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14 occurrences of abbot
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The following regulations, adopted to define the policy of the faculty, are
published for the information and guidance of the students:

1. Practice-courses as well as lecture-courses must be conducted under
the Honor System. The student who submits any work to be graded is considered
to submit it under pledge.

2. When the lecture-course and the associated practice-course are given
in the same term of the same year, no student will be admitted to examination
on the lecture-course until he has completed at least three-fourths of
the practice-course.

3. No student will be admitted to any practice-course unless he is at
the same time pursuing the associated lecture-course, or has already received
credit for the same.

4. No student will be admitted to the graduating examination on a lecture-course
unless he has been present at more than half the lectures in
that course.


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5. In the technical courses in Engineering (i. e., courses not given in the
College) term-grades shall not be averaged; except that the term-grades for
Freshmen Applied Mathematics may be averaged for the first-year men only,
provided no mark is below 65.

6. The pass-mark in every course is 75. Class standing and written
examination are combined for the term-grade in such proportions as the
several professors may determine.

7. No student who fails to make 75 on term-grade shall be granted
another examination on the course until he has again attended lectures on
that course.

8. Special examinations are not given except by reason of sickness on
the day of examination, attested by the written certificate of a reputable
physician, or for other like providential causes. In every case they must be
validated by special vote of the faculty.

9. Any engineering student who fails to attain a passing grade of 75
on at least 9 term-hours will be placed on probation for the following term,
probation to continue until at least 9 term-hours are passed in one term.
No engineering student shall remain on probation for more than three terms,
whether consecutive or not, in his entire engineering course. If probation
is imposed a fourth time the student shall be suspended.

10. Any engineering student on probation who fails to attain a passing
grade of 75 on at least 6 term-hours and whose average grade on all courses
taken is less than 65 will be suspended. Any engineering student who passes
less than 6 term-hours and whose average grade on all courses taken is less
than 65 will be suspended. Suspension during a session continues for the remainder
of the regular session. Suspension imposed at the end of a session
holds for the whole of a subsequent session, except that such suspension may
be absolved by the successful completion of prescribed work in the Summer
Quarter. No engineering student suspended for a second time shall re-enter
the department.

11. The Dean's List.—A student, who, in any session, passes on all
courses taken, aggregating not less than 18 session-hours, with an average
grade on all courses of not less than 82 per cent, will be placed on the
Dean's list. A student, who, in any session, passes on all courses taken
aggregating not less than 18 session-hours, but who does not average 82 per
cent, and who, in any subsequent term, passes on all courses taken, aggregating
not less than 18 term-hours, with an average grade on all 18 term-hours
of not less than 82 per cent will be placed on the Dean's List. A student
will be automatically dropped from the Dean's List, if, in any term, he
does not pass on all courses taken, aggregating not less than 18 term-hours,
with an average grade on all courses of not less than 82 per cent. A student
dropped from the Dean's List will be again placed on it if he meets the
above mentioned standard for a term. A student on the Dean's List is not
subject to the regulations limiting the issuance of leaves of absence from
the University, nor does absence from any class entail on such student any


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penalty, affecting class standing, imposed for absence alone. Students on
the Dean's List must attend all laboratory classes and must perform all
written problem work and take all written quizzes under the same conditions
as all other students.