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Appendix O The Maverick Engravings
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Appendix O
The Maverick Engravings

Peter Maverick to Thomas Jefferson

Much esteemed Sir

I have this day as pr. direction forwarded by water to Richmond to Col Peyton a Box cont
250 impressions of the Plan of the University

hope the whole execution will meet your entire satisfaction. The Plate I have retained as pr.
yr. advice--subject to future order. & am Dear Sir your oblign & humbl. Servt

Peter Maverick

The Honble. Thomas Jefferson to Peter Maverick D C

To Engraving a Plan of the University of Virginia   112.-- 
To Printing 250 do. @ $10  25. 
To Paper for do.  12. 
To Box & Cartage  1. 

ALS, ViU:TJ, 1p [1954] with TJ docket "Maverick Peter N.Y. Dec. 7. 22. recd Dec. 11." and
ASB docket "Bill Plan U.Va Maverick Peter N. York Dec 7. '22 $150--"

Peter Maverick to Thomas Jefferson

Dear Sir

I hearby acknowledge the receipt of One hundred and fifty Dollars from Col. Peyton by
Draft (which was pd at sight) in full for engraving and Printing the Plan of the University of
Virginia for which you will please accept my thanks I am with much esteem your obliged

Peter Maverick

ALS, ViU:PP, 1p [3015-a] with TJ docket "Maverick Peter. N. York. Dec. 23. 22. recd Dec.
30." and ASB docket "Maverick P. N. York Dec 30th 1822 $150."

Thomas Jefferson to Arthur Spicer Brockenbrough

Th: J. to mr Brockenbrough.

Be so good as to send me 4. of the ground plats of the University, on account of the
as they are to go to Europe with my letters written to procure professors.

Can you lend me a box of tin? I lack that much to finish the part of my house I have been
covering with tin. if you can I will send the little cart for it, as the bearer cannot bring it
before him on his mule.

P.S. I give the boy a bit of leather to roll the papers in to protect them from the rain

AL, ViU:PP, 1p [2076] with address "Mr. Brockenbrough" and ASB docket "T Jefferson
Apr 27. '24."