University of Virginia Library


Government 81. Constitutional Government.—First Term. 10:30;
C. H. 100. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. Arant.

Equivalent to first term Government B1, regular session. A description and
comparison of the theories and essential features of the Governments of the
United States, England, France, Germany, and Switzerland, with the greatest
stress on the government of the United States and the work of Congress, and
governmental institutions and the war.


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Government 82. Constitutional Government.—First and Second
Terms. 3:30; C. H. 100. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. Arant.

Equivalent to second term Government B1, regular session. For description,
see Government 81.

Government 83. Constitutional Government.—Second Term. 10:30;
C. H. 100. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. Arant.

Equivalent to third term Government B1, regular session. For description, see
Government 81.

Government 84. International Relations.—Both Terms. 9:30; C.
H. 100. Credit, two session-hours. Mr. Arant.

Equivalent to one term Government C1. During the first term, the work will
correspond to second term of Government C1, regular session; and the second term,
the last term of C1, regular session will be given. The nature of international law;
the scope of existing international government; the courses of modern wars; problems
of the recent war and of the peace treaty.

Note.—Unless a sufficient number of students make application for this course
Government 81 (equivalent to first term Government B1) will be offered instead.

Government 85. Citizenship and Virginia Government.—First Term.
2:30; L. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour. Miss Pidgeon.

Equivalent to first term Government B1, regular session. The theory and actual
workings of our Governments, National, State and Local, with historical beginnings.
Special attention to growth, status, and practical methods of political parties, State
and National.