an A. B. C. Pitot tube; a steam pump; steam traps, etc. For boiler
tests, the boilers of the University Heating and Lighting Plant are used. The
work of this laboratory has been facilitated by the recent installation of a
Wickes 50 horsepower three drum bent tube boiler designed for a working pressure
of 150 pounds. This boiler supplies steam to the laboratory and also affords
excellent opportunities for boiler tests.

The instrument room contains all necessary apparatus for carrying out complete
tests. Among this may be mentioned indicators, thermometers, gauges,
planimeters, with standards for their correction and calibration; two types of
Orsat apparatus; separating and throttling calorimeters, etc.


The outfit of field instruments contains compasses, transits, and levels of
various approved makes; a solar transit, furnished also with stadia wires and
gradienter for tachymetric work; a Gurley mining transit, one of the finest
products of the instrument maker's art; a complete Gurley transit, graduated
to 30 seconds, with solar attachment; hand-levels and clinometers for field topography;
plane tables; a sextant; together with an adequate supply of leveling
rods, telemeter rods, signal poles, chains, tapes, pins, and so on. For hydraulic
surveys a hook gauge and a current meter are provided. All students are instructed
in the theory and adjustments of the field instruments and in their
practical use in the field. They are also required to make up their field-books
in standard forms; to reduce their surveys and execute all the necessary profiles,
plans and maps; and to determine lengths, areas, and volumes both from the
maps and from the original notes. Polar planimeters are provided for facilitating
such estimates, and a pantograph for making reduced copies of finished drawings.
A set of Beggs' Deformeter apparatus is available for use in the work of
Bridge Design.


The Scott Laboratory of Electrical Engineering.—This laboratory was
initially equipped and endowed by Mrs. Frances Branch Scott, of Richmond,
Va., as a memorial to her late son, an alumnus of this University. During the
year 1910 the equipment was substantially increased through the generosity of


Page 28
the Hon. Charles R. Crane, of Chicago, Ill., a friend of the University. In recent
years a large number of new machines, measuring instruments and pieces of
auxiliary apparatus have been purchased. Improvements are constantly being
made and items of equipment added. As a result the laboratory is now well supplied
with the best modern equipment.

Power is supplied to the laboratory from the University distribution system
through a transformer vault located in the building. There is also installed a
motor generator set consisting of a synchronous motor driving an alternator and
a three-wire direct-current generator. A complete three-panel switchboard for
the control of this set is equipped with the necessary instruments and includes
an automatic voltage regulator for the alternator. Power is carried from the
switchboard to distribution panels located at convenient points. Universal plug-and
receptacle-connections facilitate the setting up of all experimental combinations.

For the machine testing there are available several direct-current motor
generator sets with automatic control; numerous series, shunt and compound
motors and generators; synchronous and induction motor driven generator sets;
high voltage direct-current generator; steam turbine driven three-phase alternator
with exciter and control switchboard; two experimental test sets for
alternating current single or polyphase generator operation; single-phase induction
motor; single-phase repulsion-induction motor; two-phase induction
motor; three-phase squirrel cage induction motors of the general purpose, high
reactance and double cage types; wound rotor induction motors; induction generator;
wound rotor induction motor set for concatenation; Fynn-Weichsel
synchronous induction motor; frequency changer set; synchronous motors; rotary
converter; arc welding generator set; constant potential transformers; constant
current transformer; polyphase transformer; induction regulator; mercury arc
and thermionic rectifiers; a number of different types of A. C. and D. C. fractional
horsepower motors; prony brakes for all motors; adjustable resistances,
inductances and capacitances.

The instrument room is unusually well equipped with all of the types of
high grade portable meters required for the laboratory tests, including frequency
and power factor meters, watthour meters, synchroscopes, tachometers,
instrument transformers, recording voltmeters, ammeters and wattmeters.

For testing and calibrating the portable instruments and for more precise
work in electrical measurments there are available a set of laboratory standard
instruments with standard shunts and resistances; standard cells; standard condensers,
inductances and resistances; galvanometers of the best modern type
and numerous other pieces of apparatus of the highest precision such as the
Wolff potentiometer, Siemens and Halske-Thomson double bridge, Carey-Foster
bridge, Koepsel permeameter, Fahy simplex permeameter and others.

For experiments in illumination and photometry there are a Station photometer
with Lummer-Brodhun screen, a Macbeth illuminometer, General Electric
and Weston portable foot-candle meters.

Equipment for the study of communication and power transmission includes
a complete artificial transmission line; an adjustable frequency test oscillator;
bridge; vacuum tube voltmeter-ammeter; representative pieces of modern telephone
equipment including two central office ringer sets; equipment for the study
of vacuum tube performance; model network distribution system; all with the
necessary auxiliary apparatus.


Page 29

The laboratory is equipped with three oscillographs which are available for
the study of wave forms and transient phenomena. Two of the oscillographs are
of the latest portable type—one a six element and the other a one element. All
are complete with the necessary accessories for both visual observation and
photographic recording.


For convenience in the supply of chemicals and accessories, facilities for
chemical engineering laboratory work are provided principally in the Chemical
Building. In addition to individual research rooms, approximately 2,000 square
feet of floor area exists in the chemical engineering laboratory located in the
recently completed addition to the Chemical Building. This room is provided
with water, air, and electrical outlets of suitable capacity, floor drainage, and
a pit giving extra headroom for special apparatus. Plans are in preparation for
equipping this laboratory. Additional facilities exist at the University Power
House, where semi-plant scale absorption equipment has been installed for the
experimental treatment of flue gas.


The buildings at present devoted wholly or in part to the work of the Department
of Engineering are the following:

The Mechanical Laboratory is the main seat of the instruction in technical
studies. It is 180 by 70 feet and contains on the main floor the Dean's office
and the offices of three other professors; and three lecture-rooms.

Above are two offices, a reading room for students, and blue-print and photographic
rooms. Below on the ground floor are an office and classroom, the
electrical laboratories, the testing laboratories, apparatus and storerooms, and
the student's lavatory. In order to more adequately care for increased numbers
this building has undergone a considerable rearrangement during recent years.
Wood and machine shop equipment has been entirely removed from the building.
This change made available much needed classroom space and allowed the
electrical laboratories to be expanded. Incident to the changes new cement floors
were constructed for the Road Materials Testing Laboratory, the main testing
Laboratory and the main hall. A new high-pressure steam line from the Power
House was also installed.

The New Power House is a single story building 130 by 60 feet, in which
is housed the University heating plant. The equipment includes two 310 horsepower
Heine water tube boilers, equipped with single retort stokers of the underfeed
type, supplied by the Combustion Engineering Corporation, two Babcock
and Wilcox boilers (Stirling type) fitted with underfeed twin-retort Detroit
stokers, two steam and two electrically driven circulating pumps, low pressure
heaters, etc. Provision has been made for the future installation of two steam
turbine generator sets for the supply of electric current to the University buildings.
The entire plant is available for instructional purposes.

Plants available for inspection both locally and elsewhere throughout the
State include the Bremo Bluff and other generating stations of the Virginia
Public Service Company, numerous chemical plants, the Langley Memorial
Aeronautical Laboratory, Hampton, the Newport News Shipyard, the Norfolk


Page 30
Navy Yard, the Rothwell Cold Storage and Ice Company's plants in Charlottesville
and Waynesboro, the Norfolk and Western Railway shops and the works of
the Virginia Bridge and Iron Company at Roanoke, the Charlottesville Woolen
Mills, etc. Visits of several days' duration are organized to distant points and
are made to coincide, if possible, with some event of more than usual interest,
such as the launching of a cruiser at the Newport News Shipyard, the visit of an
airplane carrier to Hampton Roads or the sea trials of a passenger liner.

The Geological Museum is 120 by 50 feet. It is a three-story building.
The main floor is devoted to the very extensive geological collection of specimens,
charts, relief maps, and so on. The gallery above contains an equally good
collection of minerals and numerous models of typical crystallographic forms.
The upper floor contains the lecture-rooms and the laboratories of Economic
Geology. In the basement are stored subsidiary collections and new material
accumulated in more recent geological surveys.

The Physical Laboratory faces the Mechanical Laboratory on the opposite
side of the quadrangle, and has almost the same proportions. The main floor
contains the lecture-room, the professors' offices, the laboratory of experimental
physics, and the storeroom for the very large collection of apparatus used in the
lectures. On the ground floor is the laboratory of theoretical electricity, the
storage battery room, a well-equipped shop for the repair and manufacture of
apparatus, and smaller rooms for the work of graduate students.

The new Chemical Laboratory was opened for use in September, 1917.
In this fire-proof structure all the work in Chemistry is assembled. The floor
area provided is about 45,000 square feet. The lecture-rooms seat classes of
300, 75 and 25 students. The laboratories assigned to General Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Physical Chemistry
contain 110, 60, 40, 30, and 20 desks. Altogether by dividing classes into
sections, 600 students may be accommodated. Smaller private laboratories are
provided for research workers. Large stock rooms communicating by elevators
with the several floors contain ample stores of chemical supplies. The 5,000
volumes of books and bound sets of journals constituting the Departmental
Library of Chemistry are so housed as to be accessible to both teachers and


Construction is now under way for a new center of engineering instruction
at the University of Virginia. Upon completion of the building program, at the
opening of the session of 1935-1936, the present center for engineering instruction
will leave the Mechanical Laboratory and be wholly cared for in the new engineering

In general this new group will consist of three interconnected buildings
forming a U-structure approximately 300 feet on each side, and enclosing a grass
court about 150 feet square. The buildings are designated as Buildings A, B and
C, and they are to conform in architectural characteristics with the University
group as a whole with the emphasis in this group placed upon the arcade rather
than the colonnade motive.


Page 31

The site selected affords ample ground and provides a most attractive setting
and outlook. The buildings are being erected on Observatory Road to the west
of Clark Hall, the Law Building, and not far from the Scott Stadium, giving a
fine outlook in all directions.

Building A, the main unit, will be of three stories. The basement will house
the laboratories of Hydraulics, Cement, and Fuel and Oil Testing, each in a separate
laboratory; general locker space for 300 and lavatories with several storage
rooms complete the basement. The first floor will provide the office suite for
teaching staff, with eleven offices, small lavatories, faculty conference room, two
class-rooms seating 75, four seating 40, and three seating 25. The second, or top,
floor is to be occupied by two large drawing rooms with two smaller ones for
advanced work; a fine library and reading room with librarian's office, two other
offices for instructors and a blue-printing room.

Building B will be a one-story structure devoted to the Strength of Materials,
Steam and Gas Power, and Road Materials Testing, each in its separate
quarters; an instrument room for surveying equipment with office for the instructors
is included as well as office and storage rooms for the testing laboratories;
a student lounge room will be provided on a mezzanine gallery level.

Building C will be of two stories. The ground floor houses the electrical
laboratory equipment, in a large main machinery laboratory with separate laboratories
for communication, illumination, and standardization work; transformer
room, battery room, and dark room completing the set-up with an instrument
room and office for the instructing staff. The upper floor will provide a metallurgical
laboratory, a demonstration machine shop, and wood shop, tool room,
repair shop, and a large laboratory for aeronautical apparatus, with office and
lavatory. The repair shop will be connected by elevator with the lower floor to
facilitate handling machinery needing repairs.

The opening of this group for service in September, 1935, will supply facilities
of a modern character long needed here to make possible the best training in
engineering, so far as physical plant is concerned, that the University has ever
been able to offer. The well-known rigid disciplines of the formal instruction
will hereafter be adequately supplemented by physical equipment conveniently
and substantially installed without crowding.

It is expected that the experimental equipment and fixtures will be very considerably
increased over the existing ones by the time the group is ready for
opening. Great care has been taken to supply the best lighting facilities for all
rooms and intercommunicating telephones will offer rapid communication between
all offices in the group. More complete details with regard to the buildings
and the new equipment will appear in the catalogue for next year.

A fair idea of the finished appearance of the new group is given by the
architects' drawing depicted near the front of this catalogue.


Page 32


The subjects of Instruction in Engineering are grouped into classes, each
designated by a distinctive number for each term, the lecture and laboratory
courses being likewise differentiated. This grouping follows the arrangement
shown below:

Humanities  1 to 99 
Mathematics  100 to 199 
Physics  200 to 299 
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  300 to 399 
Geology  400 to 499 
Applied Mathematics  500 to 599 
Experimental Engineering  600 to 699 
Civil Engineering including Field-work  700 to 799 
Mechanical Engineering including Aeronautics  800 to 899 
Electrical Engineering  900 to 999 

Lecture courses are listed in the first fifty numbers of all classes; laboratory
or practice courses are listed in the second fifty numbers of all classes. The same
numbers are used in schedules of lecture hours, laboratory periods and examination


1-2-3: English:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.
2:30-5:30, M.

First term: Composition, with frequent themes and parallel reading in scientific
literature. Second term: The short report and letter writing. Third term;
The composition of technical papers with especial reference to the long report.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Dutcher.

7-8-9: Business Speaking:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

This course is intended to fit engineers for effective speaking in the modern
business world. It includes the principles of persuasive speaking, various types
of business talks, radio and telephone speaking, and a detailed treatment of the
personal conference. This training is required of all Juniors. (Fall, Winter,

Associate Professor Paul and Mr. Seward.

10-11-12: Economics:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

First and second terms: Survey of the principles of economics. Third term:
The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions. Instruction
will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports, and discussions. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Optional course, for all except Chemical Engineering students, in place of
which a 3-session-hour course in Modern Language (40-41-42), French, German,
Italian or Spanish may be taken.

Professor Snavely, Associate Professor Hyde, Mr. Graves and Mr.


Page 33

13-14-15: Commercial Law:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A detailed study of the fundamental and important, rather than the technical,
principles of those subjects of which knowledge is necessary in ordinary commercial
transactions. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) Optional for Government (16-17-18)
or History (31-32-33).

Associate Professor Hulvey and Mr. Williams.

16-17-18: Government:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A description and comparison of the principles and essential features of the
governments of the United States, England, France, Germany, and Switzerland,
with especial emphasis on the characteristics of the American Constitutional
system and the operation of Congressional government. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)
Optional for Commercial Law (13-14-15) or History (31-32-33).

Associate Professor Spicer.

21-22-23: Cost Accounting:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

First term: Theory and practice in General Accounting. Second and third
terms: Application of accounting principles to various types of manufacturing
and engineering enterprises. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Barlow, Mr. Dandelake and Miss Newman.

26: Engineering Economics and Specifications:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures, parallel reading and written work dealing with the economic considerations
involved in engineering problems and specifications for engineering
structures. Special emphasis is placed upon the general problem of economic
selection of methods, machinery and apparatus in the several engineering fields.
Qustions of first cost, depreciation, rates for service, etc., will be treated. Complete
specifications are required from each student, subjects being chosen particularly
from the special field of study of each individual student. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

31-32-33: History:

A college course in history to be chosen by the student and approved by the
Faculty of Engineering. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) Optional for Commercial Law
(13-14-15) or Government (16-17-18).

34-35-36: Elective:

A graduate-year humanistic course chosen from Philosophy, Architecture,
Fine Arts, or other subject approved by the Faculty of Engineering. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

40-41-42: Modern Languages:

8:30-9:30 or 9:30-10:30 or 12:30-1:30,
M. T. W. Th. F.

A college credit course in modern language chosen between French, German,
Italian and Spanish and upon approval of the student's major-subject professor.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.) An optional course, for all except Chemical Engineering
students, which may be taken in place of Economics (10-11-12). Chemical Engineering
students are required to take German for two years.

Professor Graham, Associate Professor Rinetti and Assistant Professors
Mohr and Woody.


Page 34

43-44-45; German:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A course in second-year German required of students in Chemical Engineering
in their Junior year. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Faulkner, Associate Professor Wood and Assistant Professor


100: Trigonometry:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A complete course in plane trigonometry is pursued with constant drill in the
solution of problems, equations, identities, and exercises in the use of logarithms.

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Edwards, Mr. H. B. Daniel and Mr. Rutherfoord.

106: Analytical Geometry and College Algebra:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

In this course Cartesian and polar coördinates are presented and applied to
the study of the straight line, the circle, the parabola and the ellipse. About one-third
of the time is spent on related topics in college algebra. (Winter.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Edwards, Mr. H. B. Daniel and Mr. Rutherfoord.

107: Analytical Geometry and College Algebra:

8:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

This course is a continuation of course 106. The topics studied are the
hyperbola, transformation of coördinates, the general equation of the second
degree, systems of conics, tangents and polars, and problems on loci. The study
of college algebra is continued. (Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. Edwards, Mr. H. B. Daniel and Mr. Rutherfoord.

108: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A first course in the differential calculus. The topics studied are limits,
differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications to geometry,
elementary kinematics and mechanical problems, parametric equations, polar
equations, differentials and curvature. (Fall.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. G. K. Carter and Mr. Payne.

109: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A first course in the integral calculus. A study of the process of integration
with applications. (Winter.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. G. K. Carter and Mr. Payne.

110: Calculus:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

The topics studied are the theorem of mean value and its applications, series,
expansions of functions, partial differentiation and multiple integrals. (Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. G. K. Carter and Mr. Payne.

111: Differential Equations:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

An elementary course in differential equations with particular reference to
the differential equations of electrical engineering. (Fall.)

Professor Oglesby.


Page 35

158-159-160: Mathematics Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, W. F.

This course is conducted in conjunction with 108-109-110. It consists of an
intensive, supervised study of calculus problems. (Fall, Winter, and Spring.)

Professor Oglesby, Mr. G. K. Carter and Mr. Payne.


200-201-202: Sophomore Physics:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

250-251-252: Physics Laboratory:

9:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

An elementary course in general physics consisting of lectures, lecture
demonstrations, recitations and laboratory exercises. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Brown and Assistants.


300-301-302: General Chemistry:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

350-351-352: Chemistry Laboratory:

11:30- 1:30, T. Th. S.

The fundamental principles and phenomena of inorganic, organic, and physical
chemistry, and the foundations of analytical chemistry. Most of the time is
devoted to inorganic phenomena. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Richardson: General Chemistry; Carter: Laboratory Course in
General Chemistry;
Long and Anderson: Chemical Calculations.

Professor Carter, Dr. Bell and Assistants.

303-304-305: Chemical Principles:

8:30-9:30, T. Th. S.

353-354-355: Quantitative Analysis Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

Two hours of lecture per week are devoted to chemical principles, as an
intermediate course designed to bridge the gap between general chemistry and
physical chemistry, the principles touched upon during the first-year course are
restated and treated from a more advanced viewpoint.

The accompanying laboratory course is designed to introduce the theory and
practice of volumetric and gravimetric methods of analysis, including an introduction
to electroanalysis. Nine hours per week, including one demonstration or
recitation on the technique and theory of quantitative analysis. (Fall, Winter,
Spring.) (Not given after session 1934-35.)

Professor Yoe and Assistant.

309-310-311: Organic Chemistry:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

359-360-361: Organic Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, W. F.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, including the
application of modern chemical theory to such compounds and their reactions.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.) (Not required after session 1935-36.)

Professor Bird and Assistants.

312-313-314: Organic Chemistry:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

362-363-364: Organic Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

An introductory study of Organic Chemistry. Typical reactions are discussed


Page 36
largely around questions and problems which illustrate chemical principles and
reaction tendencies. Intrinsic influencing factors, conditions and the mechanisms
of reactions are stressed. The laboratory work: An experimental study of unit
processes and the control of reactions by imposed conditions. A thorough study
of the textbook is called for in connection with every experiment. Parallel reading.
3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week. (Fall, Winter,
Spring.) (Required beginning session 1935-36.)

Textbooks: Bird: Typical Reactions of Organic Compounds; Laboratory
and Groggin's Unit Processes for parallel study.

Professor Bird and Assistants.

315-316-317: Qualitative Analysis:

8:30-9:30, T. Th.

365-366-367: Qualitative Analysis Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. or Th.

Chemistry 300-301-302 and 350-351-352 prerequisite.

A course devoted to the study of systematic qualitative analysis. In the lecture
work special emphasis is given to the theoretical foundations of analytical
chemistry. 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week. (Fall, Winter,
Spring.) (Required beginning session 1935-36.)

Textbooks: Noyes: Qualitative Chemical Analysis; Engelder: Calculations
of Qualitative Analysis.

Professor Yoe and Assistants.

318-319-320: Quantitative Analysis:

Lecture by appointment.

368-369-370: Quantitative Analysis Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 315-316-317 and 365-366-367 prerequisite.

An introductory course in volumetric and gravimetric methods of analysis.
9 hours per week, including 1 lecture or recitation on the technique and theory of
quantitative analysis. (Fall, Winter, Spring.) (Required beginning session

Textbook: Fales: Inorganic Quantitative Analysis.

Professor Yoe and Assistant.

321-322-323: Physical Chemistry:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

371-372-373: Physical Chemistry Laboratory:

2:30-5:30, T. Th.

Chemistry 303-304-305 or 315-316-317 prerequisite, as well as some knowledge
of the Calculus and previous training in Physics.

An introductory study of atomic structure theory, kinetic theory and the
principle of the conservation of energy form the foundations of the study of
gases, liquids, solids, solutions and rates of reaction. A brief study of the direction
of chemical change is then followed by the consideration of homogeneous
and heterogeneous equilibria. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Taylor: Elementary Physical Chemistry; Daniels, Mathews and
Williams: Experimental Physical Chemistry.

Professor Benton, Assistant Professor Spencer and Assistant.

324-325-326: Principles of Chemical Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 321-322-323 prerequisite.

A course designed to give the prospective chemical engineer a thorough


Page 37
foundation in the unit operations. Regularly taken in the fourth year. Practice
in the application of the principles involved is given by the solution of numerous
type problems in which quantitative treatment is emphasized. Attention is first
devoted to a detailed study of flow of fluids and flow of heat, since these topics
are fundamental in the subsequent development of unit operations in Chemical
Engineering. These subjects are followed by evaporation, humidification, drying
and distillation. Facility is developed in the stoichiometry of chemical industry.
Plant inspection trips are made from time to time. Lectures and recitations, 3
hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Walker, Lewis and McAdams: Principles of Chemical Engineering;
Badger and McCabe: Elements of Chemical Engineering; Perry:
Chemical Engineers' Handbook.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

327-328-329: Advanced Chemical Engineering:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Chemical Engineering 324-325-326 prerequisite.

Regularly taken in the graduate year by candidates for the Ch. E. degree.
The subjects of distillation and drying are treated in more detail than in the
preliminary course, while the additional subjects of filtration, absorption, and extraction
are taken up. Further practice is had in applications of calculus to the
solutions of problems in these fields. Principles in the flow of fluids and flow
of heat are used in solving problems of more advanced character. Recent developments
in Chemical Engineering are studied. Lectures and recitations, 3
hours a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Walker, Lewis and McAdams: Principles of Chemical Engineering;
McAdams: Heat Transmission.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

340-341-342: Applied Chemistry:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Chemistry 309-310-311 or 312-313-314 and 321-322-323 prerequisite.

The lectures and recitations in this course are devoted to the study of fundamental
principles underlying the more important phases of industrial chemistry,
including both theoretical and economic problems. A considerable amount of
collateral reading in descriptive industrial chemistry is assigned, and written
reports involving use of the literature are required. Better appreciation of the
quantitative relationships existing in the applications of chemistry is gained
through problem work paralleling the lecture material. A number of plant inspection
trips are arranged during the year. Lectures and recitations, 3 hours
a week. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Textbooks: Badger and Baker: Inorganic Chemical Technology; Lewis and
Radasch: Industrial Stoichiometry; Riegel: Industrial Chemistry.

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

374-375-376: Chemical Engineering Laboratory:

The student demonstrates to himself essential features of the unit operations
of chemical engineering, by constructing and testing with his own hands
suitable apparatus for the illustration of principles in the parallel classroom
work. Under minimum supervision, he plans, builds, and tests such equipment as
orifices and other measuring apparatus, fluid flow devices verifying Fanning's


Page 38
equation, apparatus for determination of heat transfer coefficients in the more
common cases, model vacuum pan sufficient to demonstrate the ordinary relationships
of evaporation, and packed columns for the absorption of gases in liquids.

The primary object of this course is to teach the students how to obtain
the data necessary for the interpretation of the unit operations in chemical
engineering. It is inevitable that at the same time, he gains a clearer understanding
of these operations, as well as facility in shop work and the use of his
hands, the preparation of working drawings, and the reduction of his results
to writing in the form of an acceptable report. Whether the apparatus is particularly
efficient, or even practicable from a production standpoint, is not regarded
as important at this stage.

The students work in small groups in order to make better use of the time,
and the results obtained by each group are made available to all through dependent
problem work in the classroom. 6 hours per week. (Fall, Winter,
Spring.) (This course will be required beginning 1936.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

383-384-385: Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Research:

Opportunity is afforded undergraduate students to obtain an introduction
to research methods in problems pertaining to chemical engineering. As a rule
the course is open to those who are taking the major portion of their work in
senior subjects, and who have had or are taking Chemical Engineering 324-325-326.
A minimum of nine hours per week for one term is required in the laboratory,
and it is expected that normally the students will continue the work through
the entire session. (An elective course for those having the time to apply to it.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

386-387-388: Chemical Engineering Research:

This course is designed for candidates for the Ch. E. degree and affords an
introduction to research methods. Fundamental problems are selected, whenever
possible, from the field of greatest interest to the student. The method of attack
is in general to reduce the selected problem to laboratory scale leading to the
collection of basic data susceptible of definite interpretation, rather than to attempt
investigations on commercial equipment which usually yield empirical results.
The use of the chemical literature as an aid in conducting investigations
prefaces and accompanies the laboratory work, as well as practice in the mathematical
and graphical treatment of the data obtained.

The preparation and submission of a satisfactory thesis marks the completion
of this course, and is a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Ch. E.
degree. Two copies of the thesis, typewritten on paper of prescribed quality and
size, and substantially bound, must be deposited in the office of the Dean of the
Department of Engineering not later than May 15 of the year in which it is expected
that the degree will be conferred. The back of the cover must bear the
title of the thesis and the writer's name, and the title page must bear the words:
A thesis presented to the Engineering Faculty of the University of Virginia in
candidacy for the degree of Chemical Engineer.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Hitchcock.

Advanced Courses: A number of advanced courses in Chemistry, not
listed above, are described in the catalogue of the College. When time permits,


Page 39
students in Chemical Engineering, who are properly prepared, may take such
of these courses as are approved by the Faculty of Engineering.

The Chemical Journal Club will meet once a week (hour to be arranged)
for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest in current
chemical literature and of such chemical researches as are in progress in the
University. All members of the teaching staff and advanced students in chemistry
are expected to participate in these meetings and to take part in the discussions.


400-401-402: Engineering Geology:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

450-451-452: Field and Laboratory:

6 hours a week.

Fundamental principles of dynamical and structural geology for first term
with Professor Roberts; minerals and rocks for second term with Assistant Professor
Pegau; and building stones and ores for third term with Professor Nelson.
The laboratory work is devoted to the interpretation of topographic and
structural maps, the principal building stones and their mineral content and
properties, field trips, the use of the plane table in topographic mapping, and
geologic mapping.

Professors Nelson, Roberts, Assistant Professor Pegau and Assistant.


521: Plane Surveying:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Theory, uses, and adjustments of compass, level, transit,
and stadia. Special methods of land, city, topographic and mining surveys.
Survey computation and maps. (Fall or Spring.)

571: Field course: Practical use of chain and tape, level, compass,
transit and stadia. Field notes, records and reports. 6 hours a week.

Professor Saunders and Assistants.

522: Mechanical Drawing:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lecture course: Principles of lettering; use of instruments and drawing
equipment; geometric constructions; orthographic projection; sectional views
and commercial conventions; free-hand sketching; pictorial representation;
principles of dimensioning; detail and assembly drawings; commercial practice.
(Fall or Winter.)

572: Practice course: The students execute a series of drawings, applying
the principles acquired in the lecture course, in pencil and ink, on paper and
tracing cloth. 6 hours a week.

Associate Professor Hesse and Assistants.

523: Descriptive Geometry:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F. Winter

10:30-11:30, M. W. F. Spring

Lecture course: Orthographic projection; point, line and plane fundamentals;
intersections; developments and applications. (Winter or Spring.)


Page 40

573: Practice course: The students execute a series of drawings, applying
the principles acquired in the lecture course to problems selected from various
branches of engineering. 6 hours a week.

Associate Professor Hesse and Assistants.

524: Graphical Statistics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lecture course: Graphic composition and resolution of forces; centers of
gravity and moments of inertia; strain sheets for simple types of roof and
bridge trusses; beams under fixed and rolling loads; reservoir dams and retaining
walls; internal stresses and beam deflections. (Winter.)

574: Practice course: Each student executes a weekly plate 15″×20″ of
problems based on the lectures. 6 hours a week.

Professor Saunders, Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. W. L. Davis, Jr.

525: Structural Drawing:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lecture course: Graphic analysis of steel and timber trusses for roofs
and bridges; of solid beams and plate girder bridges; and of reinforced concrete
slabs, girders, columns, and retaining walls. (Spring.)

575: Practice course: Design and detailed drawings of simple examples
of roofs and bridges, with complete computations for each structure. 6 hours
a week.

Professor Saunders, Associate Professor Hesse and Mr. W. L. Davis, Jr.

526: Elementary Mechanics:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Lecture course: Composition and resolution of forces; friction; problems
in equilibrium; rectilinear motion, circular motion, projectile motion. (Spring.)

576: Practice course: Solution of weekly problems in mechanics by
graphical and analytical methods. 6 hours a week.

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. Copper.

527: Applied Mechanics:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Review of elementary mechanics; dynamics of a particle; moments of inertia;
revolving bodies; rolling bodies; theory of work and energy; collision
of elastic solids; dynamics of the Steam Engine.

Weekly problems are assigned for solution by graphical and analytical
methods. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. Hahn.

528: Strength of Materials:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Fundamental laws of stress and strain; straining actions and stresses in ties
and struts, beams and shafts, reinforced concrete slabs and girders; deflections
in simple, restrained and continuous girders; columns under axial and eccentric
loads. Laboratory courses 661-2-3. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. G. K. Carter.

529: Hydraulics:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

Equilibrium of fluids, applied to the analysis and design of thin and thick


Page 41
shells and pipes, dams and weirs. Motion of fluids and discharges from orifices,
weir notches, pipes, canals, and rivers. Principles of linear and angular momentum
with applications to the analysis and design of hydraulic motors and pumps.
Laboratory course 680. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Payne.

Laboratory studies in Strength of Materials and Hydraulics are given in the
Classes in Experimental Engineering.

530: Machine Design: (For Electrical Course.)

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lecture course: Materials and methods of Machine Design; friction, lubrication,
plain, roller and ball bearings; positive and friction clutches; belt, rope
and chain transmission; gearing and commercial speed reducers; riveted and
screw fastenings; fits, shafts; flywheels; machine frames. (Spring.)

580: Practice course: Application of principles studied in the lecture
course to problems of particular interest to the Electrical Engineer. Design,
re-design, selection and layout of equipment. 6 hours a week.

Associate Professor Hesse.

581: Engineering Design: (For Chemical Course.)

7 hours a week.

Machine and structural elements; elementary graphic statics; applications
of mechanics to problems of power transmission, conveying and materials handling.
The course is planned to teach students to attack problems of design in an
orderly manner. The major portion of the work is individual, and is done in
the laboratory, with one lecture each week on design and application. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Hesse.


Lectures are given to explain the origin and manufacture of materials, the
design and operation of equipment, methods of conducting the tests and the
calculation of the desired results from the data taken in the laboratory. The
work is done principally in the laboratories where special emphasis is laid upon
(1) a thorough understanding of the problem to be undertaken, (2) accuracy
in carrying out the investigation, (3) the presentation of the results in a report
which must meet the standards of professional practice.

650: Road Materials Testing:

6 hours a week.

Standard tests of Portland cement. Samples of stone are tested for specific
gravity, absorption, cementing value, toughness, resistance to abrasion, and compressive
strength. Asphalts and tars are tested for specific gravity, penetration,
melting point, volatilization, viscosity, flash point, fixed carbon. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson.

661: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

Tests of cement, timber and metals. A course for Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers, similar to 662 and 663 but arranged so as to cover all of the work
in one term. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Watkins.


Page 42

662: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

Tests of sand; tests of fine and course aggregates; proportioning of concrete;
compression tests of concrete and mortar, with measurements of deformation;
tests of reinforced concrete beams; construction of forms for concrete.
For Civil Engineers. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson.

663: Structural Materials Testing:

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 662. Tests of wires; tension, compression and torsion
tests of metals; tranverse tests of metals and timber; determination of the
Modulus of Elasticity of metals; autographic testing; impact tests of metals;
fatigue tests; hardness tests. For Civil Engineers. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Watkins.

670: Fuel and Oil Testing:

5 hours a week.

Standard methods of sampling coal; proximate analysis of coal; determination
of the heating value of coal by the bomb calorimeter, with a study of the
cooling correction; the heating value of gas by the Junker calorimeter; determination
of heating value of liquid fuels; determination of specific gravity,
flash and boiling points, chill point, viscosity, carbon residue, and emulsification
value of oils. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson, Mr. G. K. Carter and Mr. Hahn.

680: Hydraulic Testing:

5 hours a week.

The measurement of the flow of water by means of orifices and weir notches;
determination of the coefficient of friction for pipe and pipe elbows; study
of a piston water meter; tests of large and small Venturi meters; performance
tests of piston and centrifugal pumps; measurement of stream velocity and discharge
by means of current meter. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. W. L. Davis, Jr.

690: Power Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

The calibration and adjustment of gauges; calibration of themometers, planimeters,
pyrometers, and indicators, flue gas analysis; steam quality tests; valve
setting; determination of clearances; tests of steam boilers; tests of a steam
engine. For Mechanical and Chemical Engineers. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Montgomery.

691: Power Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 692. Complete tests of a gasoline engine; complete
tests of a steam engine; tests of a steam turbine with a study of methods of
correcting to standard conditions. The Power Test Code of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers used. For Mechanical Engineers. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson.

692: Power Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

Continuation of Course 690. Tests of an air compressor; tests of a blower;
complete tests of a centrifugal pump, and other assigned tests. For Mechanical
Engineers. (Spring.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Montgomery.


Page 43


701: Curves and Earthwork:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on simple circular, compound, reverse, transition and vertical
curves. The form of excavations and embankments, earthwork surveys, computation
of volumes, formation of enbankments, computation of haul, cost of
earthwork, blasting. Practical problems covering work of lecture course. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders and Mr. Donnally.

703: Highway Engineering:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

A study of highway economics, administration, legislation and organization.
The principles of highway location, surveying, mapping and design. The construction,
maintenance and characteristics of earth, sand-clay, gravel, and broken
stone roads. A study of bituminous materials. The construction, maintenance
and characteristics of bituminous macadam, bituminous concrete, asphalt, cement-concrete,
wood-block, brick and stone block pavements. Sidewalks, curbs
and gutters. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

705: Bridge Engineering:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of bridge stresses, the design and construction of selected types of
steel bridges. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

708: Water Supply:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A study of the elements of public water supply systems covering such
topics as quality, quantity, methods of collection, conveyance, purification, and
distribution of water. Text study is supplemented by the assignment of numerous
problems of a practical nature. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.

709: Sewerage and Sewage Treatment:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

A preliminary study of sewerage systems and methods of sewage treatment.
This course covers estimates of sewage quantity and the design of sewage collector
systems; a study of sewage disposal by dilution; and studies of sewage
treatment by tank, filtration, and other standard methods. The lecture course
is paralleled by the assignment of appropriate practical problems. (Spring.)

Professor Saunders.

715: Materials of Construction:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A descriptive study of the properties, characteristics and manufacture of the
materials used in engineering structures. Problems in estimating quantities and
costs. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Henderson and Mr. Ellis.

718: Masonry Structures:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the theory of reinforced concrete design. The design and construction
of selected types of masonry structures. Practical exercises in design
together with structural drawing. (Spring.)

Professor Saunders.


Page 44

720: Structural Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

An advanced course in the design and construction of engineering structures
of steel and masonry. The student will be required to design, detail and prepare
completed drawings of selected structures. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.

721: Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

The design, construction and operation of water supply and sewage systems.
The student will be required to make complete designs and prepare all necessary
plans and specifications. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders.

722: Sanitary Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A study of water purification and sewage disposal. The design, construction
and operation of water purification works, and sewage disposal plants. The student
will be required to make complete designs and prepare all necessary plans
and specifications. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

723: Structural Engineering:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Continuation of course 720. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders.

725: Civil Engineering Research:

This course will be devoted to intensive study and research planned to accord
with the student's individual choice of major topic of study in the graduate year.

Professor Saunders.


751: Railroad Surveying:

9 hours a week.

This course supplements 701, Curves and Earthwork. The class is divided
into squads, each squad making complete surveys, maps, profiles, and estimates
for a mile of located line. (Fall.)

Professor Saunders and Mr. Donnally.

755: Bridge Drafting:

12 hours a week.

This course accompanies 705, Bridges. Each student is required to make
complete design and detail drawings of one plate girder and one selected type of
bridge truss. (Winter.)

Professor Saunders and Associate Professor Hesse.


800: Elementary Thermodynamics:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

Physical units and their measurement. Properties of the permanent gases, of
steam, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Laws of thermodynamics. Fuels and combustion.
The transformation of heat into mechanical work and the production of
cold. The generation of steam. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse and Mr. Copper.


Page 45

801: Elementary Applied Thermodynamics:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

An introduction to the design and performance of stokers, boilers, and boiler
auxiliaries, steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines, and refrigerating
plants. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse and Mr. Copper.

802: General Thermodynamics:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Energy transformations. Laws of thermodynamics. Changes of state. Entropy
and availability. Thermodynamic properties of gases and vapors. Power
cycles for gases and vapors. Refrigeration cycles for gases and vapors. Fluids in
motion. Thermodynamics of the steam engine, steam turbine, and Diesel engine.
Theory of the combustion of fuels. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

803: Power Plants:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Factors affecting location and design of power plants. Economics of power
production. Costs and rate making. The Diesel plant. Hydro stations. Cycles
and heat balances of the Rankine, regenerative, reheating, and binary vapor types
of power plants. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

804: Heating, Ventilation, and Refrigeration:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Principles of the heating and ventilation of factories, offices, and other public
buildings. Air conditioning and humidifying. The manufacture of ice and solid
carbon dioxide. The storage and transportation of perishables. The production
of very low temperatures. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

805: Steam Generators:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Modern boiler design and fuel burning equipment. Economic considerations
governing plant location and capacity. The use of high-pressure steam. Boiler
corrosion and boiler plant embrittlement. Control of smoke and dust, and ordinances
pertaining thereto. By courtesy of the Virginia Public Service Company
students have access to the Bremo Bluff generating station on the James River.

Professor Macconochie.

806: Steam Turbines:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Types of modern steam turbines and their application to land and marine
practice. The economy of the isolated station versus purchased power. Nozzle
flow and results of research on the properties of steam. Opportunities will be
offered for the study of industrial power plants and for keeping in touch with
current development in the power field. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

807: Diesel Engines:

12:30-1:30, M. W. F.

Design and performance of modern Diesel engines. Their application to industrial,
marine, and locomotive service. Fuel injection and combustion. The
gas turbine. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.


Page 46

808: Steam Power Plants:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Study of the steam boiler-turbine-condenser unit. Functional relationship
of steam plant equipment. Heat transfer computations. Combustion and combustion
equipment. Feedwater heating and treatment. Pumping problems. Selection
of piping. Piping systems. Electrical equipment and layout. Instruments
and meters. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

811: Machine Design:

12:30-1:30, T. Th. S.

The application of basic principles to the design of simple machine elements.
Toothed wheels. Screw and worm gearing. Cams. Transmission systems. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Hesse.

812: Theory of Machines:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Kinematic chains and linkages. Simple machines. Mechanisms possessing
some particular geometrical property. Higher and lower pairs. Velocities and
accelerations in mechanisms. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

813: Metallurgy:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

The extraction of metals from their ores, with special reference to the manufacture
of iron and steel. The theory of alloys. Heat treatment of metallic
bodies. Corrosion and its prevention. Measurement of temperature in industrial
operations. Testing and inspection of metallurgical products. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

815: Elementary Mechanical Technology:

Fall and Spring, 11:30-12:30, W.

Winter 2:30-3:30, W.

An introduction to preparatory and manipulative process. The production
of castings. Machining, forging, rolling, stamping, and wire drawing. The elements
of welding. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Macconochie and Mr. Lucas.

820: Mechanism:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A study of the action and design of selected machines. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

821: Mechanics of Machinery:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Dynamics of rotating bodies. Critical speeds and vibrations. Balancing.

Professor Macconochie.

822: Engineering and Industrial Processes:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

A study of the technique of industrial operations as afforded by local industries,
e. g., textiles, silk, furniture, velvet, electric ranges, etc. Considerations
governing plant location. Community surveys. (Spring.)

Professor Macconochie.

826: Industrial Management:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

Organization and location. Layout, design and construction. Transportation.


Page 47
Heating and ventilation. Standardization. Fatigue. Human relations. Operation
studies. Wage plans and incentives. Budgeting and purchasing. Inspection and
production control. Costs. (Fall.)

Professor Macconochie.

827: Industrial Management:

8:30-9:30, M. W. F.

This is a continuation of 826, developing a broader emphasis in the field of
industrial planning, problems of unemployment and the influence of industrial
economics on the growth of social well-being. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

830: General Aeronautics:

10:30-1130, M. W. F.

An introductory course including a brief history of the subject; a complete
nomenclature and explanation of the various parts of both heavier-than-air and
lighter-than-air craft; theory of flight; use of the controls; construction; stability;
engine development and present design; future possibilities; civil and military
aviation; Department of Commerce Rules and Regulations. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

833: Aerodynamics:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Aerodynamic theory involving consideration of circulatory and vortex flow.
Induction and its effects. Theory of wing sections; of complete wings. Application
of wing theory to multiplanes, propellers, ground effect, etc. Mechanics of
airplane stability and control. (Fall.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

834: Airplane Structures:

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Typical airplane structures. Layout to satisfy assumed performance requirements.
Determination of center of gravity. Preliminary performance calculations.
Study of airworthiness requirements of the U. S. Department of
Commerce, establishing critical loading conditions. Analysis of forces in truss
structures, Design of spars, torque tubes, struts, and ties. (Winter.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

835: Airplane Structures (Concluded):

9:30-10:30, M. W. F.

Materials employed in construction of airplanes; their characteristics and
uses. Combined stresses. Statically indeterminate structures. Fused, brazed, glued,
riveted, and bolted connections. Design of fittings and joints. (Spring.)

Assistant Professor Morse.

836: Airplane Design:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Continuation of design begun in course 834. Three-view layouts with details.
Power plant selection and installation. Technique of experimental methods of
checking designs. The student completes design drawing of a plane designed
to give specified performance in the degree of completeness as required by the
airworthiness requirements for aircraft of the U. S. Department of Commerce.

Assistant Professor Morse.

860: Engineering Drawing:

6 hours a week.

Design of simple elements of machines such as screws, bolts, nuts, keys and
cottered joints, riveted joints and connections, pipes and pipe joints, shafts and


Page 48
shaft couplings, clutches, bearings and supports, thrust blocks, engine details.

Associate Professor Hesse.

863: Metallography of Iron and Steel:

3 hours a week.

This is a practice course involving the study of the structure of pure metals,
of cast iron, wrought iron and steel. Thermal critical points, their cause and
effects. Hardening and tempering. Annealing and case hardening processes.
Special and alloy steels. (Winter.)

Professor Macconochie.

867-868: Engineering Design:

7 hours a week.

In this course the student will be offered an opportunity of preparing an
original design of a machine tool, pump, or other device to required specifications.
1 hour of lecture per week will be given. (Fall and Spring.)

Associate Professor Hesse.


Senior students in Mechanical Engineering are required to make a three-day
inspection trip to the Tidewater area of Virginia (or other selected region)
for the purpose of visiting the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, the
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., the Norfolk Navy Yard, the
James River Bridge, and the Reeves Avenue Power Station. This is usually
organized during the Spring Term.

Professor Macconochie.


900: Elements of Electrical Engineering:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Lectures treating fundamental principles of Electrical Engineering; basic
ideas and fundamental units discussed; magnetic circuits and continuous electric
currents treated in detail; electromagnetism carefully studied. Special attention
is given to the physical conceptions involved, and numerous assigned
problems exemplify and broaden the theoretical discussions. 3 hours per week
of supervised problem work. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

901: Direct Current Machines:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on the theory, construction, characteristics, and operation of direct
current generators and motors and the necessary apparatus required for
the proper management and control of these machines. The principles of testing
such machines are carefully discussed. Problems illustrating the methods of
calculation involved in continuous current circuits and practical examples from
standard engineering practice form an important part of the work. 3 hours per
week of supervised problem work. (Winter.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

902: Periodic Currents:

11:30-12:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on electrostatic phenomena, variable currents, alternating currents,


Page 49
and alternating current circuits, both single and polyphase. A careful study is
made of circuits with periodic currents and their characteristics when resistance,
inductive reactance and capacity reactance are present in their various combinations.
Extensive problem work is required to facilitate the treatment of simple
and complex circuits. 3 hours of supervised problem work per week. (Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

903: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

Lectures on balanced and unbalanced polyphase circuits and power measurements
followed by the treatment of theory, construction, characteristics, and
operation of synchronous alternating current generators. The principles of testing
such apparatus under various conditions of loading are discussed, and assigned
problem work illustrates the theory and practice. 3 hours per week of
supervised problem work. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

904: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903. The lectures treat more particularly
transformers, synchronous motors and parallel operation of alternating current
generators. Methods of testing are outlined and graphical methods of calculation
and predetermination of operating characteristics are discussed. Problems
taken from engineering practice serve to broaden and fix the theoretical deductions.
3 hours per week of supervised problem work. (Winter.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

905: Alternating Current Machinery:

10:30-11:30, M. W. F.

This course is a continuation of 903-4. Lectures deal with the theory, construction
and operation of rotary converters, induction, series, and repulsion
motors. Problems are solved to clarify the theory. 3 hours of supervised problem
work per week. (Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

906: Illumination and Photometry:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on light, its physical properties; illuminants and their characteristics;
shades and reflectors; photometry, standards and apparatus; illumination
calculations for point and surface sources; principles of interior, exterior, decorative,
and scenic illumination. Problems illustrating computations necessary
for the consideration of the Illuminating Engineer are assigned. (Winter.)
Optional for Electronics (920), or Electric Traction (907), only one given in
any year.

Professor Rodman.

907: Electric Traction:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures on the various types of electric motors for traction purposes, controllers
and systems of control, brakes, rolling stock, track, train performance,
and electric railway economics. A discussion with problems of the complete
electrification system for electric railways, including generating apparatus, transmission,
sub-stations and equipment, distribution, and utilization of electrical
energy for car propulsion. (Winter.) Optional for Electronics (920), or Illumination
and Photometry (906-956), only one given in any year.

Professor Rodman.


Page 50

910: Direct Current Systems:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures dealing with the fundamentals of electrical circuits and direct current
machinery. Problem work accompanies the lectures. The course is essentially
for the non-electrical engineering students. (Fall.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

911: Alternating Current Systems:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

Lectures covering the fundamentals of alternating current circuits and machinery.
Brief expositions of the subjects of electric lighting and power fundamentals.
For non-electrical engineering students. (Winter.)

Professor Rodman and Mr. L. R. Quarles.

916-917-918: Advanced Alternating Current Machinery:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A more detailed study of advanced character dealing with alternating current
machinery under abnormal conditions of service with attention to the more
refined problems involved. Optional for Electric Communication (940-941-942),
only one given in any year. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Rodman.

920: Electronics:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A course of lectures dealing with the general subject of electronics, its developments
and applications. (Winter.) Optional for Illumination and Photometry
(906-956), or Electric Traction (907), only one given in any year.

Professor Rodman.

925: Electric Transients:

9:30-10:30, T. Th. S.

A course dealing with transients as they are encountered in varied electric
circuits with both lumped and distributed constants; an introduction to the operational
method as applied to electrical circuit theory. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller.

930-931-932: Electric Power Transmission:

10:30-11:30, T. Th. S.

A study of the problems involved in modern electric power transmission.
Treating the inductance and capacity of lines, aerial and underground; corona;
steady state solutions for short and long lines; consideration of stability power
limits and factors entering into the operation of complete power systems. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller.

940-941-942: Electrical Communication:

11:30-12:30, T. Th. S.

A course dealing with the general subject of electrical communication of
intelligence by wire and wireless telegraph and telephone with emphasis on the
theoretical details of the subject. Treatment of the various mechanisms and
circuits utilized with particular reference to the vacuum tube engineering. (Fall,
Winter, Spring.) Optional with Advanced A. C. Machinery (916-917-918), only
one given in any year.

Professor Rodman.


Page 51


950-951: Direct Current Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 900-1. The laboratory work is devoted to a study
of electrical instruments, their use and manipulation; simple electrical circuits
and study of direct current apparatus and its operation; characteristics of generators
and motors. (Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. G. K. Carter.

953-954-955: Alternating Current Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 902-3-4-5, dealing with measuring instruments for
alternating current circuits; series and parallel circuits and their characteristics;
polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced; and alternating current generator,
motor and transformer characteristics. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. G. K. Carter.

956: Photometric Laboratory:

2 hours a week.

This course accompanies 906. Photometric tests are made upon different types
of incandescent lamps. The operating characteristics of incandescent and arc
lamps are studied. Tests of illmuination, interior and exterior, are carried out.
Study of photometric standards and devices. (Winter.)

Associate Professor Miller.

960-961: Electrical Laboratory:

5 hours a week.

This course supplements 910-11. The work of the first term is devoted to
direct current tests; the second term exercises are on alternating current circuits
and machines. (Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller and Mr. G. K. Carter.

966-967-968: Advanced Electrical Machinery Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

This course supplements 916-17-18. Special tests are carried out with emphasis
upon original work by the student. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Associate Professor Miller.

975: Transient Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 925. It deals largely with oscillographic study of
illustrative transient circuit phenomena of varied types. (Fall.)

Associate Professor Miller.

980-981: Electrical Power Transmission Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 930-1-2 and dealing with certain phenomena encountered
in transmission circuits as they may be subjected to test on artificial
lines. (Winter, Spring.)

Associate Professor Miller.

990-991-992: Electrical Communication Laboratory:

4 hours a week.

A course supplementing 940-1-2 and devoted to various special tests of communication
circuits and apparatus. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

Professor Rodman and Associate Professor Miller.


Page 52


In the Summer School at the University of Virginia it has been possible
for some time to procure many of the non-technical courses required in the
engineering curricula, such as Chemistry, Physics, Commercial Law, Economics
and the Modern Languages. In the Summer School of 1935 there will be given
the following courses as they are given in the regular session: Mathematics
100-106-107 and 108-109-110 with 158-159-160. In addition at least two courses in
Mechanics will again be offered from the three 526, 527 and 528. If there be a
sufficient demand Mechanical Drawing, 522-572, and Descriptive Geometry, 523573,
will be given.


Page 53


All courses 
All except Chemical 
[2] English 1-2-3  [2] Calculus 108-9-10  [2] Calculus 108-9-10 
[2] Math. 100-106-107  [2] Physics 200-1-2  [2] Physics 200-1-2 
[2] Chem. 300-1-2  Engrg. 800-801-526 or  [2] Org. Chem. 312-13-14 
[2] Ap. Math. 521-2-3  Engrg. 811 with 860-830-526
(for M. E. only) 
[2] Qual. Anal. 315-16-17 
[2] Field-work 571 
El. Mech. Tech. 815  Com. Law. 13-14-15 or 
Govt. 16-17-18 or 
Hist. 31-32-33 
L. F. $45  L. F. $15
for M. E. $20 
L. F. $40 
Junior  Senior  Graduate 
Chemical  [2] Org. Chem. 309-10-11  Chem. Engrg. 324-5-6  Cost. Acct. 21-2-3 
[2] Phys. Chem. 321-22-23  [2] Org. Chem. 309-10-11  Ad. Chem. Engrg. 327-8-9 
German 43-4-5  [2] Elec. Sys. 910-11  Ap. Chem. 340-1-2 
Engrg. 800-801-526  Ap. Math. 715-x-529  Engrg. Econs. and Spec. 26 
[2] Exp. Engrg. 690-680  Elective 34-5-6 
[2] Design 581  [2] Chem. Engrg. Research 
L. F. $50  L. F. $50  L. F. $25 
Civil  Business Speaking 7-8-9  Cost. Acct. 21-2-3  [2] Eng. Geol. 400-1-2 
Ap. Math. 527-[2] 4-[2] Ap. Math. 715-528-x  [2] Elec. Sys. 910-11 
C. E. 701-3-529  [2] Exp. Engrg. 662-3-80  Engrg. Econs. and Spec. 26 
[2] Exp. Engrg. 650  C. E. 708-9-5-18  Elective 34-5-6 
Econs. 10-11-12 or  [2] Bridge Drafting 755  Option: C. E. 720-23 or 
Mod. Lang. 40-1-2  C. E. 721-22 
Ry. Field-work 751  C. E. Research 725 
L. F. $25  L. F. $25  L. F. $15 
Electrical  Business Speaking7-8-9  Cost. Acct. 21-2-3  E. E. [2] 930-1-2 
Ap. Math. 527-[2] 4-[2] 30  Ap. Math. 715-528-529  Option: E. E. [2] 906 
E. E. 900-1-2  [2] Exp. Engrg. 670-61-80  or 920 or 907 
Math. 111  [2] E. E. 903-4-5  Engrg. Econs. and Spec. 26 
[2] E. E. Lab. 950-1  [2] E. E. Lab. 953-4-5  [2] E. E. 925 
Econs. 10-11-12 or  Options: [2] E. E. 916-17-18 
Mod. Lang. 40-1-2  or [2] E. E. 940-1-2 
Elective 34-5-6 
L. F. $20  L. F. $30  L. F. $30 
Mechanical  Business Speaking 7-8-9  Aeronautics 833-4-5 or  M. E. 805-6-7 
[2] Ap. Math. 527-[2] 4-[2] Cost Acct. 21-2-3  M. E. 820-21-22 
M. E. 802-3-8  Ap. Math. 715-528-529  M. E. 826-27 
[2] Exp. Engrg. 670-690-92  Exp. Engrg. 691-61-80  Engrg. Econs. and Spec. 26 
Econs. 10-11-12 or  M. E. 812-[2] 13-4 or 836  Elective 34-5-6 
Mod. Lang. 40-1-2 or  [2] Elec. Sys. 910-11 
Cost Acct. 21-2-3  [2] M. E. Design 867-8 
L. F. $25  L. F. $40  L. F. $00 

Starred courses involve laboratory work or quiz or supervised problem work.

L. F.—Laboratory Fees.


Page 54


C—lectures per wk. S-H—session
L—hrs. of practice per wk.  S-H  M. W. F.  T. Th. S. 
Freshman  English (1-2-3)  4½  12:30-1:30  2:30-5:30, M. 
Math. (100-106-107)  4½  9:30-10:30  8:30-9:30, T. Th. S. 
Gen. Chem. (300-301-302)  10:30-11:30  11:30-1:30, T. Th. S. 
Ap. Math. (521-522-523)  10:30-11.30  8:30-10:30, M. W. F. 
El. Mech. Technology (815) F. W. S.  11:30-12:30, W.
Field-work (571)  6 h. a w. Fall or Spring 
Sophomore  Com. Law (13-14-15) or Govt. (16-17-18)  11:30 or 9:30 
or History (31-32-33)  11:30-12:30 
Math. (108-109-110)  11:30-12:30  2:30-5:30, W. F. 
Phys. (200-201-202)  9:30-10:30  9:30-11:30, T. Th. S. 
Organic Chem. (312-313-314)  4½  11:30-12:30  2:30-5:30, M. 
Qual. Anal. (315-316-317)  8:30-9:30, T. Th.  2:30-5:30, T. or Th. 
Engrg. (800-801-526)  12:30-1:30 
Engrg. (811-830-x)  10:30-11:30, Winter  12:30-1:30, Fall 
Engrg. (860-x-x)  6 h. a w. Fall. 
Junior  Business Speaking (7-8-9)  9:30-10:30 
Econs. (10-11-12) or  10:30-11:30 
Mod. Lang. (40-41-42) M. T. W. Th. F.  8:30-9:30 or  8:30-9:30 or 
9:30-10:30  9:30-10:30 
German (43-44-45)  10:30-11:30 
Math. (111) Fall  11:30-12:30 
Org. Chem. (309-310-311)  10:30-11:30  2:30-5:30, W. F. 
Phys. Chem. (321-322-323)  12:30-1:30  2:30-5:30, T. Th. 
Ap. Math. (527-524-525 or 530)  10:30-11:30  11:30-1:30, T. Th. S. Winter and Spring 
Ap. Math. (x-x-529)  11:30-12:30 
Civil Engineering (701-703-x)  11:30-12:30 
Mech. Engrg. (802-803-808)  11:30-12:30 
Elec. Engrg. (900-901-902)  4½  11:30-12:30  2:30-5:30, T. 
Exp. Engrg. (650)  6 h. a w. Winter 
Exp. Engrg. (691-690-692)  9:30, Th. or 12:30 Th.  2:30-6:30, M. or W. 
Elec. Lab. (950-951)  9:30-10:30  2:30-6:30, M. or W. or 
Th. Winter & Spring 
Ry. Field-work (751)  1½  9 h. a w. Fall. 
Senior  Cost Accounting (21-22-23)  9:30-10:30 
Org. Chem. (309-310-311)  10:30-11:30  2:30-5:30, W. F. 
Chem. Engrg. (324-325-326)  9:30-10:30 
Ap. Math. (715-528-529)  11:30-12:30 
Civil Engrg. (708-705-709)  10:30-11:30  6 h. a w. Fall and Spring 
Civil Engrg. (x-x-718)  11:30-12:30  6 h. a w. Spring 
Mech. Engrg. (812-813-804)  10:30-11:30 
Mech. Engrg. (833-834-835)  9:30-10:30 
Mech. Engrg. (x-x-836)  10:30-11:30 
Elec. Engrg. (903-904-905)  4½  10:30-11:30  2:30-5:30, Th. 
Elec. Engrg. (910-911)  10:30-11:30 
Engrg. Design (581-x-x)  6 h. a w. Fall 
Exp. Engrg. (662-663)  9:30-11:30, T.  2:30-6:30, T. or Th. or F. 
Exp. Engrg. (670-661-680)  12:30, Th. or 
9:30, S.-Th.  2:30-6:30, T. or Th. or F. 
12 h. a w. Winter 
Bridge Draw. (755)  12  3 h. a w. Winter 
Met. Lab. (x-863-x)  ½  6 h. a w. Fall and Spring 
Engrg. Design (867-x-868)  2:30-6:30, M. or W. or F. 
Elec. Lab. (953-954-955)  11:30-12:30, W.  2:30-6-30, M. or W. or F. 
9:30-10:30, T.  Winter and Spring 


Page 55


Humanities  Mathematics and Science  Technical
Freshman  English:  Mathematics:  Plane Surveying 
Rhetoric and Composition  Trigonometry  Mechanical Drawing 
Reports and Letter
Analytical Geometry and  Descriptive Geometry 
College Algebra  El. Mech. Technology 
Technical Papers  Chemistry  Drawing Laboratory 
Sophomore  Mathematics: 
Differential and 
Integral Calculus 
Organic Chemistry 
Qualitative Analysis 
Mathematics Laboratory 
Junior  Organic Chemistry  Elementary Thermo. 
German  Physical Chemistry  Elem. Ap. Thermo. 
Elementary Mechanics 
Senior  Organic Chemistry  Materials of Construction 
Engrg. Design  Electric Systems 
Hydraulics  Chemical Engineering
Hydraulics Laboratory 
Power Testing 
Degree of B. S. in Engineering on completion of Four-Year Course. 
Graduate  Cost Accounting  Applied Chemistry  Engineering Economics
and Specifications 
Philosophy  Chemical Engineering
or Architecture 
or Fine Arts  Ad. Chemical Engineering 
or other subject 
approved by the 
Faculty of 
Degree of Ch. E. on completion of the additional Graduate Course. 

Practice courses are printed in Italics; courses with combined lectures and laboratory work in
Black Face Type.


Page 56


Humanities  Mathematics and Science  Technical
Freshman  English:  Mathematics:  Plane Surveying 
Rhetoric and Composition  Trigonometry  Mechanical Drawing 
Reports and Letter
Analytical Geometry and  Descriptive Geometry 
College Algebra  El. Mech. Technology 
Technical Papers  Chemistry  Drawing Laboratory 
Sophomore  Options:  Mathematics  Elementary Thermo. 
History  Differential and  Elem. Ap. Thermo. 
or Government  Integral Calculus  Elementary Mechanics 
or Commercial Law  Physics 
Mathematics Laboratory 
Junior  Business Speaking  Applied Mechanics  Curves and Earthwork 
Options:  Graphical Statics  Highways 
Economics  Structural Drawing  Road Materials Tests 
or Modern Language  Hydraulics  Railway Surveying 
Drawing Laboratory 
Senior  Cost Accounting  Strength of Materials  Materials of Construction 
Mechanics Laboratory  Masonry 
Water Supply and Sewerage 
Bridge Drafting 
Degree of B. S. in Engineering on completion of Four-Year Course. 
Graduate  Elective:  Engineering Geology  Engineering Economics
and Specifications 
or Architecture  Option: 
or Fine Arts  Advanced Structural
or other subject 
approved by the  or Advanced Water Supply
and Sewerage 
Faculty of 
Engineering  Electric Systems 
C. E. Research 
Degree of C. E. on completion of additional Graduate Course. 

Practice courses are printed in Italics; courses with combined lecture and laboratory work in
Black Face Type.


Page 57


Humanities  Mathematics and Science  Technical
Freshman  English:  Mathematics:  Plane Surveying 
Rhetoric and Composition  Trigonometry  Mechanical Drawing 
Reports and Letter
Analytical Geometry and  Descriptive Geometry 
College Algebra  El. Mech. Technology 
Technical Papers  Chemistry  Drawing Laboratory 
Sophomore  Options:  Mathematics:  Elementary Thermo. 
History  Differential and  Elem. Ap. Thermo. 
or Government  Integral Calculus  Elementary Mechanics 
or Commercial Law  Physics 
Mathematics Laboratory 
Junior  Business Speaking  Mathematics:  Elements of Electricity 
Option:  Differential Equations  Direct Cur. Machinery 
Economics  Applied Mechanics  Periodic Currents 
or Modern Language  Graphical Statics  Machine Design 
Drawing Laboratory  Electrical Laboratory 
Supervised Problem Work 
Senior  Cost Accounting  Hydraulics  Materials of Construction 
Strength of Materials  Alternating Current Machinery 
Mechanics Laboratory 
Electrical Laboratory 
Supervised Problem Work 
Degree of B. S. in Engineering on completion of Four-Year Course. 
Graduate  Elective:  Electric Power 
Philosophy  Engineering Economics
and Specifications 
or Architecture 
or Fine Arts  Electric Transients 
or other subject  Option: 
approved by the  Illumination and
Faculty of 
Engineering  or Electronics 
or Electric Traction 
Adv. Alternating
Current Machinery
or Electrical Communication 
Degree of E. E. on completion of the additional Graduate Course. 

Practice courses are printed in Italics; courses with combined lecture and lavoratory work in
Black Face Type.


Page 58

Option A—Power; Option B—Aeronautics

Humanities  Mathematics and Science  Technical
Freshman  English:  Mathematics:  Plane Surveying 
Rhetoric and Composition  Trigonometry  Mechanical Drawing 
Reports and Letter
Analytical Geometry and  Descriptive Geometry 
College Algebra  El. Mech. Technology 
Technical Papers  Chemistry  Drawing Laboratory 
Sophomore  Options:  Mathematics:  Machine Design 
History  Differential and  General Aeronautics 
or Government  Integral Calculus  Elementary Mechanics 
or Commercial Law  Physics  Engineering Drawing 
Mathematical Laboratory 
Junior  Business Speaking  Applied Mechanics  General Thermodynamics 
Option:  Graphical Statics  Power Plants 
Economics  Structural Drawing  Steam Power Plants 
or Modern Language  Mechanics Laboratory  Power Testing 
Drawing Laboratory 
Senior  Cost Accounting[3]   Hydraulics  Materials of Construction 
Strength of Materials  Theory of Machines 
Mechanics Laboratory  Metallography of Iron
and Steel
Aerodynamics ((B-option) 
Airplane Design (B-option) 
Heating, Ventilation and
Refrigeration (A-option) 
Airplane Structures
Power Testing 
Electric Systems 
Engineering Design 
Degree of B. S. in Engineering on completion of Four-Year Course. 
Graduate  Elective  Steam Generators, Turbines
and Diesel Engines 
or Architecture  Mechanism, Mechanics of
Machinery and Engrg.
and Industrial Processes 
or Fine Arts 
or other subject 
approved by the  Industrial Management 
Faculty of  Engineering Economics 
Degree of M. E. on completion of the additional Graduate Course. 

Practice courses are printed in Italics; courses with combined and laboratory work in
Black Face Type.


Taken in Junior year instead of Economics by those choosing B-option.


Page 59


Exam. Day  Lecture
Exam. Day 
Fall  Winter  Spring  Fall  Winter  Spring 
II  IX  II  8:30
Anal. Chemistry (315-316-317)  VII  II  IV 
VI  VIII  Cost Accounting (21-22-23)  9:30
Business Speaking (7-8-9)  VIII  III 
Physics (200-201-202)  Mathematics (100-106-107) 
Chem. Engineering (324-325-326) 
Mech. Engineering (833-834-835) 
Economics (10-11-12)  10:30
Organic Chemistry (309-310-311)  General Chemistry (300-301-302) 
Applied Mathematics (521-522-523)  Applied Mathematics (527-524-525-530) 
Civil Engineering (708-705-709) 
Mech. Engineering ( 812-813-804)  Elec. Engineering (910-911-x) 
Mech. Engineering (x-830-836) 
Elec. Engineering (903-904-905) 
III  VIII  11:30
Commercial Law (13-14-15)  VI  III 
Mathematics (108-109-110)  Mathematics (111-x-x) 
Civil Engineering (701-703-x)  Organic Chemistry (312-313-314) 
Mech. Engineering (802-803-808)  Civil Engineering (715-528-529) 
Elec. Engineering (900-901-902)  Civil Engineering (x-x-718) 
IV  VII  IX  English (1-2-3)  12:30
Engineering (800-801-526)  IX  IV  VI 
Physical Chemistry (321-322-323)  Mech. Engineering (811-x-x) 

The examination days for the various classes are fixed by
the hour of regular lecture period. The examination day for a
particular course is indicated in the table above by the Roman
numeral in the first or last columns, for the corresponding lecture
hours in the middle column. The examination period
covers ten days at the end of each term. Examination days
change each term.

A change in lecture for any course will change the examination
day correspondingly. Classes for which lecture periods
are not indicated will have examination days fixed by the
arranged lecture hour in accordance with above schedule.
Laboratory examinations are arranged to suit classes.


Page 60

JUNE 12, 1934

Bachelors of Science in Engineering

Allen, Francis Leonard  Fairfield, Va. 
Cadot, Henry Meade  Richmond, Va. 
Carson, James Samuel  Perryville, Md. 
Carter, Gordon Keith  University, Va. 
Conn, Ellis  Newport News, Va. 
Doswell, Stonewall Jackson, Jr.  Staunton, Va. 
Ellis, Earl Thayer  University, Va. 
Follin, Ernest Randolph, Jr.  Clarendon, Va. 
Garrett, Benjamin Hipple  Jetersville, Va. 
Glunt, John Spencer  Pedlar Mills, Va. 
Goldberg, Milton Chauncey  Portsmouth, Va. 
Grady, James Arthur, Jr.  Pueblo, Colo. 
Halstead, Woodrow Jennings  Buell, Va. 
Hammond, Harry Martin  Winchester, Va. 
Hancock, John Beverly, Jr.  Richmond, Va. 
Harper, Holmes Douglas  Winchester, Va. 
Kinney, Theodore Simonson  Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. 
Mizroch, Jacob  Norfolk, Va. 
Nelson, William Seddon Cabell  Winchester, Va. 
O'Brien, Edwin Morrow  Ridley Park, Penna. 
Page, John Ruffner  Fort Monroe, Va. 
Palmer, Aubrey Edwin  Crystal Hill, Va. 
Pike, Frederick Philips  Washington, D. C. 
Price, William Keyser, Jr.  New Market, Va. 
Robinson, John Hunter  Cismont, Va. 
Rosenberger, Richard Coe  Winchester, Va. 
Ross, William Tyler  Roanoke, Va. 
Savage, Seth Alonzo, Jr.  Portsmouth, Va. 
Semones, Charles Howard  Indian Valley, Va. 
Smiley, Samuel Dixon  Charleston, W. Va. 
Watkins, Joel Hill, Jr.  Charlotte C. H., Va. 
Werkman, Kenneth Shaner  Yeadon, Penna. 

Chemical Engineers

Lewis, Hunter Fielding, Jr. B.S.E., University of
Richmond, Va. 
Williams, John Randolph, B.S.E., University of
Richmond, Va. 


Page 61

Civil Engineer

Palmer, Aubrey Edwin, B.S.E. (1934), University of
Crystal Hill, Va. 

Electrical Engineers

Conn, Ellis, B.S.E. (1934), University of Virginia  Newport News, Va. 
Stahl, Chester Earl, B.S.E., University of Virginia  Charlottesville, Va. 

Mechanical Engineers

Edwards, Tazewell Wayne, Jr., B.S.E., University of
Charlottesville, Va. 
Miller, Luther Samuel, B.S.E., University of Virginia  Charlottesville, Va. 
Robinson, John Hunter, B.S.E. (1934), University of
Cismont, Va. 


Bachelors of Science in Engineering  32 
Chemical Engineers 
Civil Engineer 
Electrical Engineers 
Mechanical Engineers 
Total  40 




Page 62
Babb, Andrew Bird  Winchester, Va. 
Ballard, Leonard William, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Carter, Gordon Keith  University, Va. 
Conn, Ellis  Newport News, Va. 
Daniel, Henry Blount  Charlottesville, Va. 
Edwards, Howard Berryman  Sweet Briar, Va. 
Edwards, Tazewell Wayne, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Follin, Ernest Randolph, Jr.  Clarendon, Va. 
Grady, James Arthur, Jr.  Pueblo, Colo. 
Irvine, William Milligan, Jr.  Culpeper, Va. 
Miller, Luther Samuel  Charlottesville, Va. 
Palmer, Aubrey Edwin  Crystal Hill, Va. 
Payne, William Walker  Boyds, Md. 
Robinson, John Hunter  Cismont, Va. 
Rutherfoord, John Penn  Roanoke, Va. 
Watkins, Joel Hill, Jr.  Charlotte C. H., Va. 
Williams, John Randolph  Richmond, Va. 
Total, 17. 


Freshman Class



Page 63
Arundale, Alfred Garner  Charlottesville, Va. 
Benham, Arthur William, Jr.  Pottstown, Penna. 
Bennett, John Rutherfoord, Jr.  Charleston, S. C. 
Bolongaro, Denis James  Charlottesville, Va. 
Brown, George Kenneth  Cherrydale, Va. 
Burhans, George Albert, Jr.  Locust Valley, N. Y. 
Calhoun, John Thompson  Charlottesville, Va. 
Condon, David Edward  Goshen, Va. 
Cowgill, Harry Bramell, Jr.  Paulsboro, N. J. 
Davison, John Franklin Miller  Pittsburgh, Penna. 
Dorrier, William Addison  Waynesboro, Va. 
Faulkner, William Harrison, Jr.  University, Va. 
Garnand, Ambrose Lane  Rogers, Va. 
Gray, Walter Winfred  St. Paul, Va. 
Hansbrough, Samuel Scott  Winchester, Va. 
Hart, John Greenlee  Woodridge, Va. 
Hawkins, Eugene Gaines  Washington, D. C. 
Jones, Louis DuBriel  New Canton, Va. 
Jordan, Ralph Curtis, Jr.  Columbus, Ga. 
Keith, Joseph Cline  Roanoke, Va. 
Laidlaw, Henry Bell  Plainfield, N. J. 
Langhorne, Harry Forsyth  Warren, Va. 
Lapsley, James Woods, Jr.  Miller School, Va. 
Lewis, Ivey Foreman, Jr.  University, Va. 
Lyon, Matthew  Charlottesville, Va. 
Martin, Earl Moseley  Richmond, Va. 
Mason, Edward Valentine  Charlottesville, Va. 
Massey, Alfred Hubard  McLean, Va. 
Molten, Robert Potter, Jr.  Newport, R. I. 
Munson, Harlan Peirce  Westfield, N. Y. 
Nea, George Andrew  Brighton, Mass. 
Novey, George Francis, Jr.  Panama, R. P. 
Oliver, William Roland  North Garden, Va. 
Oliverio, John  Clarksburg, W. Va. 
Olsen, Lloyd Thomas  West Hempstead, N. Y. 
Pack, Emmett Erastus, Jr.  Hinton, W. Va. 
Quarles, Vernon  Charlottesville, Va. 
Railey, Merritt Maupin, Jr., B.S., University of Virginia  University, Va. 
Sargeant, James Franklin, Jr.  University, Va. 
Shell, Charles Clemon, Jr., B.A., University of Alabama  Brookside, Ala. 
Sherwood, Albert Maurice  Fairfax, Va. 
Simpson, John Parke, Jr.  Washington, D. C. 
Smith, James Warfield  Richmond, Va. 
Smith, Sandy  Charlottesville, Va. 
Snead, Ellis Pollard, Jr.  Scottsville, Va. 
Spalding, Basil Dennis, Jr.  Richmond, Va. 
Talbot, Richmond dePeyster  New York, N. Y. 
Townes, William Armistead, Jr.  Wilmington, N. C. 
Tucker, James Warnock  Richmond, Va. 
Via, Charles William, Jr.  Waynesboro, Va. 
Wade, Clement Manly, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Waxelbaum, Sidney  Brooklyn, N. Y. 
Weaver, James Albert, Jr.  Remington, Va. 
Wheeler, Henry Garth  Charlottesville, Va. 
Wiebel, James Lee  University, Va. 
Wright, Ernest Brinton, Jr.  Newark, Del. 
Zepp, Allen Lewis  Lansdowne, Penna. 

Sophomore Class



Page 64
Adams, John Quincy  Greenport, N. Y. 
Armentrout, Edwin Lee  Goshen, Va. 
Batten, Earl Wilson  Carters Bridge, Va. 
Bayless, Charles Nield  Shelbyville, Ky. 
Black, Junie Almy  Churchland, Va. 
Britton, William Ralph  Charlottesville, Va. 
Brown, Jury Yates, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Caldwell, William Everett, Jr.  Washington, D. C. 
Carrick, Robert Craig  Richmond, Va. 
Carruthers, William Benjamin  North Fork, Va. 
Cowgill, Joseph Moreland  Paulsboro, N. J. 
duPont, Francis George  Montchanin, Del. 
Ehrich, Louis Siegman, Jr.  New Rochelle, N. Y. 
Ferrer, Peter, Jr.  New York, N. Y. 
Fitzhugh, Donald Lewis  Charlottesville, Va. 
Fitzpatrick, Paul William  Washington, D. C. 
Forsyth, George William  Esmont, Va. 
Franke, Walter Royden  Brookings, S. D. 
Gilbert, Chauncey McLean, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Gilcrist, Barth John  Newburgh, N. Y. 
Glenn, John Forsyth Cobb  Ivy Depot, Va. 
Gordon, Nicholas Thouron  Merion, Penna. 
Herz, Martin Seymour  Chicago, Ill. 
Hurt, Percy Fuqua  Marion, Va. 
Jones, Archer LeBaron  Hampton, Va. 
Kasakoff, Harry  University, Va. 
Landis, Herbert Joseph, Jr.  Belleville, N. J. 
McGaughy, John Bell  Virginia Beach, Va. 
Mizroch, Aaron  Norfolk, Va. 
Roberts, John Merritt  Charlottesville, Va. 
Rucker, John Tinsley, Jr.  Lynchburg, Va. 
Somerville, Henry Brooke  Richmond, Va. 
Stocker, Jesse Jones  Hampton, Va. 
Swing, David Jackson  Charlottesville, Va. 
von Tacky, Richard Lewis  Titusville, Penna. 
Whitcomb, John Gray  Orange, N. J. 
Williams, James Simons  San Diego, Calif. 

Junior Class



Page 65
Adams, James Richard  Lynchburg, Va. 
Armistead, John Grant, Jr.  Richmond, Va. 
Armstrong, Charles Glasgow  Charlottesville, Va. 
Beachley, Elmer Taylor  Williamsport, Md. 
Carter, Walter Scott  Charlottesville, Va. 
Clark, Morris Skinner, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Copper, Robert Gamble  Lyndhurst, Va. 
Daniel, Henry Blount  Charlottesville, Va. 
Daniel, Richard Micou  Alexandria, Va. 
Dill, Joseph Ellis, B. S., Davidson College  Buchanan, Va. 
Donnally, Hugh Edward  Charlottesville, Va. 
Edwards, Howard Berryman  Sweet Briar, Va. 
Fall, James Huey, Jr.  Greenville, Va. 
Irvine, Williams Milligan, Jr.  Culpeper, Va. 
Janos, Angelus Alexander  Hinton, W. Va. 
McIlhenny, John Stauffer, B.S.Chem., University of
Charlottesville, Va. 
Maupin, Herman Rea  Charlottesville, Va. 
Poindexter, William Green, Jr.  Morgan City, Miss. 
Porter, George Jones  Norfolk, Va. 
Priestman, George Dawson  Elizabeth, N. J. 
Reese, Eben Bent  Wilmington, Del. 
Rutherfoord, John Penn  Roanoke, Va. 
Starke, Vincent William  Crozet, Va. 
Starke, William Wallace, Jr.  Norfolk, Va. 
Stipe, James Leslie  Stephenson, Va. 
Wattles, Henry Starr, III  Alexandria, Va. 
White, George Frederic, Jr.  Richmond, Va. 
Winston, Lucien Dade, III  Winston, Va. 

Senior Class

Babb, Andrew Bird  Winchester, Va. 
Ballard, Leonard William, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Belmore, Edward Arthur  Schuyler, Va. 
Bress, Lewis Alfred  Norfolk, Va. 
Browder, Francis Elton  Lawrenceville, Va. 
Davis, Howard Roper  Norfolk, Va. 
Davis, William Lee, Jr.  Portsmouth, Va. 
Dudley, Aldrich, Jr.  Alexandria, Va. 
George, Joseph Myron  Catlett, Va. 
Hahn, Charles Archie, Jr.  University, Va. 
Kennedy, William Paca  Charles Town, W. Va. 
Liady, Fred Gardner, Jr.  Charlottesville, Va. 
Lucas, John Wilson  Petersburg, Va. 
McGhee, John Curran  Alexandria, Va. 
McNaught, John Moses  Portsmouth, Va. 
Montgomery, Colin Tassie  Warrenton, Va. 
Paterson, Roy Mackenzie  Newport News, Va. 
Payne, William Walker  Boyds, Md. 
Watkins, Benjamin Franklin  Richmond, Va. 


Cadot, Henry Meade, B.S.E., University of Virginia  Richmond, Va. 
Carter, Gordon Keith, B.S.E., University of Virginia  University, Va. 
Ellis, Earl Thayer, B.S.E., University of Virginia  University, Va. 


Page 66


Freshmen  57 
Sophomores  37 
Juniors  28 
Seniors  19 
Total  144 


District of Columbia 
New Jersey 
New York 
North Carolina 
Rhode Island 
South Carolina 
South Dakota 
Virginia  99 
West Virginia 
Total  144