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[Hear, heaven and earth, your God's appeal]

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, &c. —i. 2.

Hear, heaven and earth, your God's appeal,
(Jehovah to His creature cries,)
Angels and men, My justice tell,
When all My storms of vengeance rise
To plague a vile rebellious race,
Apostates from My richest grace.


Children I have nursed up and bred,
Mark'd with the new, the Christian name,
But lo! the base degenerate seed
Impatient to divulge their shame,
Their foul ingratitude to prove,
Have spurn'd the bowels of My love.

Who are they? J.W.


[The thoughtless brute his master knows]

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass, &c. —i. 3.

The thoughtless brute his master knows,
And loves the hand that gives him food;
But Me, from whom their being flows,
Sole Author of their total good,
The Lord, and Friend of all mankind,
My people have not sense to find.
Duller than beasts the human herd,
Though fed with blessings from above,
My people pay Me no regard,
Nor own My providential love,
Nor for their kind Preserver care
In whom they live, and move, and are.


[Ah! why should ye be stricken more?]

Why should ye be stricken any more? &c. —i. 5.

Ah! why should ye be stricken more?
Seems our God to give us o'er,
As past His reach of grace,
When mercy's kind intent is cross'd,
And all His chastisements are lost
On such an harden'd race.


[Corrupt alas, in every part]

The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint, &c. —i. 5, 6.

Corrupt alas, in every part,
Sick the head, and faint the heart
Through sin's severe disease!


From head to foot the fallen man
Is full of leprosy and pain,
And desperate wickedness.
Selfish, and proud, in mind and will
Nature's loathsomeness we feel
Throughout our dying soul,
Bruises, and wounds, and putrid sores,
Till Gilead's bleeding balm restores,
And Jesus speaks us whole.


[Had not the Lord reserved a seed]

Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us, &c. —i. 9.

Had not the Lord reserved a seed,
A remnant saved by sovereign grace,
His judgments shower'd upon our head,
Had swallow'd up the British race,
Sunk us beneath the ambient wave,
And buried in a fiery grave.


[Let Sodom's governors give ear]

Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, &c. —i. 10.

Let Sodom's governors give ear,
And tremble at Jehovah's word,
Ye people of Gomorrah, hear
The charge of an almighty Lord,
Heathens, who bear the Christian name,
But turn your glory into shame.


[What profit your religious shows]

To what purpose is the multitude of your, &c. —i. 11.

What profit your religious shows,
Your empty form of godliness?
Externals may on man impose,
But cannot a pure Spirit please;
Fit worship for an holy God,
As fat of lambs, and bullocks' blood!



[Away with your oblations vain]

When ye come to appear before Me, &c. —i. 12.

Away with your oblations vain,
Who only with your lips draw near,
Trample My courts, My house profane,
And loathsome in My sight appear:
Ye make the outside fair and clean;
Ye come to see, and to be seen!
Your means (of sin, instead) of grace,
Your feasts and festivals impure,
Your holy, bacchanalian days
My soul is weary to endure,
Your sabbaths, and assemblies gay,
Who mock Me, while they seem to pray.


[That solemn mystery Divine]

It is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. —i. 13.

That solemn mystery Divine,
Wherein ye should My death record,
Ye sink into a lifeless sign,
Nor once discern your present Lord;
Ye tear My flesh, and shed My blood,
And turn to bane the heavenly food.


[My favour and good-will to gain]

When ye spread forth your hands, &c. —i. 15.

My favour and good-will to gain,
Through all your round of forms ye run,
Service to service join in vain,
By sinful prayers for sin to' atone:
From such I turn My glorious eyes;
I hate your heartless sacrifice.


[In vain your longest prayers ye say]

When ye make many prayers, I will not hear, &c. —i. 15.

In vain your longest prayers ye say,
Regardless of your Lord's commands,
Who will not put your sins away,
Yet show to heaven your lifted hands;


Your lifted hands are full of blood,
Your heart of hatred against God.
Ye hate My truths and witnesses,
Me, Me, in them ye vex and grieve;
My members persecute, oppress,
And reckon them not fit to live;
Murderers, who in your works confide,
As God were pleased with fratricide.


[Ourselves how can we purify?]

Wash you, make you clean; put away, &c. —i. 16, 17.

Ourselves how can we purify?
Thy word doth power convey,
And while we on Thy word rely,
We cast our sins away;
From sinful acts our hands we cleanse,
The cursed thing remove,
Bring forth the fruits of penitence,
And wait Thy pardoning love.
Jesus, if Thou Thy power bestow,
From evil deeds we cease,
And learn in all the paths to go
Of legal righteousness:
But draw us on by hope and fear,
Till weary and oppress'd,
The reconciling word we hear,
And find the gospel-rest.


[Who would not quit his sins for Thee]

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord. —i. 18.

Who would not quit his sins for Thee,
Who would not, Lord, believe,
If such Thy cogent reason be,
“Come, for I will forgive”?


Thy reason shall the world convince,
When they Thy reason know,
And purge them from their crimson sins,
And make them saints below.


[Jesus, to Thy wounds I fly]

Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be, &c. —i. 18.

Jesus, to Thy wounds I fly,
Purge my sins of deepest dye;
Lamb of God, for sinners slain,
Wash away my crimson stain,
Plunge me in the sacred flood,
In that fountain of Thy blood;
Then Thy Father's eye shall see
No one spot of guilt in me.


[Messias, Prince of Peace]

Neither shall they learn war any more. —ii. 4.

Messias, Prince of Peace,
Where men each other tear,
Where war is learn'd they must confess
Thy kingdom is not there:
Who prompted by Thy foe
Delight in human blood,
Apollyon is their king, they shew,
And Satan is their God.
But shall he still devour
The souls redeem'd by Thee?
Jesus, stir up Thy glorious power,
And end the' apostasy;
Come, Saviour, from above
O'er all the earth to reign,
And plant the kingdom of Thy love
In every heart of man.


Then shall we exercise
The hellish art no more,
While Thou our long-lost paradise
Dost with Thyself restore;
Fightings and wars shall cease,
And in Thy Spirit given
Pure joy, and everlasting peace
Shall turn our earth to heaven.


[Come, if the Sun of Righteousness]

Come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord. —ii. 5.

Come, if the Sun of Righteousness
Hath chased our nature's night,
Let us His cheering influence bless,
And walk in Christ the Light;
Warm'd and directed by His rays,
His Spirit and His word,
Walk after Christ to see the face
Of our triumphant Lord.


[Thou who all our works hast wrought]

The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, &c. —ii. 17.

Thou who all our works hast wrought
Shouldst be extoll'd alone:
Every self-exalting thought
In us, O Christ, bring down;
Nature's subtlest pride abase,
The self-deluded crowd reprove,
Boasters of their richest grace,
And of their perfect love.


[Son of Man, we long to see]

The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. —ii. 17.

Son of Man, we long to see
Thy last and brightest day:
When, O when shall all things be
Subjected to Thy sway?


On all flesh Thy Spirit shower,
That every soul its Lord may own
Seated in full glorious power
On Thy millennial throne!


[But when, most gracious God, and true]

The idols He shall utterly abolish. —ii. 18.

But when, most gracious God, and true,
Wilt Thou the work of wonder show,
The man of sin reveal,
And then Thy glorious power exert,
Destroy the idols in my heart,
And their destruction seal?
Manner and time I leave to Thee,
Humbly assured the thing shall be,
Through love's almighty power,
Thou wilt destroy whate'er is I,
Self, nature, unbelief shall die,
And pride shall be no more.


[When the just God, the Lord most high]

They shall go into the holes of the rocks, &c. —ii. 19.

When the just God, the Lord most high,
Rises to shake both earth and sky,
How shall the world His anger shun,
Or whither for protection run!
In vain to screen you from His eye,
Ye to the rocks and mountains cry;
The rocks are melted by His fire,
The mountains touch'd in smoke expire.
But while the Judge a moment stays,
That moment snatch to sue for grace:
And lo! to save you from your fear,
The everlasting Rock is near!


Enter, ye guilty slaves of sin,
The Rock is rent to take you in,
There, there your trembling spirits hide,
And safety find in Jesu's side!


[Jesus, to my heart explain]

Cease ye from man. —ii. 22.

Jesus, to my heart explain
What it is to cease from man,
Born in sin and misery,
Born a sad reverse of Thee!
Nothing great may I admire,
Nothing good in man require,
Never worship or esteem,
Never trust myself, or him.
Cut off my dependence vain
On the help of mortal man:
One who as a shadow flies,
One who in a moment dies.
But Thou dost for ever live,
Wherefore to Thyself I cleave,
Good and all-sufficient own,
Love, and trust in God alone.


[If God to one of all our race]

What could have been done more, &c. —v. 4.

If God to one of all our race
Deny sufficiency of grace,
Withhold the sin-forsaking power,
Sinners to save He might do more;
But if on the whole world He call,
Sincerely offering life to all,
Who spurn His grace, their Lord deny,
And, self-destroy'd, they justly die.


What could have been done less, to save
Lost sinners from the' infernal grave,
If God did to destruction doom,
And damn'd us from our mother's womb?
Or if He only pass'd us by,
And left us unredeem'd to die,
Poor souls to save, we must confess,
His love could never have done less.


[Doth Christ expect what cannot be]

Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring, &c. —v. 4.

Doth Christ expect what cannot be,
Good fruit out of an evil tree?
The evil tree may then be good,
And flourish, water'd by His blood;
Whoe'er the Christian faith profess
May bring forth fruits of righteousness,
And answer all their Lord's design,
As branches of the heavenly Vine.


[Ah, woe is me, immersed in sin]

Here am I; send me. —vi. 8.

Ah, woe is me, immersed in sin,
A man of lips and life unclean!
How shall I with Thy message run,
Or preach the pardoning God unknown?
Unless my God vouchsafe to cheer
His guilty trembling messenger,
My fears disperse, my sins remove,
And purge me by the fire of love!
O wouldst Thou touch my lips once more,
The comfort of Thy grace restore,
Assure me, Lord, that mine Thou art,
And stamp forgiveness on my heart;


Then should I in my Jesu's name
Glad tidings of great joy proclaim,
Of grace, which every soul may find,
And glory bought for all mankind.


[Oft by Thy judgments shook]

The holy seed shall be the substance of it [i.e. the oak]. —vi. 13.

Oft by Thy judgments shook,
Thine anger's furious blast,
The sturdy British oak
Its wither'd leaves hath cast;
Yet did its substance still remain,
For Jesus doth His church sustain.
Still may the holy seed
Our firm protection be,
And through our nation spread,
And prop the falling tree,
Till to our utmost height we rise,
By Christ transplanted to the skies.


[As children we continue long]

If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be, &c. —vii. 9.

As children we continue long,
And feebly o'er the desert rove,
Who doubt Thy power to make us strong,
Thy will to perfect us in love:
But if I can confide in Thee,
Thou wilt Thine hallowing grace exert,
Settle, confirm, and stablish me,
And fix Thy nature in my heart.


[O Thou that hid'st Thy face]

I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth, &c. —viii. 17.

O Thou that hid'st Thy face
Even from the chosen race,


Calmly after Thee I grieve,
Wait Thy coming from above,
Hoping against hope believe,
Till I find the God of love.
Disconsolate, forsook,
For Thee alone I look:
Only Thou my heart canst cheer,
Comfort with Thyself restore;
Show Thyself the Comforter,
Come, and never leave me more.


[Thou dost indeed conceal Thy face]

Thou dost indeed conceal Thy face,
Even from the people of Thy love,
Abate the rapturous sense of grace,
Their faith and patient hope to prove;
To make them trust a God unseen,
And know themselves to be but men.
If Thou my pardoning God appear,
In pleasant ways I hasten on;
If Thou withdraw Thy comforts here,
I walk by naked faith alone,
I ask, What makes my Lord depart?
I miss Thy presence from my heart.
O that I every moment might
Thy presence, or Thy absence, feel!
Walk on triumphant in Thy light,
Or desolate in darkness dwell;
Happy in Thy enjoyment be,
Or wretched through the want of Thee.


Only from sin my soul restrain,
Restrain'd from sin I ask no more;
But suffering like the Mournful Man,
My Pattern on the cross adore,
A moment with my Saviour grieve,
In endless joy with Thee to live.


[Doctrines, experiences to try]

To the law and to the testimony. —viii. 20.

Doctrines, experiences to try,
We to the sacred standard fly,
Assured the Spirit of our Lord
Can never contradict His word:
Whate'er His Spirit speaks in me,
Must with the written word agree;
If not—I cast it all aside,
As Satan's voice, or nature's pride.
The test of truth and righteousness,
O God, Thy records we confess,
And who Thine oracles gainsay
Have miss'd the right celestial way:
Their pardon sure they vainly boast,
In nature sunk, in darkness lost;
Or if they of perfection dream,
The light of grace is not in them.


[The people that in darkness lay]

The people that walked in darkness, &c. —ix. 2.

The people that in darkness lay,
The confines of eternal night,
We, we have seen the gospel day,
The glorious beams of heavenly light,
His Spirit in our hearts hath shone,
And show'd the Father in the Son.



[Father of everlasting grace]

Thou hast multiplied the nation, &c. —ix. 3.

Father of everlasting grace,
Thou hast in us Thy arm reveal'd,
Hast multiplied the faithful race,
Who conscious of our pardon seal'd,
Of joy unspeakable possess'd,
Anticipate our heavenly rest.


[In tears who sow'd, in joy we reap]

They joy before Thee according to the joy, &c. —ix. 3.

In tears who sow'd, in joy we reap,
And praise Thy goodness all day long,
Him in our eye of faith we keep,
Who gave us our triumphal song,
And doth His spoils to each divide,
A lot among the sanctified.


[Thou hast our bonds in sunder broke]

For Thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, &c. —ix. 4.

Thou hast our bonds in sunder broke,
Took all our load of guilt away,
From sin, the world, and Satan's yoke,
(Like Israel saved in Midian's day,)
Redeem'd us by our conquering Lord,
Our Gideon, and His Spirit's sword.


[Not like the warring sons of men]

Every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, &c. —ix. 5.

Not like the warring sons of men,
With shouts and garments roll'd in blood,
Our Captain doth the fight maintain;
But lo! the burning Spirit of God
Kindles within a secret fire,
And all our sins, as smoke, expire.


[Rejoice in Jesu's birth!]

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, &c. —ix. 6.

Rejoice in Jesu's birth!
To us a Son is given,
To us a Child is born on earth,
Who made both earth and heaven!


His shoulder props the sky,
This universe sustains!
The God supreme, the Lord most high,
The King Messiah reigns!
His name, His nature, soars
Beyond the creatures' ken:
Yet whom the' angelic host adores,
He pleads the cause of men!
Our Counsellor we praise,
Our Advocate above,
Who daily in His church displays
His miracles of love.


[The' Almighty God is He]

The mighty God, the everlasting Father, &c. —ix. 6, 7.

The' Almighty God is He,
Author of heavenly bliss,
The Father of eternity,
The glorious Prince of Peace!
Wider and wider still
He doth His sway extend,
With peace Divine His people fill,
And joys that never end:
His government shall grow,
From strength to strength proceed,
His righteousness the church o'erflow,
And all the earth o'erspread;
His presence shall increase
The happiness above,
The full, progressive happiness
Of everlasting love.


[Great Heir of David's throne]

Upon the throne of David, &c. —ix. 7.

Great Heir of David's throne,
Thy royal power assume,


To reign in faithful hearts alone,
Thou with Thy Father come;
Set up Thy throne of grace
In all the heathen's sight,
Thy kingdom of true holiness,
And order it aright.
Now for Thy promise sake,
O'er earth exalted be,
The kingdom, power, and glory take,
Which all belong to Thee;
In zeal for God and man
Thy full salvation bring,
The universal Monarch reign,
The saints' eternal King.


[How shall we stand the hosts of Rome]

The staff in their hand is Mine indignation. —x. 5.

How shall we stand the hosts of Rome,
If marshall'd by our Judge they rise,
If arm'd with all our sins they come,
To deal the vengeance of the skies?


[Branch of Jesse's stem, arise]

There shall come forth a rod out of the stem, &c. —xi. 1.

Branch of Jesse's stem, arise,
And in our nature grow,
Turn our earth to paradise,
By flourishing below:
Bless us with the Spirit of grace
Immeasurably shed on Thee,
Pour on all the faithful race
The streaming Deity.


[Let the Spirit of our Head]

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, &c. —xi. 2, 3.

Let the Spirit of our Head
On all the members rest,


From Thyself to us proceed,
And dwell in every breast,
Teach to judge and act aright,
Inspire with wisdom from above,
Holy faith, and heavenly might,
And reverential love.


[Lord, of Thee we fain would learn]

And shall make Him of quick understanding, &c. —xi. 3.

Lord, of Thee we fain would learn
Thy heavenly Father's will,
Give us quickness to discern,
And boldness to fulfil;
All His mind to us explain,
And all His name on us impress,
Then our souls in Thee attain
The perfect righteousness.


[Righteous Judge, who read'st the heart]

With righteousness shall He judge the poor, &c. —xi. 4.

Righteous Judge, who read'st the heart,
And know'st what is in man,
Rise, to take Thy people's part,
The helpless' cause maintain:
Patron of the poor appear,
Thy meek, afflicted subjects own,
Manifest Thy kingdom here,
And call us to Thy throne.


[Jesus, let the gospel-word]

He shall smite the earth with the rod, &c. —xi. 4.

Jesus, let the gospel-word
Out of Thy mouth proceed,
Smite us with Thy two-edged sword,
And strike the wicked dead,
Let Thy glorious breath consume
The man of sin, the carnal mind,
Slay the Antichrist of Rome
In me, and all mankind.



[True and faithful Witness, Thou]

Righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins, &c. —xi. 5.

True and faithful Witness, Thou
In righteousness hast sworn
Every knee to Thee shall bow,
And every heart shall turn:
Girt with equity and might,
Arise to' administer Thy grace,
Claim the kingdoms in Thy right,
And govern all our race.


[Prince of universal peace]

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, &c. —xi. 6, 7.

Prince of universal peace,
Destroy the enmity,
Bid our jars and discords cease,
Unite us all in Thee:
Cruel as wild beasts we are,
Till vanquish'd by Thy mercy's power;
Men, like wolves, each other tear,
And their own flesh devour.
But if Thou pronounce the word
That forms our souls again,
Love and harmony restored
Throughout the earth shall reign;
When Thy wondrous love they feel,
The human savages are tame,
Ravenous wolves, and leopards dwell
And stable with the lamb.
Bears transform'd with oxen graze,
Their young together feed,
With the calf the lion plays,
Nor rends the dandled kid;


Harshest natures reconciled
With soft, and fierce with meek agree,
Gentle, tractable, and mild
As harmless infancy.
O that now with pardon bless'd
We each might each embrace,
Quietly together rest,
And feed upon Thy grace,
Like our sinless parents live!
Great Shepherd, make Thy goodness known,
All into Thy fold receive,
And keep for ever one.


[Have we not securely play'd]

The sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp. —xi. 8.

Have we not securely play'd
In the abodes of death,
By our innocence betray'd
Into the dragons' teeth?
Yet Thou didst from every snare
Preserve the children of Thy grace,
That Thy sucklings might declare
Our constant Saviour's praise.


[Lord of Hosts, Thy power assume]

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy, &c. —xi. 9.

Lord of Hosts, Thy power assume,
Thy sway through earth extend,
Then destructive war shall come
To a perpetual end;
Nothing noxious then remains
In all the mount of holiness,
Jesus fills the throne, and reigns
In everlasting peace.



[Earth shall then with love o'erflow]

For the earth shall be full of the knowledge, &c. —xi. 9.

Earth shall then with love o'erflow,
While perfectly restored
Every soul delights to know
That glory of the Lord:
Christ His glorious Image is;
As all mankind at once shall prove,
Swallow'd up in the abyss
Of His eternal love.


[Dawn'd that gospel-day Divine]

In that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, &c. —xi. 10.

Dawn'd that gospel-day Divine;
But suddenly o'ercast,
Surely it again shall shine
With brightest beams at last.
David's Son we soon shall see
Array'd with majesty and power,
Prostrate Jews confess 'tis He,
And all mankind adore.
See the standard lifted up,
Behold the Crucified!
Christ our peace, desire, and hope,
We would in Thee confide,
Would in Thee for ever live,
With pardon and salvation bless'd;
Us into Thine arms receive,
Into Thy glorious rest.


[Jesus, Thou hast spoke the word]

In that day, the Lord shall set His hand, &c. —xi. 11, 12.

Jesus, Thou hast spoke the word;
Thine hand again set to,
Gather in the remnant, Lord,
And save the chosen few;


O repair the general loss,
The many by Thy gospel call,
Show the world Thy bleeding cross,
Thy dying love for all.
By Thy passion on the tree
Constrain them to return,
Let the' apostates look on Thee,
Whom once they pierced, and mourn:
Gather the dispersed abroad,
Thy wandering flock, redeem'd of old,
Call the murderers of their God,
And take into Thy fold.
Surely now Thy pitying eye
The vagabonds pursues,
Turn their long captivity,
Again Thine Israel choose,
O bring home Thy purchased seed,
(Throughout the earth for ages driven,)
Ransom'd by the blood they shed,
With all mankind forgiven.


[Happy day of union sweet]

Ephraim shall not envy Judah, &c. —xi. 13.

Happy day of union sweet,
O when shall it appear,
When shall all Thy people meet
In amity sincere,
Tear each other's flesh no more,
But kindly think and speak the same,
All express the meekening power,
The spirit of the Lamb?
Visit us, bright Morning-Star,
And bring the perfect day,


Urged by faith's incessant prayer
No longer, Lord, delay;
Now destroy the envious root,
The ground of mutual feuds remove,
Fill the earth with golden fruit,
With ripe, millennial love.


[Lord in Thy light, I see]

I will kill thy root with famine, &c. —xiv. 30.

Lord in Thy light, I see
The Palestine within,
And Thou who show'st myself to me
Wilt finish all my sin,
The root with famine slay,
The last remains remove,
And bring me to the perfect day,
And fill my soul with love.


[Sure the word which God doth say]

They shall lift up their voice, &c. —xxiv. 14, 15.

Sure the word which God doth say,
Verified in us to-day;
Yes, we now lift up our voice,
Now the islanders rejoice.
Jesu's majesty we sing,
Jesus is our glorious King,
Jesu's love our song inspires;
Praise Him, praise Him in the fires!
Him we in the furnace see
Guardian of the faithful three,
Compass'd round with lambent flame,
Shout we our Deliverer's name.
Whom we here by faith behold,
Christ shall bring us forth as gold,


Vessels of His perfect grace,
Monuments of His endless praise.


[Come, eternal King, surrounded]

Then the moon shall be confounded, &c. —xxiv. 23.

Come, eternal King, surrounded
With the hosts Thy hands have made,
Let the sun and moon confounded
At Thy bright appearing fade,
Sink before Thee
Darken'd into midnight shade.
In His capital descending
Look we for the Son of Man,
Sure of raptures never ending,
When we meet our Lord again;
Come, Jehovah,
Present with Thine ancients reign.
Vessels of Thy free election
When Thine elders reign with Thee,
Children of the resurrection
When the saints Thy glory see,
Then remember,
Then appoint a throne for me.


[Jesus, my faith increase]

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, &c. —xxvi. 3.

Jesus, my faith increase,
And multiply my peace,
And when I always prove
The sweetness of Thy love,
And when I always trust Thy power,
My sin shall trouble me no more.


[Through many a night of distress]

With my soul have I desired Thee in the night. —xxvi. 9.

Through many a night of distress
My soul has its Saviour pursued,


And pined for a taste of His grace,
And long'd for a drop of His blood;
And still heavy-laden and faint
I look for my Lord from above,
To bring me the comfort I want,
The rest of assurance and love.


[Great Author of all my desires]

With my spirit within me will I seek Thee, &c. —xxvi. 9.

Great Author of all my desires,
Thy beauty I languish to see,
My vehement spirit aspires,
And gasps to be happy in Thee!
Thee early and late I pursue,
Till caught to the mansions of light
My Jesus unclouded I view,
And heaven enjoy in the sight.


[With Thy benefits surrounded]

Let favour be showed to the wicked, &c. —xxvi. 10.

With Thy benefits surrounded
I bewail my stubborn will;
Sin alas hath more abounded,
Keeps me all unrighteous still:
Lord, in vain Thou show'st me favour;
That I may obedient prove,
Show my heart a present Saviour;
All my heart shall then be love.


[Chastised by my God]

They poured out a prayer, &c. —xxvi. 16.

Chastised by my God,
I pour out a prayer,
Compell'd by the rod
My wants to declare:
To pray without ceasing
O could I attain,
I'd welcome the blessing
Of permanent pain.



[This moment I Thy truth confess]

I will water it every moment. —xxvii. 3.

This moment I Thy truth confess,
This moment I receive
The heavenly gift, the dew of grace,
And by Thy mercy live:
The next, and every moment, Lord,
On me Thy Spirit pour,
And bless me, who believe Thy word,
With that last glorious shower.


[Lord, that I may learn of Thee]

Whom shall He teach knowledge? &c. —xxviii. 9.

Lord, that I may learn of Thee,
Give me true simplicity;
Wean my soul, and keep it low,
Willing Thee alone to know.
Let me cast myself aside,
All that feeds my knowing pride;
Not to man, but God submit,
Lay my reasonings at Thy feet;
Of my boasted wisdom spoil'd,
Docile, helpless, as a child,
Only seeing in Thy light,
Only walking in Thy might.
Then infuse the teaching grace,
Spirit of truth and righteousness,
Knowledge, love Divine impart,
Life eternal to my heart.


[In weariness confirm'd repose]

This is the rest, and this is the refreshing. —xxviii. 12.

In weariness confirm'd repose,
Relief in life's severest woes,
Is freely offer'd to mankind,
And all who seek the comfort find:


Even I the sweet refreshment prove,
Assured of His forgiving love,
Rest to my soul, eternal rest
I find it now in Jesu's breast.


[Happy the men who Jesus know]

He that believeth shall not make haste. —xxviii. 16.

Happy the men who Jesus know,
Who humbly walk with God below,
His secret voice attend;
From all tumultuous passion free,
Their Guide invisible they see,
And commune with their Friend.
O that I thus on Christ reclined,
His quiet, meek, and even mind
Might with Himself possess:
I want the faith which works by hope,
Which calmly to its Lord looks up,
And waits for perfect peace.
Jesus, on me the power bestow
To work, or rest, stand still, or go,
As Thy design I see:
Redeem'd from nature's hurrying strife,
I would not take one step in life
Without a beck from Thee.
No longer rash to act, or speak,
To think or judge, I only seek
To know Thine utmost will;
I set my God a time no more,
The kingdom when Thou wilt restore,
And all Thy love reveal.

I do, if I put Him off. J.W.



[Who truly trust, O Lord, in Thee]

Who truly trust, O Lord, in Thee,
Our inbred evil to remove,
And bring us spotless purity,
And fill our sinless souls with love,
Hoping to see the perfect day,
We calmly for Thy coming stay.
The' expected good, the bliss unknown,
Composes all our nature's powers,
We wish in many a secret groan,
To find Thy gracious fulness ours;
We languish for our first estate,
Yet still we wish, and still we wait.
The violence of self-will is pass'd,
Our passions' wild fallacious fire,
No more with unbelieving haste,
Now, now the blessing we require,
The kingdom from our Lord demand,
Or snatch the crown out of Thy hand.
The stream of swelling words subsides,
The noisy strife of blindfold zeal,
While God our quiet spirit guides
Into His whole, His hallowing will,
Into the Saviour's mind unknown,
The love that perfects us in one.


[The faithful soul doth not make haste]

The faithful soul doth not make haste
To judge or think, to speak or do,
But present times compares with past,
The false to separate from the true,
Nature in all her turns to trace,
And vindicate the work of grace.


Tell him—you feel your pardon seal'd,
With strongest confidence assert
The secret of the Lord reveal'd,
The image stamp'd upon your heart;
He hears unmoved, and waits to see
The fruit, and then discern the tree.
Your tempers with judicious love,
He in the sacred balance weighs;
How to condemn you, or approve,
On every word, and action stays;
Observes your hope, dislike, desire,
And marks you passing through the fire.
His long-withheld assent to steal,
The sanguine novice hopes in vain;
Nor rapturous joy, nor flaming zeal
His lingering approbation gain;
Nor glittering gifts his judgment seize,
Nor fairest forms of godliness.
If nature mix'd with grace he find,
Careful the evil to remove,
The good entire he leaves behind,
Or, while he cannot both approve,
Error with truth combined he spares,
To save the wheat, permits the tares.
Cautious in all his works and deeds,
He dares on God alone rely,
With calm deliberate step proceeds
The spirits, and himself to try,
Patience the uncontested sign
Which slowly proves his faith Divine.


[Proud learning boasts its skill in vain]

Read this: I cannot, for it is sealed. —xxix. 11.

Proud learning boasts its skill in vain
The sacred oracles to' explain,


It may the literal surface show,
But not the precious mine below;
The saving sense remains conceal'd,
Till by the Spirit of faith reveal'd,
The book is still unread, unknown,
And open'd by the Lamb alone.


[He waits, that we from sin may turn]

Therefore will the Lord wait, &c. —xxx. 18.

He waits, that we from sin may turn,
May deeply for His comforts mourn;
Ready His grace to give,
Yet still in mercy He delays,
Till I am capable of grace,
And willing to receive.
For this Thou art gone up on high,
To show Thy power in earth and sky,
Mine Advocate above,
Thou dost a Prince and Saviour reign,
That I may with forgiveness gain
The witness of Thy love.
Thou waitest still, when Thee I know,
A larger blessing to bestow,
A second gift impart,
(The sinless mind, the farther rest,)
And stamp Thine image on my breast,
And fill my emptied heart.
Yet till Thy time is fully come,
I dare not hastily presume
To snatch the perfect grace,


But humbly patient to the end,
And praying at Thy feet attend,
Till Thou unveil Thy face.

I dare say “Now is the accepted time.” J.W.


[The time I to Thy wisdom leave]

The Lord is a God of judgment; &c. —xxx. 18.

The time I to Thy wisdom leave;
When, as, Thou wilt the blessing give,
The full felicity!
But give me now to seek aright,
And taste the blissful calm delight
Of waiting, Lord, for Thee.
Happy I am my wants to feel,
To mourn for joy unspeakable,
To thirst for God alone;
For O, the perfect love and peace,
The true eternal righteousness
With Thee is all my own.


[Thrice happy all who wait for Thee!]

The people shall dwell in Zion, &c. —xxx. 19–21.

Thrice happy all who wait for Thee!
Thee, Lord, we in Thy church shall see,
Thy spotless church below;
We at Jerusalem shall dwell,
Where Thou dost all Thy truths reveal,
And all Thy glories show.
Hasten, O God, the joyful day,
Appear to wipe our tears away,
The blessing we implore
The fulness of Thy graces give
In perfect love, and bid us grieve
And bid us sin no more.
If now Thou dost Thy people feed
With sad affliction's bitter bread,
Yet with Thy peace restored


Restore us teachers taught by Thee,
And suffer us no more to see
A famine of the word.
Confirm their word, and prove it Thine,
That hearing them, the voice Divine
We may in theirs obey,
Freed by the Truth, and free indeed,
By that unerring Unction led
Into the perfect way.


[O that we now could cast aside]

Thou shalt cast thine images away, &c. —xxx. 22.

O that we now could cast aside
Our images of wrath and pride,
Could in Thy Spirit's power
Bid sin and unbelief depart,
Away ye idols from my heart,
And never enter more!


[The solemn day draws nigh, when all]

There shall be upon every high mountain, &c. —xxx. 25.

The solemn day draws nigh, when all
The cities of the world shall fall,
The islands flee away,
The Lord, the dread avenging Lord
Shall plead His cause with fire and sword,
And sin for ever slay.
Then shall Thy church superior rise,
A mountain water'd by the skies,
With streams of grace o'erflow'd,
With rivers of pure heavenly peace,
And everlasting righteousness,
And all the life of God.



[Our Surety shall the breach repair]

Moreover the light of the moon, &c. —xxx. 26.

Our Surety shall the breach repair
'Twixt God and man; the cause of war,
The enmity remove,
The source of pain, the sinful ground,
And heal our deep original wound
With balm of perfect love.
Then shall the Lord our Righteousness
Shine forth in full meridian blaze,
With sevenfold lustre bright!
And I shall see that Sun arise,
Sun of the new-made earth and skies,
My soul's eternal light.


[As eagles fluttering o'er their nest]

As birds flying, so will the Lord defend, &c. —xxxi. 5.

As eagles fluttering o'er their nest
Protect their callow brood,
The Lord shall guard the souls that rest
In His atoning blood:
With tenderest care He passes o'er
His people to defend,
And saves from the destroyer's power,
And saves them to the end.
Even I, the meanest servant I,
Thy kind protection prove;
Jesus, Thou to my help dost fly
On wings of swiftest love:
And while Thy love is my defence,
Whoe'er would injure me
Must first o'erpower Omnipotence,
And force their way through Thee.



[With Jesus to reign Whoever aspire]

The Lord's fire is in Zion, &c. —xxxi. 9.

With Jesus to reign Whoever aspire,
Again and again He proves them by fire;
Cast into the furnace Their Saviour they praise;
The fire does but burnish And brighten their grace.
Then let us abide Through Jesus's name,
Till seven times tried, And purged by the flame,
Made like our Creator We gloriously shine,
And bear the new nature The image Divine.


[That Hiding-place I long to find]

A man shall be as an hiding-place, &c. —xxxii. 2.

That Hiding-place I long to find,
That sacred Covert from the wind:
Thou Man of grief, Thou God of love,
Receive, and keep my life above,
Conceal me from the furious blast,
Till all the storms of life are pass'd;
Or let the latest tempest come,
And drive me to my heavenly home.


[My soul, a dry and barren place]

As rivers of water in a dry place. —xxxii. 2.

My soul, a dry and barren place,
Gasps for the cooling streams of grace;
O might they through the desert roll
Refreshment to my gasping soul!
Jesus, I thirst for Thee, not Thine,
I want the well of life Divine,
The well of life Divine Thou art,
Spring up eternal in my heart.


[Eternal Rock, project Thy shade]

As the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. —xxxii. 2.

Eternal Rock, project Thy shade,
Extend to me Thy friendly aid,


While at Thy foot, a sinner I,
Weary, and spent, and dying lie:
Cover'd by Thee, my soul would rest
With pardon and salvation bless'd,
Till through Thy riven side I rise,
And see Thee fill both earth and skies.


[Lord, am not I at ease?]

Tremble, ye that are at ease; be troubled, &c. —xxxii. 11.

Lord, am not I at ease?
All-gracious as Thou art,
Put me in fear, and deep distress,
And break my careless heart:
I must the guilty pain
Here, or hereafter know,
A moment's grief on earth sustain,
Or endless grief below.


[The land where Jesus should be known]

Upon the land of My people shall come, &c. —xxxii. 13, 15.

The land where Jesus should be known,
Cultured by moral art in vain,
With thorns and brambles overgrown,
Defies the virtuous toil of man,
And who the Christian faith confess
Are all one ghastly wilderness.
Sin, only sin, can there appear,
Till our great Advocate above
Send down the purchased Comforter,
The promised Spirit of faith and love,
A gracious principle impart,
And change the unbelieving heart.
Then, then our barren souls shall bloom,
The ghastly uncouth wilderness
A flowery, fertile field become,
A field which God delights to bless,


And all His Spirit's fruits shall show
Our paradise regain'd below.


[Jesus, we on Thy word rely]

Then judgment shall dwell, &c. —xxxii. 16, 17.

Jesus, we on Thy word rely,
And wait the universal shower;
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high,
In all His gifts and graces pour,
And 'stablish every heart with grace,
With true indwelling righteousness.
Let judgment in the desert stay,
And goodness in the fruitful field,
Goodness which none can take away,
While conscious of our pardon seal'd,
We find the' unutterable rest,
And heaven is open'd in our breast.
Effect of righteousness Divine
Implanted in the soul renew'd,
The calm serenity be mine,
The humble confidence in God,
(Which neither life nor death can move,)
The fulness of eternal love.


[Jesus, we have long expected]

O Lord, be gracious unto us, &c. —xxxiii. 2.

Jesus, we have long expected
Thee our Saviour-God to see:
Can we be at last rejected,
Left to die for want of Thee?
Sinners at Thy footstool dying,
Us Thou surely wilt forgive,
Every soul on Thee relying
Must by Thee for ever live.


Through the dark distressing hour
Let us still perceive Thee near:
Then reveal Thy glorious power,
Faith's almighty Finisher,
Then in tenderest compassion
All our griefs and sins remove,
Be Thyself our full salvation,
Be Thyself our perfect love.


[Arm of the Lord, O Christ, Thou art]

Be Thou their arm every morning. —xxxiii. 2.

Arm of the Lord, O Christ, Thou art;
Mine arm this morning be,
Thy love omnipotent impart,
Reveal Thyself in me:
Till Thou my soul again create,
And all Thy power make known,
And raise me to my first estate;
I hang on Thee alone.


[Jesus, from Thy holy place]

The Lord dwelleth on high, &c. —xxxiii. 5, 6.

Jesus, from Thy holy place,
Thy dwelling in the sky,
Fill our church with righteousness,
Our want of faith supply;
Faith our strong salvation be,
And godliness with all its power
'Stablish our prosperity,
Till time shall be no more.
Let Thy Spirit of grace o'erflow
Our re-converted land,
Let the least and greatest know,
And bow to Thy command;


Wisdom pure, religious fear
Our king's peculiar treasure prove,
Bless'd with piety sincere,
Inspired with humble love.


[He that by faith in Jesus lives]

He that walketh righteously, &c. —xxxiii. 15–17.

He that by faith in Jesus lives,
Doth righteousness attain,
And walks unblamable, and gives
Their due to God and man;
His words as upright as his deeds,
His heart and conscience pure;
On all the joys of earth he treads,
And dwells with God secure.
Beyond the reach of sin and hell
He finds his place above,
Built on the Rock impregnable
Of everlasting love:
Immortal Bread he still receives,
The Spirit's fresh supplies,
And drinks the crystal stream, and lives
A life that never dies.
Go on, thrice happy soul, go on,
That heavenly land to see,
To see the King of saints come down
In glorious majesty,
Fairer than all the sons of men,
Than all the sons of light;
Look—and thy great reward obtain
In that most blissful sight!


[I long to behold Him array'd]

Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty, &c. —xxxiii. 17.

I long to behold Him array'd
With glory and light from above,


The King in His beauty display'd,
His beauty of holiest love:
I languish and die to be there
Where Jesus hath fix'd His abode:
O when shall we meet in the air,
And fly to the mountain of God!
With Him I on Sion shall stand,
(For Jesus hath spoken the word,)
The breadth of Immanuel's land
Survey by the light of my Lord:
But when on Thy bosom reclined
Thy face I am strengthen'd to see,
My fulness of rapture I find,
My heaven of heavens in Thee.


[Surely the promise is for me]

Surely the promise is for me,
Mine eyes shall in His beauty see
The King of saints above.
I shall on all His glories gaze,
And hymn in everlasting lays
The majesty of love.
Where angels in His presence stand,
I shall behold the heavenly land
Of full felicity;
Far from this vale of sin and woe,
My raptured soul the God shall know,
Who bought the land for me.
I only wait till Thou impart
Thyself, the earnest, to my heart,
The pure and perfect grace,
The meetness for that blissful sight,
And then surround me with the light
Of Thy unclouded face.



[How happy the people that dwell]

The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick. —xxxiii. 24.

How happy the people that dwell
Secure in the city above!
No pain the inhabitants feel,
No sickness or sorrow shall prove:
Physician of souls, unto me
Forgiveness and holiness give,
And then from the body set free,
And then to the city receive.


[I nothing else require]

Your God will come and save you. —xxxv. 4.

I nothing else require,
If Thou my Saviour be;
Salvation I desire,
Because it comes with Thee:
Thou, Lord, and Thou alone,
My whole salvation art,
Come, and erect Thy throne
Eternal in my heart.


[This Altar is the Lord]

Ye shall worship before this altar. —xxxvi. 7.

This Altar is the Lord,
Our Lord and God most high,
By all His saints beneath adored,
By all above the sky;
Raised by Almighty hands,
To Adam's offspring given,
'Twixt God and man this Altar stands,
And earth unites to heaven.
This Altar ever lives,
And did for man atone,
Hallows the offerings It receives,
And bears them to the throne.


Us to the throne It bears,
Mix'd with the sacred flame,
And God accepts His worshippers
Who bow to Jesus' name.


[Bound in sin and misery]

I am oppressed; undertake for me. —xxxviii. 14.

Bound in sin and misery
Jesus undertake for me,
Come to rescue the oppress'd,
Come to bring the weary rest:
Lord, if longer Thou delay,
Finally I fall away:
Wilt Thou suffer it to be,
Lose a soul redeem'd by Thee?
Thou hast undertook my cause,
Paid my ransom on the cross,
Yet unless Thy blood I feel,
Sinks my ransom'd soul to hell:
Purchased by Thy blood in vain,
Still I must in sin remain,
Must, without Thy blood applied,
Die, for whom Thyself hast died.
Purge me then from every sin,
Make my life and conscience clean,
Force my evil heart to' obey,
Take my evil heart away;
By Thy sanctifying blood
Fit me for the sight of God,
Then my sole disposer be,
Do whate'er Thou wilt with me.


[A Saviour I have]

The Lord was ready to save me. —xxxviii. 20.

A Saviour I have
Ever ready to save;


And to me He shall show
His uttermost power of salvation below:
Whom He now doth embrace
In the arms of His grace,
He ere long will admit
To a sight of His face, and a share of His seat.


[With faith's most fix'd attention]

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew, &c. —xl. 31.

With faith's most fix'd attention,
Jesus, on Thee I wait,
To gain in life's declension,
My primitive estate.
That vigour to recover,
Original, Divine;
And love my heavenly Lover,
And live entirely Thine.
With restless expectation
I for Thine image groan,
The strength of full salvation
Impatient to put on;
I long at that glad hour
To find, dear Lord, in Thee,
The spirit of health and power,
And spotless purity.
A prostrate soul desiring
To walk in all Thy ways,
With Thy own Spirit inspiring,
Among the children place.
Then, then a babe forgiven,
I without fainting go,
After my Guide to heaven,
And walk like Thee below.


In grace and faith increasing,
A man of God, I rise,
Wrestle for Jacob's blessing,
And win the long-sought prize;
With fervent zeal aspire,
To prove Thy perfect will,
And run, (but never tire,)
And scale the holy hill.
Eager my utmost Saviour,
As I am known, to know;
Establish'd in Thy favour,
I to a father grow.
From glory unto glory,
Changed by Thy Spirit, I
Shall walk unblamed before Thee,
Shall to Thy bosom fly.
Swift as an eagle soaring,
To view that heavenly Sun,
I mount,—I fall adoring,
Before the azure throne.
In songs, or silence praising
The God who died for me,
In triumphing, or gazing
Through all eternity.


[Must we not walk before we run]

They shall mount up with wings as eagles, &c. —xl. 31.

Must we not walk before we run,
And run before we fly,
From strength to strength go humbly on,
And labour up the sky?
The children walk in Christ, improve
To youths, and run their race,
The fathers soar with perfect love,
And see Him face to face.



[Fear not, for I thy God am here]

Fear thou not; for I am with thee, &c. —xli. 10.

Fear not, for I thy God am here,
(Jehovah to His servant saith,)
My presence shall dispel thy fear,
And fill thy heart with strength of faith:
No longer troubled or dismay'd,
Perceive thy gracious Saviour nigh,
And every moment feel My aid,
And on Mine outstretch'd arm rely.
Why shouldst thou fear, when I am thine,
When all I am, I am for thee?
If thou art weak, My strength Divine
Is perfect in infirmity:
Without My help who canst not stand
Thee I will never leave alone,
But hold thee up by My right hand,
But lift thee to My heavenly throne.


[Thy furious foes implacable]

Behold, all they that were incensed, &c. —xli. 11.

Thy furious foes implacable,
The banded potentates of night,
No more shall dare thy soul assail,
Confounded by My Spirit's might;
The worldly, persecuting throng,
Hell's synagogue, shall all submit,
And sin, which strove with thee so long,
Lie quite extinguish'd at thy feet.
Where are thine old intestine foes?
All come to a perpetual end:
No longer can the flesh oppose,
Or nature frail with grace contend:


The hatred of thy carnal mind,
Thy passions, lusts, as nothing be,
The life of sin thou canst not find,
Or know that pride remains in thee.


[For I, the Lord, thy God abide]

For I the Lord thy God will hold, &c. —xli. 13, 14.

For I, the Lord, thy God abide,
Till to the utmost saved thou art:
Be not afraid, 'tis I, thy Guide,
Who hold thy hand, and keep thy heart;
'Tis I, thy trembling heart assure,
With peace which none can take away,
And arm with patience to endure,
And save thee to the perfect day.
On Me thy constant Helper trust,
Thou abject worm despised by all;
They shall not crush thee in the dust
When I have raised thee from thy fall:
Thee from thy fall I soon will raise,
The purchase dear of blood Divine,
'Stablish thy feeble heart with grace,
And make My glorious fulness thine.


[Thee will I wield by grace renew'd]

Behold, I will make thee a new sharp, &c. —xli. 15, 16.

Thee will I wield by grace renew'd,
A weapon for My use design'd:
Go, thou sharp, iron-flail of God,
And thresh the loftiest of mankind,
The stubbornest and strongest beat
With violence of resistless zeal,
And separate from the sacred wheat,
And chase the cursed chaff to hell:


Dispersed the powers of darkness see:
Thy mountain-sins which reach'd the skies
Wide scatter'd by My breath shall be,
As chaff before the whirlwind flies:
Then shalt thou joyfully confess
My utmost truth, My hallowing word,
The Holy One of Israel praise,
Lost in the glories of thy Lord.


[Poor needy souls athirst and faint]

When the poor and needy seek water, &c. —xli. 17.

Poor needy souls athirst and faint
Who gasp for My redeeming love,
I will supply their spirit's want,
When blindly after Me they rove,
When in the barren wilderness
Water they seek with fruitless care,
Seek in the channels of My grace,
Yet not one cooling drop is there.
Attentive to their feeblest cry,
When fails for thirst their cleaving tongue,
I mark them with a pitying eye,
I hear their silence ask, “How long!”
The Lord of Hosts, the God of grace,
I never will My people leave,
But present in their last distress
The long-expected blessing give.


[Rivers of pure delight shall rise]

I will open rivers in high places, &c. —xli. 18, 19.

Rivers of pure delight shall rise,
And o'er the barren mountains flow,
Fountains and streams of paradise
Refresh the weary vale below:


Water'd by Me the desert-soul
The garden of the Lord shall prove,
Replenish'd as a wide-spread pool,
Or spring of everlasting love.
There in the smiling wilderness
My fertilizing Spirit shall dwell,
And plant the fair Elysian trees
Whose leaves the sickly nations heal:
The trees of righteousness shall grow,
And flourish to their Planter's praise,
And all the heavenly virtues show,
And all the fruits of ripest grace.


[Dead souls I will anew create]

That they may see, and know, and consider, &c. —xli. 20.

Dead souls I will anew create,
To make My truth and mercy known,
Restore them to their first estate,
And perfect all My saints in one;
That sinners may My love confess,
My favour and lost image find,
Convinced, I sent My Son to bless,
And save the whole apostate kind.
Sinners My witnesses shall see
Produced by a celestial birth,
And own, the ancient piety
The gracious work revived on earth;
And while their willing hearts receive
The proofs of My transforming power,
The world shall all at once believe,
And every soul My Son adore.


[Servant of God, and Son of Man]

Behold My Servant, whom I uphold, &c. —xlii. 1.

Servant of God, and Son of Man,
Eternal Son of God most high,


Fulfil the great redeeming plan
Which brought Thee, Saviour, from the sky,
Anointed by His Spirit, and seal'd,
With all His glorious fulness fill'd.
His soul's Delight, His Best-Beloved,
Give us Thyself and Him to know,
The righteousness by God approved
To us poor sinful Gentiles show:
The righteousness which faith imparts,
Impute, implant it in our hearts.


[Not with a loud uplifted voice]

He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause, &c. —xlii. 2.

Not with a loud uplifted voice
Dost Thou compel mankind to hear,
With strife, and violence, and noise!
But when a soul inclines its ear,
Thou dost the prostrate sinner raise
By the soft whisper of Thy grace.


[Thou wilt not crush the poor and weak]

A bruised reed shall He not break, &c. —xlii. 3.

Thou wilt not crush the poor and weak,
Thy tender heart can never bear
A reed already bruised to break,
To plunge the fearful in despair,
Or aggravate a sinner's load,
Or quench his faintest spark of good.
Rather Thy loving Spirit Divine
Shall raise the smoke into a flame,
Support this trembling soul of mine,
Till strong I out of weakness am,
And as a spreading cedar rise,
Meet for the garden of the skies.


Bear with me then, most patient Lord,
(This smoking flax, this bruised reed,)
Accomplishing Thy faithful word,
The heavenly light, the hidden seed
Bring forth, throughout my life to shine,
And prove Thy righteousness Divine.


[Discouraged at our wayward ways]

He shall not fail, nor be discouraged, &c. —xlii. 4.

Discouraged at our wayward ways,
We trust Thee, that Thou wilt not fail,
But carry on Thy work of grace,
Till mercy over sin prevail,
And fix on earth Thy righteous throne,
And reign in all our hearts alone.
Jesus, for this we still attend,
Thy kingdom in the isles to prove,
The law of sin and death to end,
We wait for all the power of love,
The law of perfect liberty,
The law of life which is in Thee.
O might it now from Thee proceed,
With Thee, into the souls of men,
Throughout the world Thy gospel spread,
And let Thy glorious Spirit reign,
On all the ransom'd race bestow'd,
And fill the universe with God.


[Adam descended from above]

I will give Thee for a covenant of the people, &c. —xlii. 6, 7.

Adam descended from above,
Federal Head of all mankind,
The covenant of redeeming love
In Thee let every sinner find:


Its Surety Thou alone hast paid
The debt we to Thy Father owed,
For the whole world atonement made,
And seal'd our pardon with Thy blood.
Thee the paternal Grace Divine
An universal Blessing gave,
A Light, in every heart to shine,
A Saviour, every soul to save:
Light of the Gentile world, appear,
Command the blind Thy rays to see,
Our darkness chase, our sorrows cheer,
And set Thy plaintive prisoners free.
Me, me who still in darkness sit,
Shut up in sin and unbelief,
Bring forth out of this hellish pit,
This dungeon of despairing grief;
Open mine eyes the Lamb to know
Who bears the general sin away,
And to my ransom'd spirit show
The glories of eternal day.


[Thanksgiving and praise To Jesus belongs]

Sing unto the Lord a new song, &c. —xlii. 10.

Thanksgiving and praise To Jesus belongs;
He claims for His grace New-testament songs;
Our Saviour and Lover In hymns we proclaim,
And all the world over Rejoice in His name.
Ye seafaring men His footsteps adore;
His miracles seen Of goodness and power,
Who plough the rough ocean, Your voices employ
With hearty devotion, And fulness of joy.


[Ye deserts so wild, Your offerings bring]

Let the wilderness and the cities lift up, &c. —xlii. 11, 12.

Ye deserts so wild, Your offerings bring,
Your God reconciled Ye villagers sing;
Exult in His passion Ye rude mountaineers,
For lo, your salvation With Jesus appears!


Him strong to redeem Ye islanders praise,
Created by Him Who saves the lost race,
With shouts never ceasing Extol the Most High,
And welcome the blessing He brings from the sky.


[Father, Thou dost conduct the blind]

I will bring the blind by a way, &c. —xlii. 16.

Father, Thou dost conduct the blind
A way we had not known,
Through Thee the way to heaven we find
In Thy beloved Son;
Thou show'st us what we all must do,
Salvation to obtain;
And who their shining path pursue
Shall life eternal gain.
In Christ to our celestial home
Thou leadest us aright;
The crooked things are straight become,
The darkness turn'd to light;
Where'er Thou dost Thy Son reveal,
Thou dost Thy Spirit give,
And nothing is impossible
To us who can believe.
Kept in the way by power Divine,
Through faith we still go on,
And hang on that dear word of Thine,
“I will not leave My own!”
Our souls which trust Thy constant love
Thy constant love defends,
And brings us to Thy house above
Where faith in vision ends.


[Father, the thing impossible]

I will work, and who shall let it? —xliii. 13.

Father, the thing impossible
At Thy command shall be,


Not all the powers of earth and hell
Can frustrate Thy decree:
The kingdoms of the earth shall all
Be swallow'd up in one,
And universal nature fall
Before Thy glorious Son.


[Surprising turn of heavenly grace!]

Thou hast wearied Me with thine iniquities, &c. —xliii. 24, 25.

Surprising turn of heavenly grace!
“I, even I, am He,”
That drives the sinner from My face?
“No; but who pardon thee!”
Thy bowels of compassion sound,
Thy heart with love runs o'er,
And where my sin doth most abound,
Thy grace aboundeth more.


[Thou must for Thy own sake forgive]

I, even I am He that blotteth out, &c. —xliii. 25.

Thou must for Thy own sake forgive,
It cannot be for mine;
My power the pardon to receive,
My faith is all Divine:
A sinner on mere mercy cast,
Thy mercy I embrace,
And gladly own, from first to last
That I am saved by grace.


[Balm of my wounded spirit, Lord]

Balm of my wounded spirit, Lord,
Thy promise I receive;
Forgive, according to Thy word,
For Thy own sake forgive:
Blot out, Thou Sun of Righteousness,
The' impenetrable cloud,
Jesus, my countless sins efface
With Thy atoning blood.



[Thou wilt be merciful, Thou wilt]

And will not remember thy sins. —xliii. 25.

Thou wilt be merciful, Thou wilt
No longer bear in mind
My old, or new-contracted guilt,
But cast it all behind:
My sins if I no more repeat,
When Thou hast cross'd the score,
Forgiving them, Thou wilt forget
And never mention more.


[Father of all, the Just, the True]

Put Me in remembrance: let Us plead, &c. —xliii. 26.

Father of all, the Just, the True,
I put Thee now in mind,
The pardon is by promise due
To me and all mankind:
The promise to myself I take,
I bring the sinner's plea;
Forgive me for Thy mercy's sake,
Which Jesus bought for me.
I trust in Jesu's death alone,
My steadfast faith declare;
He did for all my sins atone,
He did Thine anger bear:
The blood which hath procured my peace
Now let me feel applied,
And glorying in His righteousness,
I now am justified.


[The true Cyrus I see!]

He shall let go My captives, not for price, &c. —xlv. 13.

The true Cyrus I see!
My Jesus is He,
At whose gracious command the whole world may go free:


Who on Jesus relies
Without ransom or price
A pardon obtains, and a place in the skies.
We have nothing to pay,
For the Father did lay
Our sins on His Son, and He bore them away.
His passion alone
For all did atone,
And redeem'd by His death, I inherit His throne.


[Thou God unsearchable, unknown]

Verily Thou art a God that hidest Thyself, &c.— xlv. 15.

Thou God unsearchable, unknown,
Who still conceal'st Thyself from me,
Hear an apostate spirit groan,
Broke off, and far exiled from Thee,
But conscious of my fall I mourn,
And fain I would to Thee return.
Send forth one ray of heavenly light,
Of gospel-hope, or humble fear,
To guide me through this gulf of night,
My poor, desponding soul to cheer,
Till Thou mine unbelief remove,
And show me all Thy glorious love.


[An hidden God indeed Thou art!]

An hidden God indeed Thou art!
Thine absence I this moment feel:
Yet must I own it from my heart,
Conceal'd, Thou art a Saviour still,
And though Thy face I cannot see,
I know Thine eye is fix'd on me.
My Saviour Thee, not yet reveal'd,
Yet will I Thee my Saviour call,
Adore Thy hand, from sin withheld;
Thy hand shall raise me from my fall,


Thou wilt throughout my darkness shine,
And show Thyself for ever mine.


[How should I know unless from Thee]

How should I know unless from Thee,
That Thou art still a God unknown?
Made conscious of my misery,
Thy Spirit's absence I bemoan:
For O! in tenderness of love,
Thou dost my unbelief reveal;
The thick religious veil remove,
And show me all my nature's hell.
Dark as the shades of endless night,
Wrapp'd in impenetrable gloom,
After the true, eternal Light
I feel, oppress'd till Jesus come;
Till Christ, the glory of the Lord,
His beatific Self impart,
And speak the faith-creating word,
And rise illustrious in my heart.


[Thou, Jesus, of the chosen seed]

Israel shall be saved in the Lord, &c. —xlv. 17.

Thou, Jesus, of the chosen seed
The utmost Saviour art,
Of every Israelite indeed,
Of all the pure in heart:
Thy saints who every moment feel
The confidence of love,
While yet on earth, secure they dwell
Within Thine arms above.
Perfect in love which casts out fear
They for Thy coming stay,
And bold before Thy throne appear
In that tremendous day:


Confounded, Lord, and put to shame
Thy church shall never be,
Saved by the virtue of Thy name,
For ever saved in Thee.


[Commanded, Lord, and drawn by Thee]

I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain —xlv. 19.

Commanded, Lord, and drawn by Thee
Have I not sought Thy face,
And ask'd for half a century
Thy heart-renewing grace?
Yet is my prayer unanswer'd still,
My heart is unrenew'd,
Throughout my fallen soul I feel
That I am void of God.
But wilt Thou suffer me to die
Such as I now remain?
It cannot, cannot be, that I
Should seek my God in vain:
My soul into Thy hands I give,
And hold the promise fast,
And seeking on, I must believe,
I must be saved at last.


[Eternal Lord of earth and skies]

There is no Saviour beside Me, &c. —xlv. 21, 22.

Eternal Lord of earth and skies,
We wait Thy Spirit's latest call:
Bid all our fallen race arise,
(Thou who hast purchased life for all,)
Saved by that wondrous look Divine
Which makes Thy full salvation mine.
Sole self-existent God supreme,
Thee, Jesus, let the world confess,
Whose blood did the whole world redeem,
And seals the universal peace,


Whose only name, to sinners given,
Snatches from hell, and lifts to heaven.


[The word Thy sacred lips has pass'd]

I have sworn by Myself, That unto Me, &c. —xlv. 23–25.

The word Thy sacred lips has pass'd,
The sure irrevocable word,
That every soul shall bow at last,
And swear allegiance to its Lord,
The kingdoms of the earth shall be
For ever subjected to Thee.
Even now whoe'er in Thee believes
Thy righteousness and strength obtains,
Thy kingdom in his heart receives,
And conqueror of the world he reigns,
Sees all Thy foes with shame submit,
And Satan bruised beneath his feet.
Surely in Christ by faith reveal'd
Forgiveness and full power have I,
Thy people know their pardon seal'd,
Even all who on Thy death rely;
We glory in the Prince of Peace,
We praise the Lord our righteousness.


[Thou hast my kind Preserver been]

Even to hoar hairs will I carry you, &c. —xlvi. 4.

Thou hast my kind Preserver been
Even from my mother's womb;
Thou wilt deliver me from sin,
While hastening to the tomb:
To hoary hairs Thou bear'st my load;
Made, and redeem'd by Thee,
Father, Thou art in Christ my God,
And shalt for ever be.



[Believing I my seal set to]

Believing I my seal set to
That God is merciful, and true,
Who took out of my mother's womb,
He leads me softly to the tomb.
From infancy to hoary hairs
He all my griefs and burdens bears,
Supports me in His arms of love
And hides my ransom'd life above.
Still, O my gracious God, and just,
I in Thy faithful mercies trust;
And those that on Thy word depend
Thou wilt deliver to the end;
Thou wilt in death my weakness bear,
And raised out of the sepulchre,
Carry me up Thy face to see,
And save through all eternity.


[Evil I from the womb have been]

Thou wast called a transgressor from the womb. —xlviii. 8.

Evil I from the womb have been,
Born, altogether born in sin,
In sin conceived and bred,
My actual guilt's enormous load
Calls down the fiercest wrath of God
On my devoted head.


[Yet dost Thou, Lord, Thy wrath forbear]

For My name's sake will I defer Mine anger, &c. —xlviii. 9.

Yet dost Thou, Lord, Thy wrath forbear,
My righteous punishment defer,
Time after time reprieve;
Thou dost not speedy vengeance take,
But still for Thy own mercy's sake
Permittest me to live.


I live to render Thee the praise,
A monument of Thy patient grace
Thy patient grace I own,
Pluck'd as a brand out of the flame,
Spared for the glory of Thy name,
The glory of Thy Son.


[Thou hast into the furnace cast]

Behold, I have refined thee, &c. —xlviii. 10.

Thou hast into the furnace cast,
Yet by my griefs and sufferings pass'd
I am not, Lord, refined:
I am not, but I shall be pure,
Shall make my own election sure,
And leave my dross behind.


[To make Thy truth and goodness known]

For Mine own sake, even for Mine own sake, &c. —xlviii. 11.

To make Thy truth and goodness known,
Thou wilt, for Thine own sake alone,
Forgive, and seal my peace;
Thou wilt for Thine own sake restore
The first domain, the' unsinning power,
The finish'd holiness.
Come then, that Thy great name may be
No longer vilified for me,
Mine evil heart remove:
The honour of Thy name retrieve,
And show the world how Christians live,
When perfected in love.


[Go forth, ye ransom'd people, flee]

Go ye forth of Babylon, &c. —xlviii. 20.

Go forth, ye ransom'd people, flee
Out of your dire captivity,
Who slaves in Babylon remain:


(That Babel of the carnal will,
Confusion worse confounded still
By jarring tongues, and janglings vain!)
With gospel-songs triumphant tell
The glorious liberty ye feel,
Your joys throughout the earth proclaim,
The Cause of all your joys repeat,
The' exploits of Love divinely great,
The wonders wrought by Jesu's name.


[Jesus the Lord hath set us free]

The Lord hath redeemed His servant Jacob. —xlviii. 20.

Jesus the Lord hath set us free,
Redeem'd from all iniquity,
And raised His servants into sons,
We have redemption through His blood,
His holy church, His Spirit's abode,
His temple built with living stones!
He hath in us His name reveal'd,
His precious promises fulfill'd;
And lo, we into nothing fall,
Poor with eternal poverty
Goodness entire in Christ we see,
We feel that Christ is all in all!


[Expecting now to be restored]

They thirsted not when He led them, &c. —xlviii. 21.

Expecting now to be restored,
And led by our redeeming Lord,
We through the pathless desert go,
Refresh'd, as in the ancient days,
With living streams of gospel-grace
Which from the Rock of Ages flow.


We seek the New Jerusalem,
Till marching on in Jesu's name
The New Jerusalem we meet;
That mother of us all descends,
And shouting with our heavenly friends
We find in Christ our joy complete.


[Father, Thou hast bestow'd]

I will give Thee for a light to the Gentiles, &c. —xlix. 6.

Father, Thou hast bestow'd
On man the' incarnate God:
Shining in our nature's night,
In our mortal flesh reveal'd,
Him, the true eternal Light
Earth's remotest ends beheld.
But will He not again
Appear on earth to reign?
Yes, the Light of Life Divine
All mankind shall soon receive,
Christ in every soul shall shine,
Christ in every heart shall live.
His name from east to west
Shall be by all confess'd;
Him America shall praise,
Asia recognise His power,
Reconverted Europe bless,
Afric's savages adore.
O that we now might feel
Thy Gift unspeakable!
Father, for Thy Son we wait:
Now Thy great salvation send,
Sole, immortal Potentate,
King of saints, till time shall end.



[Treaty of peace 'twixt God and man]

I will give Thee for a covenant of the people, &c. —xlix. 8.

Treaty of peace 'twixt God and man,
Thee, Jesus, Thee we gladly own,
Whate'er the covenant doth contain
Is all comprised in Thee alone;
Its Surety Thou, its blessings art,
Its substance in Thy people's heart.
Come then, Thy Father's will to do,
His wisdom, and effectual power:
Thou only canst our earth renew,
Our desolated souls restore;
And fill the drooping heart with peace,
And stablish us in righteousness.
The ghastly wastes which sin hath made,
God of almighty love, repair,
Revive our piety decay'd,
Rising out of her ruins fair
Thy church, Thy blameless body, show
The plenitude of God below.


[Jesus, dear almighty Lord]

That Thou mayest say to the prisoners, &c. —xlix. 9, 10.

Jesus, dear almighty Lord,
Speak the soul-redeeming word,
Breathe the Spirit of liberty,
Bid us now believe on Thee:
When Thou dost Thy Spirit give,
We our gloomy dungeons leave,
Cast the chains of sin away,
Walk at large in open day.
Now out of our sins we go,
Now redeem'd, ourselves we show,
Walk in ways of pleasantness,
Feed on Thy forgiving grace,


Pasture in the mountains find,
To the flock of Israel join'd,
Range o'er all the fields above,
Happy in our Shepherd's love.
Nothing more can we require,
Love fills up our whole desire,
Kept by love's protecting power,
Nothing can we suffer more;
Who to us hast mercy shown,
Still Thou dost conduct Thine own,
By the streams of purest grace
To our everlasting place.


[Thither with our heavenly Guide]

And I will make all My mountains a way, &c. —xlix. 11.

Thither with our heavenly Guide,
We o'er earth's high-places ride;
Mountains at Thy presence flow,
Rise the humble vales below:
Find we here a ready road,
Never by the guilty trod,
An high-way of holiness
Leading to eternal peace.


[Sinners our immortal King]

Behold, these shall come from far: &c. —xlix. 12.

Sinners our immortal King
Shall from every quarter bring,
North, and south, and west, and east,
Gather'd to the gospel-feast,
Flocking in from lands unknown
They with Abraham shall sit down,
Room enough for sinners find,
For them, for us, and all mankind.



[Jesus shall still His people save]

The Lord will have mercy upon His afflicted. —xlix. 13.

Jesus shall still His people save,
Mercy on His afflicted have,
And fill their hearts with peace:
Speak to this troubled heart of mine,
Cheer me, dear Lord, with love Divine,
And perfect righteousness.


[Sing ye heavens, and earth rejoice]

Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth, &c. —xlix. 13.

Sing ye heavens, and earth rejoice,
Sons of men, lift up your voice,
Great ones, who o'erlook the throng,
Shout at learning the new song,
Vie with that acclaiming host,
Ye have cause to triumph most,
Dearer to their King above,
Ransom'd by His dying love.
Jesus hath fulfill'd His word,
He, our dear redeeming Lord
Hath in mortal flesh appear'd,
All His mournful people cheer'd:
Millions of the fallen race
Through His comfortable grace
Here have known their sins forgiven,
Gone in perfect peace to heaven.
Millions more their Lord shall know,
When He doth His mercy show,
Mercy's utmost power display
In the long-expected day:
Come, Thou universal Friend,
Human miseries to end,
Jews, and Turks, and heathens call,
All receive, who diedst for all.



[I know it: by Thy hands and feet]

Yet will I not forget thee. —xlix. 15.

I know it: by Thy hands and feet
Thou must remember me:
Thou couldst as easily forget
What pass'd on Calvary!


[Engraven with an iron pen]

I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands. —xlix. 16.

Engraven with an iron pen
My name upon Thy hands is seen:
Lord, with Thy love's acutest dart
Engrave Thy name upon my heart.


[Sion, look round with strange delight]

Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: &c. —xlix. 18.

Sion, look round with strange delight,
The world's wide fields to harvest white,
The gathering multitudes behold,
The forces of both earth and sea;
My gospel-church, they come to thee,
They press into My sacred fold!
The Gentiles shall My church adorn,
(Jehovah by His life hath sworn,)
To thee brought in from every side:
And when thou art completely dress'd,
And ready for the marriage-feast,
I come Myself to fetch My bride.


[Thy land, which long lay waste and void]

For thy waste and thy desolate places, &c. —xlix. 19.

Thy land, which long lay waste and void,
Depopulated and destroy'd,
An unfrequented wilderness,
Shall smile, again manured and till'd,
Again inhabited, and fill'd,
And crowded with the sons of grace.


My people saved, My chosen seed,
Throughout the land of promise spread,
The world no longer shall devour;
Satan, who made your souls a prey,
Shall flee, for ever chased away,
And sin lay waste My church no more.


[I will with other children bless]

The children which thou shalt have, &c. —xlix. 20.

I will with other children bless,
With sudden infinite increase
Thy long-lamented loss repair;
Straiten'd for more and larger room
Thy children unto thee shall come,
And ask thy kind maternal care.
Then shalt thou say with glad surprise,
Who gave me these to bless mine eyes,
The widow's mournful heart to cheer?
They come, begotten from above,
Dear pledges of my Jesu's love,
They all the sons of God appear!
I had my former children lost,
A captive sad, by tempests toss'd,
I wander'd to and fro distress'd;
But in my desolate state I see
A new succeeding progeny
Who rise and call their Father bless'd:
Where have they been in secret bred?
The Lord preserved a faithful seed
Their great Preserver to proclaim,
His truth and love to glorify,
Apostate Israel's place supply,
And spread through earth the Christian name.



[Beckoning with Mine uplifted hand]

Behold, I will lift up Mine hand, &c. —xlix. 22.

Beckoning with Mine uplifted hand,
I will the heathen world command
To bring thy wandering children home;
The heathen world shall own My sign,
And willing made by power Divine
To My erected standard come:
Thy sons they in their arms shall bear,
Thy daughters guard with tenderest care,
And mounted on their shoulders show,
Till lodged within thy kind embrace
Gentiles and Jews are join'd by grace,
And all the God of Israel know.


[Such may our young Josiah prove]

Kings shall be thy nursing fathers. —xlix. 23.

Such may our young Josiah prove,
And make Thy church his pious care,
Cherish with wise, paternal love,
And in his royal bosom bear!
Thyself, O Christ, his Keeper be,
The guardian of Thy flock defend,
And let the king rejoice in Thee
His heavenly everlasting Friend.


[Earth's greatest kings and queens shall be]

Earth's greatest kings and queens shall be
Divinely great, by serving Thee,
By favouring whom their God approves,
Defenders of the faithful seed,
Their glory and delight to feed
The meanest saint that Jesus loves:


While those who persecute and hate
My church in her forlorn estate,
Shall soon indignantly submit;
The worms that swell to wear a crown,
The haughty worms shall all bow down,
And lick the dust beneath thy feet.


[Then, Sion, thou shalt fully know]

And thou shalt know that I am the Lord, &c. —xlix. 23.

Then, Sion, thou shalt fully know
The King of kings reveal'd below
In glorious majesty Divine:
Righteous, and true, and good I am,
Jehovah, Jesus is My name,
Thy God in Christ for ever thine.
Expecting Me on earth to reign,
My people shall not wait in vain,
But saved and perfected in one
Shall see Me come triumphant back,
My train increase, My joy partake,
And share Mine everlasting throne.


[Shall the mighty lose his prey]

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, &c. —xlix. 24–26.

Shall the mighty lose his prey
By a Mightier borne away?
Shall the strong-man-arm'd be foil'd,
Of his lawful captive spoil'd?
Who from Satan's tyranny,
Who from sin can rescue me?
Answers my almighty Lord,
Truth Himself hath spoke the word,
He shall bear the prize away,
Spoil the spoiler of his prey,


Every lawful captive seize,
Claim a ransom'd world for His.
Thou, on whom Thy church depend,
Wilt with all our foes contend,
Make the world and sin submit,
Bruise the fiend beneath our feet,
Sharers of Thy victory
Save the souls that trust in Thee.
Jesus, now Thine arm display,
All our fierce oppressors slay,
Sin, and the terrific king,
Crush the monster with his sting,
Now the wicked one consume,
Saviour to the utmost come.
Then the world shall surely know
Our Redeemer's power below,
All mankind shall then confess
Jesus, and His witnesses,
Praise the Lord, when us they see
Saints from sin for ever free.


[How justly, Lord, dost Thou complain]

Wherefore, when I came, was there no man, &c. —l. 2.

How justly, Lord, dost Thou complain
Of heedless unregarding man,
Who still invitest all
With offers of Thy richest grace;
Yet none the benefit embrace,
Or answer to Thy call.
Thou seek'st Thine own, who Thee reject,
Or deaf to mercy's voice neglect
Their Saviour to receive,


From Thy pursuing love they fly,
And harden'd unbelievers die,
Because they will not live.


[Jesus, the wonders of Thy name]

Is My hand shortened at all, that it cannot, &c. —l. 2.

Jesus, the wonders of Thy name
To-day as yesterday the same
We all are call'd to prove;
No end is of Thy mercies found,
We cannot stop Thine arm, or bound
The' omnipotence of love.
Thy hand we still unshorten'd see,
All power Divine belongs to Thee,
If sinners dare believe:
Thy power Thou wilt in us exert,
And certify the longing heart
Thou canst on earth forgive.
Thou canst destroy our pardon'd sin,
Produce out of a soul unclean
A saint entire and free,
From every spot and wrinkle pure,
And make our full salvation sure,
And hide our life with Thee.


[Who is the weak believer, who]

Who is among you that feareth the Lord, &c. —l. 10.

Who is the weak believer, who
Doth still his dreary way pursue,
Inspired with true religious fear,
And following Christ with heart sincere?
Obedient to thy Saviour's voice,
Yet canst thou not in Him rejoice,
Or taste the comforts of His grace,
Or find a God who hides His face.


Jesus is vanish'd from thy sight,
No glimpse of bliss, or gleam of light
To cheer thee in the desert way,
Or promise a return of day;
No evidence of things unseen,
But wars without, and fears within,
No witness of thy sins forgiven,
No ray of hope on this side heaven!
Poor, tempted soul, what canst thou do?
Hope against hope, that God is true,
His nature in His name confess,
His wisdom, power, and righteousness;
The Lord, whom now thou canst not see,
Whate'er He is, He is for thee;
Expect; and thou shalt surely prove,
That God in Christ is perfect love.
Till then, on Him thy spirit stay,
Whose death hath borne thy sins away,
Conform'd to Jesus in His blood,
With Him cry out, “My God, my God!
My God, my God, I hold Thee fast,
Till nature's latest pang is pass'd,
Into Thy hands my soul resign,
And then—Thou art for ever mine.”


[Jesus, to me the grace impart]

I, even I, am He that comforteth you. —li. 12.

Jesus, to me the grace impart,
Which all that mourn receive:
The only Comforter Thou art,
Who only canst forgive.



[“Nay, we have thousands got:”]

Ye have sold yourselves for nought. —lii. 3.

Nay, we have thousands got:”
And if the world ye gain,
Still ye have sold yourselves for nought
But everlasting pain.


[To sin, the world, and Satan sold]

Ye shall be redeemed without money. —lii. 3.

To sin, the world, and Satan sold,
Look up thou wretched slave,
The Ransomer of men behold,
Who comes thy soul to save:
He laid the ransom down for thee,
That spotless Lamb of God;
The pardon is to sinners free,
But cost Him all His blood.


[The angels gazed to see their God]

Many were astonished at Thee. —lii. 14.

The angels gazed to see their God,
A child of man to sinners given!
Again, to see His streaming blood,
They gazed—and silence was in heaven!
The saints admire with strange delight
Their dying Lord enthroned above,
And praise the length, and breadth, and height,
And depth of His stupendous love.


[Was ever grief like Thine]

His visage was so marred more than any man, &c. —lii. 14.

Was ever grief like Thine,
Jesus, Thou Man of woe!
The visage and the form Divine,
Why was it mangled so?
That man through Thee restored
God's image might regain,
And by the sorrows of his Lord
In joy eternal reign.



[As many as on earth are found]

So shall He sprinkle many nations. —lii. 15.

As many as on earth are found
Redeem'd by sacred gore,
Shall own, where sin doth most abound,
That grace aboundeth more:
Whole nations at His cross shall bow,
His pardoning mercy find:
Come, Thou Desire of nations now,
And sprinkle all mankind!


[We claim the promise, Lord, for ours!]

The kings shall shut their mouths at Him. —lii. 15.

We claim the promise, Lord, for ours!
O that his soul with all its powers
Might silent in Thy presence fall,
And feel the blood which flow'd for all,
Ashamed to speak, afraid to move,
Lost in astonishment and love!


[Father, Thou didst chastise our Lord]

The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. —liii. 5.

Father, Thou didst chastise our Lord:
Now let Thine anger cease,
And seal us to Thy grace restored,
In everlasting peace.


[Pardon through Thy wounds I have]

With His stripes we are healed. —liii. 5.

Pardon through Thy wounds I have:
But is pardon all the cure?
Thou wilt to the utmost save,
Make mine inmost nature pure,
Me to perfect health restore:
Then I shall relapse no more.


[In loudest songs thy joy declare]

Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; &c. —liv. 1, 2.

In loudest songs thy joy declare,
Thou barren church, that didst not bear,
Thine happy change with shoutings tell;


Beyond the ancient Israel bless'd,
Far more abundantly increased,
The widow doth the wife excel:
Enlarge thy dwelling-place, extend
Thy pale to earth's remotest end,
Within no narrow bounds confined,
With cords of everlasting love,
With stakes of truth that cannot move,
Spread out thy tent for all mankind.


[Redundant as a swelling tide]

For thou shalt break forth on the right hand, &c. —liv. 3.

Redundant as a swelling tide,
Thou shalt break forth on every side,
The dams o'erflow, the mounds bear down;
Thy first-born sons, an holy seed,
Through every distant realm shall spread,
And make the Gentile world their own.
The cities that for ages past,
Through sin lay desolate and waste,
The souls of grace and virtue void,
The zealous children shall repair,
And Christ Himself inhabit there,
And every saint be fill'd with God.


[With confidence lift up thy face]

Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed, &c. —liv. 4.

With confidence lift up thy face,
Nor dread the scandal and disgrace,
At first on all thy children cast,
“Have any of the great believed?”
Yes; rulers have thy law received,
And kings themselves submit—the last.


No more shalt thou upbraided be,
With fewness or with poverty,
Or sad thy widow'd state deplore;
Self-will and pride, thy nature's shame,
Are swallow'd up in Jesu's name,
And sin's confusion is no more.


[Be bold in Jesus to confide]

For thy Maker is thine Husband; &c. —liv. 5.

Be bold in Jesus to confide,
His creature, and His spotless bride,
Thy Husband's power and goodness prove:
The Holy One of Israel He,
The Lord of hosts hath chosen thee,
In truth, and righteousness, and love.
The middle wall is broken down,
And God to every nation known,
Exalted on His throne of grace,
Shall reign by the whole earth adored,
Sole, sovereign, universal Lord,
God over all the ransom'd race.


[Cast off for thy unfaithfulness]

For the Lord hath called thee as a woman, &c. —liv. 6–8.

Cast off for thy unfaithfulness,
Thy God had left thee in distress,
A wife of youth condemn'd to mourn;
But scattering all thy grief and pain,
Thy Husband comforts thee again,
I bid thee to My arms return.
I frown'd for a small moment's space,
Hid in a little wrath My face,
But will with mercies great receive;


I will thy full Redeemer come,
Gather thee to thine heavenly home,
And everlastingly forgive.


[For as I once to Noah swore]

For this is as the waters of Noah unto Me: &c. —liv. 9, 10.

For as I once to Noah swore
“A flood should drown the world no more,”
Again the gracious oath I take,
Howe'er I may My own chastise,
My utmost wrath shall never rise,
I will no more My church forsake:
The hills and mountains may depart,
But deeper rooted in My heart,
From hence thou never shalt remove,
I will not take My Spirit away,
But always with My people stay,
The covenant-God of endless love.


[O thou afflicted church, forlorn]

O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, &c. —liv. 11, 12.

O thou afflicted church, forlorn,
By tempest toss'd, by sorrow torn,
Appearing in thy last distress,
I will thy ruinous state repair,
And build thee up divinely fair,
And deck with all the gems of grace.
I lay the city's base alone,
Myself the precious Corner-stone,
Myself the Wisdom from above;
My Spirit shall in thee reside,
With gifts enrich'd and beautified,
With knowledge, holiness, and love.



[Thy children, all inspired by Me]

All thy children shall be taught, &c. —liv. 13, 14.

Thy children, all inspired by Me,
Full of the Holy Ghost shall be,
Of glorious joy and perfect peace,
Their souls I will anew create,
And stablish in a sinless state,
Through faith's implanted righteousness:
Then shalt thou fear thy foes no more,
Beyond the dire oppressor's power,
Beyond the reach of earth and hell:
My word is to the utmost proved,
The inbred stumbling-block removed,
And sin is quite impossible.


[The world shall impotently rage]

Behold, they shall surely gather together, &c. —liv. 15, 16.

The world shall impotently rage,
Without My leave their powers engage
To' oppress My church as heretofore:
But blasted by My glorious eyes,
Whoe'er against My favourites rise,
Shall fall at last, to rise no more:
Who forge the instruments of death,
From Me they first receive their breath;
I made the smith that blows the fire;
The waster at My beck destroys;
And when My wrath no more employs,
I burn the weapons of Mine ire.


[The weapons men or devils frame]

No weapon that is formed against thee, &c. —liv. 17.

The weapons men or devils frame,
The fiery darts shall miss their aim,
Nor once inflict the slightest wound;


And who thy spotless life condemn,
Condemn'd themselves and put to shame
Shall all be false-accusers found.
Such is the life My servants live,
So great the joy they here receive
Sure earnest of their joys above,
Pardon'd, and sanctified by grace,
Possessing Me, they all possess
True righteousness, and sinless love.


[Who comes unto Thee]

Buy without money. —lv. 1.

Who comes unto Thee
A mere sinner like me,
Shall acknowledge Thy grace undeservèd and free,
While astonish'd he buys
Without money or price
A kingdom on earth, and a throne in the skies.


[Come all the lost race, Redeem'd from your fall]

Ho, every one that thirsteth, &c. —lv. 1–3.

Come all the lost race, Redeem'd from your fall;
A fountain of grace Is open'd for all:
Your God's invitation Discovers the stream;
The wells of salvation Are open'd in Him.
Who seek to be bless'd, But labour in vain,
And sigh for the rest Ye cannot attain,
Come all to the Saviour, Your life-giving Lord,
And find in His favour Your Eden restored.
Poor vagabonds here Who shadows pursue,
To Jesus draw near For happiness true.
Ye all may receive it, (Good news for the poor,)
And when ye believe it, Your pardon is sure.


Come, taste, and confess The goodness Divine,
The sense of His grace Is better than wine:
'Tis sweeter than honey, The milk of the word;
'Tis bought without money, The love of your Lord.
No goodness have ye, No goodness ye need;
His mercy is free, Is mercy indeed!
Renounce your own merit, And buy without price
His grace and His Spirit, And crown in the skies.
Distracted by thought And care without end,
Your labour for nought, Ah! why will ye spend,
Your time of probation In trifles employ,
In vain expectation Of fugitive joy?
For pleasure, and praise, And riches ye pant;
Your wishes possess, Yet perish for want:
Destroy'd by fruition, Your bliss ye bemoan,
And wail your condition, Contented with none.
Come just as ye are, For Jesus invites
Mere sinners to share Substantial delights:
Ye weary, and burden'd, Who happy would be,
And wish to be pardon'd, Come, listen to Me.
Be bless'd for My sake, With permanent good
And freely partake Angelical food,
Be fed by believing With Bread from above,
My nature receiving, And fill'd with My love.
The ear of your heart, Whoever incline,
To you I impart My fulness Divine,
Your souls by My Spirit Made meet for the sky,
The life shall inherit, Which never shall die.


[Jesus, I believe Thee near]

Thus saith the Lord, keep ye judgment, &c. —lvi. 1.

Jesus, I believe Thee near:
My Salvation shall appear,


My Salvation from all sin
When I have my Lord within,
Righteousness in Thee is mine,
Spotless righteousness Divine.
Coming in a way of grace
Thee I hasten to embrace,
In the way of duty I
Look to find Thee passing by,
Tow'rd the great Salvation press,
Follow after righteousness.
Thus to meet my Lord I go,
Thus I wait Thy love to know,
Righteousness so long conceal'd,
Perfect love in me reveal'd;
Perfect love, O Christ, Thou art;
Dwell for ever in my heart.


[Happy is the righteous man]

The righteous perisheth, and no man, &c. —lvii. 1.

Happy is the righteous man,
Snatch'd away to his Beloved:
O might I his lot obtain,
Suddenly from earth removed!
Bless'd, for ever bless'd might I
Soon, and unlamented die!
Take me from the evil, Lord;
Take the evil first from me:
By Thy hallowing grace restored,
Let me here Thy glory see,
Serve Thee with a perfect heart,
Live to God—and then depart.


[Fain would I put my trust in Thee]

He that putteth his trust in Me, &c. —lvii. 13.

Fain would I put my trust in Thee,
That pleasant land and mountain see:


Ah, give me, Saviour, to possess
The land of rest and righteousness;
Then, then my spotless soul lift up,
To meet my Lord on Sion's top,
And claim through Thy redeeming love
A lot with all the saints above!


[Beyond the bounds of space and time]

Thus saith the high and lofty One, &c. —lvii. 15–17.

Beyond the bounds of space and time
On His eternal throne sublime,
Will God's most glorious majesty
Vouchsafe to cast a look on me?
Yes; if to me His grace impart
The humble, poor, and broken heart,
The holy, high, and lofty One
Shall make my heart His earthly throne.
But how shall I the promise plead?
The genuine poverty I need,
My want of true contrition own,
And deep beneath the burden groan;
With such a wretch insensible
If the great God can ever dwell,
Thou, Jesus, must remove my sin,
And break my heart by entering in.
Come then, my unbelief to end,
Nor always with a worm contend,
Thine anger with my sin remove,
And cheer me by Thy pardoning love:
If Thou despise my helpless case,
Thy creature faints for want of grace;
If Thou Thy dear-bought child forget,
I die despairing at Thy feet.



[Saviour, I now with shame confess]

For the iniquity of his covetousness, &c. —lvii. 17–19.

Saviour, I now with shame confess
My lust of creature-happiness;
By base desires I wrong'd Thy love,
And forced Thy mercy to reprove:
Yet would I not regard Thy stroke,
And when Thou didst Thy grace revoke,
And when Thou didst Thy face conceal,
Thine absence I refused to feel.
I wist not that the Lord was gone,
In my own froward will went on,
And lived to the desires of men;
And Thou hast all my wanderings seen:
Yet, O the riches of Thy grace!
Thou who hast seen my evil ways,
Wilt freely my backslidings heal,
And pardon on my conscience seal.
For this I at Thy footstool wait,
Till Thou my peace again create,
Fruit of Thy gracious lips restore
My peace, and bid me sin no more:
Far off, yet at Thy feet I lie,
Till Thou again Thy blood apply,
Till Thou repeat my sins forgiven,
As far from God as hell from heaven.
But for Thy truth and mercy's sake,
My comfort Thou shalt give me back,
And lead me on from grace to grace,
In all the paths of righteousness,
Till throughly saved my new-born soul,
And perfectly by faith made whole,
Doth bright in Thy full image rise,
To share Thy glory in the skies.



[They must be as the troubled sea]

But the wicked are like the troubled sea, &c. —lvii. 20, 21.

They must be as the troubled sea,
They cannot rest who know not Thee,
Whose working hearts, disturb'd within,
Cast up the mire of actual sin:
No peace the wicked e'er can know,
While hastening to their place below,
But trouble must with sin remain,
Sad earnest of eternal pain.


[That true remorse, that grief Divine]

A day for a man to afflict his soul. —lviii. 5.

That true remorse, that grief Divine,
Saviour, I long to know:
Strike this hard rocky heart of mine,
And let the waters flow;
Indulge me at Thy feet to grieve
In exquisite distress,
Till Thou my mournful soul receive,
And bid me die in peace.


[Help, eternal Spirit Divine]

So shall they fear the name of the Lord, &c. —lix. 19.

Help, eternal Spirit Divine,
And stem the tide of sin;
Lo, our enemy and Thine
Is as a flood come in:
In these last apostate days
Out of his mouth the Dragon pours
Rapid streams of wickedness,
And hell Thy church devours.
Spirit of faith, the cross lift up;
By Jesus on the tree
Sin and Satan's progress stop,
And end the' apostasy:
Jesus to the world reveal
The sole, supreme, expiring God,


Cast the' Accuser down to hell
Through His victorious blood.
Then mankind shall magnify
The great incarnate Word,
Fear that Name of God most high,
That Glory of the Lord;
Every joyful tongue shall sing
Jehovah shining in the Son,
Christ, the universal King
On His millennial throne!


[Saviour of the world, come down]

The Redeemer shall come to Zion, &c. —lix. 20.

Saviour of the world, come down
To Thy Jerusalem,
Those who trust in Thee alone
Almighty to redeem,
Struggling, crush'd beneath the load,
Who turn from all their sins to Thee,
Come, and sprinkle with Thy blood
And set Thy people free.


[Christ, the church's Head with Thee]

As for Me, this is My covenant with them, &c. —lix. 21.

Christ, the church's Head with Thee
Thy body must endure,
Sion's perpetuity
By covenant is sure:
Given through Thee to all Thy seed,
The Spirit shall with Thy church abide,
Teach, and comfort us, and lead,
Our soul's eternal Guide.
All which Thou hast heard above
Thou dost to man declare;
Words of life, and truth, and love,
By Thee inspoken are,


Richly in Thy saints they dwell,
Nor ever from their mouth depart:
Witnesses for God, they tell
The gladness of their heart.
All that on Thy name believe,
In every age and place,
Shall the Holy Ghost receive
Mix'd with the word of grace:
In Thy church, till time shall end,
Thy Spirit, Lord, shall still abide,
Till Thou in the clouds descend
To fetch Thy ready bride.


[Jesus, hail! Thy grace appearing]

Arise, shine; for thy light is come! —lx. 1.

Jesus, hail! Thy grace appearing
Calls me forth from nature's tomb;
Now I find Thy presence cheering,
Now I know that Thou art come!
Rising in Thy resurrection,
Thine my life and power I own,
Shining by Thy love's reflection,
Glorious in Thy light alone.


[Arise, and shine with borrow'd rays]

Arise, and shine with borrow'd rays,
Bright in reflected lustre shine,
Thy Light is come, the Sun of grace
Appears in majesty Divine,
Jesus, that uncreated Sun
Is risen, on His church to stay,
To make through thee His glory known,
The glory of eternal day.



[While nations unenlighten'd lie]

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, &c. —lx. 2.

While nations unenlighten'd lie,
With darkness palpable o'erspread,
On thee the Dayspring from on high,
The Lord His brightest beams shall shed,
Stamp'd with the sinless character,
His praise thou shalt display below,
And putting on thy Saviour here,
Jehovah's glorious image show.


[Light of life eternal, rise]

And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, &c. —lx. 3.

Light of life eternal, rise,
Thy beams of glory dart,
Shine in all the nations' eyes,
And show them who Thou art:
To our dazzled king appear,
And let this image of Thy power
Trembling at a greater near
The rising Sun adore!


[Drawn by thy grace the sons of night]

Drawn by thy grace the sons of night,
The Gentile world shall come to thee,
And kings o'erpower'd with heavenly light
Admire thy dazzling purity;
Soon as to thee their face they turn,
They shall their royal state forget,
On earth look down with holy scorn,
And lay their crowns at Jesu's feet.


[Sion, look round with joyful eyes]

Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: &c. —lx. 4.

Sion , look round with joyful eyes,
On all those gathering nations gaze,
Behold, with one consent they rise,
And flock, and flow to thy embrace!


Thy countless sons and daughters see;
They come from far with duteous speed,
Come to be nursed, and fed by thee,
With milk sincere, and living bread.


[Afraid to think the vision true]

Then thou shalt see, and flow together, &c. —lx. 5.

Afraid to think the vision true,
Thy heart with dubious joy shall beat,
Thy heart enlarged shall pant anew,
When forced the real bliss to' admit,
When hosts and fleets to thee resign
The fulness of the lands and floods,
And earth, and sea, and all is thine,
And thou art Christ's, and Christ is God's.


[Their wealth the children of the East]

The multitude of camels shall cover thee, &c. —lx. 6.

Their wealth the children of the East
Shall first into thy treasury bring,
Devote their most beloved and best,
As holiness to Sion's King;
Incense they shall with gold bestow,
Join'd to thy faithful wrestling race,
And fill Jehovah's courts below
With sweet perfumes of prayer and praise.


[Kedar shall all its flocks present]

All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered, &c. —lx. 7.

Kedar shall all its flocks present,
Nebaioth's rams Mine altar load,
The Gentiles yield with pure intent
Themselves in sacrifice to God;
The offering shall accepted be,
When precious souls the offering are,
The beauty of My temple see,
And feel My glorious presence there.



[Who, what are these, that as a cloud]

Who are these that fly as a cloud, &c. —lx. 8.

Who, what are these, that as a cloud
Swiftly divide the darken'd sky,
Like flocking doves, a countless crowd,
Like doves which to their windows fly!
Weary of wandering after rest,
Lo, to the ark, the church, they come,
And housing in their Saviour's breast
Haste by an heavenly instinct home.


[Surely for Christ the isles shall wait]

Surely the isles shall wait for Me, &c. —lx. 9.

Surely for Christ the isles shall wait,
And ships to bring thy sons from far:
They come from their dispersed estate,
With all they have, and all they are:
Jesus, thy Lord, the Holy One
Of Israel for their God they claim,
Who makes in thee His nature known,
His image, and His glorious name.


[Thy God and thee who never knew]

And the sons of strangers shall build, &c. —lx. 10.

Thy God and thee who never knew,
Strangers shall preach the gospel-word,
The genuine love of children show,
And build the temple of their Lord:
Their kings shall bow to the Most High,
And thee into their bosom take,
And gladly all thy wants supply,
And tend thee for thy Saviour's sake.


[For lo, My wrath is pacified]

For in My wrath I smote thee, &c. —lx. 10.

For lo, My wrath is pacified,
My wrath which did for ages burn;
Whom once I smote and scatter'd wide
I bid thee to My arms return:


My mercy hath removed thy sin,
Thy long obduracy is pass'd,
Israel again is grafted in,
And all thy sons are saved at last.


[Wherefore thy gates shall open stand]

Therefore thy gates shall be open, &c. —lx. 11.

Wherefore thy gates shall open stand,
By day and night immensely wide,
To' admit the crowds from every land,
The Gentile world's inflowing tide:
The nations shall in Christ believe,
Their kings thy willing converts be,
And brought within thy walls, receive
Their highest dignity from thee.


[The nation that thy laws disdains]

For the nation and kingdom that will not, &c. —lx. 12.

The nation that thy laws disdains,
The kings who will not Christ adore,
God over all when Jesus reigns,
Shall perish by His glorious power;
Not man's anathemas or sword
Cut off the souls who Christ deny,
But from the presence of the Lord
Cast out, they must for ever die.


[The cedars shall obey My nod]

The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, &c. —lx. 13.

The cedars shall obey My nod,
And all the trees of righteousness
Unite to form the house of God,
To beautify My holiest place,
The saints from every clime shall meet,
Their talents, gifts, and graces join,
To make My sanctuary complete,
And worthy its great Guest Divine.


That place where once I walk'd below,
On Olivet I will appear,
My bleeding feet to Israel show,
While those who pierced behold Me near;
Again I will forsake My throne,
And to My footstool earth descend,
And fill the world with peace unknown,
With glorious joy that ne'er shall end.


[Before that everlasting day]

The sons of them that afflicted thee shall come, &c. —lx. 14.

Before that everlasting day
Which shall My Israel's foes consume,
With conscious shame, and sore dismay
Their cringing sons to thee shall come,
Thy proud oppressors shall bow down,
In suppliant guise thy feet embrace,
With deep remorse their error own,
And weep, and humbly sue for grace.
Whom once they hated and despised
They call the city of the Lord,
Sion by God beloved and prized,
Where God is known, confess'd, adored:
They own the Holy One is thine,
His holiness to thee is given,
Thou care of Providence Divine,
Thou choicest favourite of Heaven.


[Whereas thou hast forsaken been]

Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, &c. —lx. 15.

Whereas thou hast forsaken been,
Abhorr'd by all the human race,
A church which none would enter in,
Or help, or pity thy distress;


I will Myself the wastes repair;
And distant times with joy shall see
Thy beauteous charms completely fair,
When all My fulness is in thee.


[By Gentiles nourish'd and caress'd]

Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, &c. —lx. 16.

By Gentiles nourish'd and caress'd
Thou shalt My faithful mercy prove,
Their kings shall cherish in their breast,
And love thee with the tenderest love;
Who gave thee favour in their sight,
Redeem'd with all My strength of grace,
Thou then shalt know with pure delight,
And Me thine utmost Saviour praise.


[O what a change shall then ensue!]

For brass I will bring gold, and for iron, &c. —lx. 17, 18.

O what a change shall then ensue!
The former things are far removed,
Nature is grace, and old is new,
And all is heighten'd and improved:
Your wood I will convert to brass;
Your souls shall take a finer mould,
The Jewish into Christian pass,
The iron age be turn'd to gold.
I will thine officers create,
And fill their hearts with perfect peace,
Thy publicans shall avarice hate,
Renew'd in love and righteousness;
No violence shall in thee be heard,
Or sad complaint of lawless power,
While Satan is no longer fear'd,
And sin destroys thy land no more.


Enclosed with walls of living fire
Thou shalt thy Saviour's name declare,
Thy battlements to heaven aspire;
And saved, thou art already there:
Thy gates shall be entitled Praise,
And those who humbly enter in
Proclaim the glory of My grace,
For ever emptied of all sin!


[In presence of thy heavenly Lord]

The sun shall be no more thy light by day, &c. —lx. 19.

In presence of thy heavenly Lord
The sun and moon eclipsed shall be,
And when His kingdom is restored,
Thy God is all in all to thee:
The sun and moon no more shall shine,
Or cheer thee with their glimmering ray,
The brighter countenance Divine
Shall make thine everlasting day.


[Fountain of light thy Saviour is]

Thy sun shall no more go down; &c. —lx. 20.

Fountain of light thy Saviour is,
Thy Saviour is both moon and sun,
A source of unexhausted bliss,
A sun that can no more go down;
Thy bliss shall neither change nor wane,
When Jesus doth thy glory prove,
And never shalt thou lose again
The' eternal sunshine of His love.
Thy happiest state is come at last;
Who canst not sin, thou canst not mourn,
Thy sad afflicted days are pass'd,
And never, never shall return;


The spring from whence thy sorrow flow'd
Is dried, when Christ appears in sight,
And sighs before the face of God
Shall take their everlasting flight.


[In that millennial church below]

Thy people also shall be all righteous: &c. —lx. 21.

In that millennial church below
From every spot and wrinkle freed,
Thy people pure and white as snow,
Thy saints shall all be saints indeed;
Not one unrighteous soul is found,
Where Jesus doth His throne maintain,
But perfected in love, and crown'd
With life, they all for ever reign.
For I who to My promise stand,
Will bid the righteous branch arise,
The work of Mine almighty hand,
The plants prepared for paradise:
They here shall to perfection grow,
To show how angels serve above,
My wisdom, power, and truth to show,
My richest grace, and utmost love.


[The seed which I resolve to bless]

A little one shall become a thousand, &c. —lx. 22.

The seed which I resolve to bless,
Shall to a mighty nation rise,
Small, to a multitude increase,
O'erspread the earth and reach the skies;
For I the Lord in season due
Will the great final promise seal,
The earth in righteousness renew,
And all My church with glory fill.



[My sins as mountains rise]

Oh that the mountains might flow down, &c. —lxiv. 1.

My sins as mountains rise,
Till Thou the heavens rend,
And lo! I lift my longing eyes
To see my Lord descend:
Before Thy glorious face
The mountains shall remove:
Then, Saviour, all my life is praise,
And all my heart is love.


[Beneath a mountain-load of night]

Beneath a mountain-load of night,
Of unbelief, I groan,
Till Thou, the true, eternal Light,
To my relief come down,
My darkness by Thy presence chase,
My weight of sin remove;
And show the brightness of Thy face,
In manifested love.
If Thou vouchsafe Thy face to show,
If Thou appear again,
My mountain-sins shall melt and flow,
And pass into a plain.
Fix then Thy presence in my heart,
Be Thou my perfect power,
And unbelief shall all depart,
And pride exist no more.


[Well doth a summer leaf explain]

We fade as the leaf. —lxiv. 6.

Well doth a summer leaf explain
The transient state of feeble man;
We flourish fair in youthful bloom,
Till age and pallid autumn come;
He comes with sickness at his side,
He withers all our verdant pride;


And shook with the first stormy gust,
We drop, and crumble into dust.


[Is there then a power in man]

There is none that . . . stirreth up himself, &c. —lxiv. 7.

Is there then a power in man
Himself from earth to raise?
Yes; or thou wouldst ne'er complain
We do not use Thy grace:
Yet if now my soul be stirr'd
To apprehend the God unknown,
Still from first to last, O Lord,
The work is all Thine own.


[My Potter from above]

We are the clay, and Thou our Potter. —lxiv. 8.

My Potter from above,
Clay in Thy hands I am,
Mould me into the form of love,
And stamp with Thy new name:
Thy name is holiness;
Now on this heart of mine
The mark indelible impress,
The purity Divine.


[Come, Divine effectual power]

Behold, I create new heavens, &c. —lxv. 17, 18.

Come, Divine effectual power,
Fallen nature to restore;
Wait we for Thy presence here,
Long to see Thy throne appear;
Bid the new creation rise,
Bring us back our paradise.
Now our universe create
Fair, beyond its first estate,
When Thine eye with pleasure view'd,
When Thy lips pronounced it good,
Ruin'd now by sin and cursed,
Speak it fairer than at first.


Speak again the world from nought,
Let the former be forgot,
Never more recall'd to mind,
While we our Redeemer find,
See with joy Thy smiling face,
Triumph in a world of grace.
Saints anticipate the day,
Our old things are pass'd away,
Whom Thy grace creates anew,
Lord, we now Thy glory shew,
Born to vie with those above,
Born to sing, rejoice, and love.
Sons of God by faith we came
To the New Jerusalem,
Re-begotten by our Lord,
That we may Thy name record,
Tell the wonders of Thy grace,
Shout Thine everlasting praise.


[Oft hast Thou, Lord, in tender love]

Before they call, I will answer; &c. —lxv. 24.

Oft hast Thou, Lord, in tender love,
Prevented my request,
And sent Thy Spirit from above
An unexpected Guest:
Oft when my prayer was scarce begun
Thou didst Thy grace impart,
And make Thy pardoning mercy known,
And seal it on my heart.
Why this profusion of Thy grace
On such a worm as me?
Father, I ask in fix'd amaze,
Explain the mystery.


How canst Thou to a sinner's cry
Incline Thy pitying ear?
Thou hear'st mine Advocate on high
And wilt for ever hear.


[High on Thy heavenly throne]

To this man will I look, even to him, &c. —lxvi. 2.

High on Thy heavenly throne,
O look with pity down,
To an abject sinner look,
One that on Thy footstool lies!
Help me, Lord, my heart is broke:
Save, or now my spirit dies.
My soul, Thou know'st, is faint,
Ready to die for want;
Still I tremble at Thy word,
“Damn'd the infidel shall be!”
Come my long-expected Lord,
Work the saving faith in me.
Now let Thy look inspire
My soul with pure desire;
Life into my heart convey,
Chase my evil with Thine eyes,
Look these fears and sins away,
Look me up to paradise.


[Father, we humbly wait to hear]

Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble, &c. —lxvi. 5.

Father, we humbly wait to hear
Thy word of reconciling grace,
Who long bow'd down with legal fear,
Have sought in Christ Thy smiling face,
But never could the blessing prove,
The sweetness of Thy pardoning love.


Hated because we fear Thy name,
And feebly after Jesus go,
Daily exposed to grief and shame
By those who care not Thee to know,
Our brethren's injuries we bear,
And wait till Thou Thy Son declare.
Our brethren false, with furious zeal
For order and the Church's peace,
Us from their synagogues expel,
Our Master thus to serve and please,
And while Thy sheep they seek to kill,
Deny the Scriptures, and fulfil.
But O! Thy changeless word is pass'd,
Thou wilt in us Thy Son reveal;
Our Saviour shall appear at last,
And bring the joy unspeakable,
Before our blushing foes confess,
And crown His suffering witnesses.


[A voice of shrieking fear]

A voice of noise from the city, &c. —lxvi. 6–8.

A voice of shrieking fear
Doth from the city sound,
A voice ye from the temple hear
While tumbling to the ground!
A voice from heaven proclaims
The vengeful wrath of God!
The bloody city sinks in flames,
The temple is destroy'd!
Yet Sion stands secure,
And ever shall abide,
She must from age to age endure
By Jesus multiplied:


Out of Jerusalem
The Lord a church shall raise,
To magnify the Christian name
And spread the Founder's praise.
Let all mankind adore
The miracle unknown:
Sion brought forth her child, before
Her bearing throes begun:
Who can the birth explain?
The birth to God she owed,
Without a sharp or lingering pain
Deliver'd of her load:
Shall teeming earth at once
Autumnal fruits display,
The church produce her countless sons,
A nation in a day?
Yes, when the word applied
Begat the faithful race,
Nations at once were justified
By instantaneous grace.


[Thy faithful God, shall I]

Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause, &c. —lxvi. 9.

Thy faithful God, shall I
Bring to the birth in vain,
And leave My helpless church to die
In unavailing pain?
Who brought her through her throes
Shall I restrain My power,
The fruitful womb in anger close,
And bid it bear no more?
Nay, but I surely will
Perform the work begun,
The counsel of My grace fulfil,
And make My mercy known,


Through all the nations spread
Good news of sin forgiven,
And multiply the chosen seed
Beyond the stars of heaven.


[All ye that Sion love]

Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad, &c. —lxvi. 10, 11.

All ye that Sion love
Rejoice in her increase,
Yourselves begotten from above
To taste her happiness;
Who wept her state decay'd,
Let every mournful soul
In her prosperity be glad
With joy for ever full:
The heavenly comforts share
With which her breasts are stored,
Draw out the milk, by faith and prayer,
The sweetness of the word;
With fulness of delight
Her ordinances love,
And see with her the glorious Sight,
Which makes their heaven above.


[For I My Sion's peace]

For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will, &c. —lxvi. 12.

For I My Sion's peace
Will as a stream extend:
Which still runs on with large increase,
In boundless bliss to end:
The riches of her grace
The Gentiles too shall know,
And pour their glory in, to raise
And make her joy o'erflow.
The church shall then appear
In full felicity;


And every gospel-minister
A tender nurse shall be;
Her children dwell at ease
With every comfort bless'd,
While dandled on their mother's knees,
And cherish'd in her breast.


[With graces from above]

As one whom his mother comforteth, &c. —lxvi. 13, 14.

With graces from above
Myself will comfort you,
And fondle with a kinder love
Than mothers ever knew;
Your joyful souls shall see
Jerusalem restored,
Your bones revived and strengthen'd be
By virtue from the Lord:
He in the heathen's sight
For you His hand shall raise,
The hand of His supporting might,
Of His enriching grace;
But dreadful to His foes
He shall His strength employ,
And crush whoe'er His church oppose,
And anti-Christ destroy.


[For lo! the Lord will come]

For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, &c. —lxvi. 15, 16.

For lo! the Lord will come
Out of His holy place,
With sword and fire destroy, consume
The anti-Christian race!
The' apostates' doom to seal
Loud-thundering from afar
He comes: and furious whirlwinds wheel
Jehovah's rapid car:


Before the last great day
He doth His judgments shower,
The wicked sweeps from earth away,
Before the pit devour!
Heaps upon heaps He strews
In the decisive vale;
The vinepress of His wrath o'erflows,
And gives a taste of hell.


[Father of boundless grace]

It shall come, that I will gather all nations, &c. —lxvi. 18.

Father of boundless grace,
Thou hast in part fulfill'd
Thy promise made to Adam's race,
In God incarnate seal'd:
A few from every land
At first to Salem came,
And saw the wonders of Thy hand,
And saw the tongues of flame!
From thence Thy heralds run
To earth's remotest bound,
And made Thy glorious mercy known,
And spread the joyful sound:
They call'd the listening throng
To know their sins forgiven,
And brought them in, from every tongue
And nation under heaven.
Yet still we wait the end,
The coming of our Lord,
The full accomplishment attend
Of Thy prophetic word:
Thy promise deeper lies
In unexhausted grace,
And new-discover'd worlds arise
To sing their Saviour's praise.


Beloved for Jesu's sake,
By Him redeem'd of old,
All nations must come in, and make
One undivided fold;
While gather'd in by Thee,
And perfected in one,
They all at once Thy glory see
In Thine eternal Son.


[Almighty God of love]

I will set a sign among them, &c. —lxvi. 19.

Almighty God of love,
Set up the' attracting sign,
And summon whom Thou dost approve
For messengers Divine;
From Abraham's favour'd seed
Thy new apostles choose,
In isles and continents to spread
The dead-reviving news:
Them snatch'd out of the flame
Through every nation send
The true Messias to proclaim
The universal Friend;
That all the God unknown
May learn of Jews to' adore,
And see Thy glory in Thy Son
Till time shall be no more.


[O that the chosen band]

And they shall bring all your brethren, &c. —lxvi 20.

O that the chosen band
Might now their brethren bring,
And gather'd out of every land
Present to Sion's King;


Of all the ancient race
Not one be left behind,
But each impell'd by secret grace
His way to Canaan find!
We know, it must be done,
For God hath spoke the word,
All Israel shall their Saviour own,
To their first state restored:
Rebuilt by His command,
Jerusalem shall rise,
Her temple on Moriah stand
Again, and touch the skies.


[Send then Thy servants forth]

Send then Thy servants forth
To call the Hebrews home,
From west and east, and south and north,
Let all the wanderers come;
Where'er in lands unknown
Thy fugitives remain,
Bid every creature help them on
Thy holy mount to gain:
An offering to their God
There let them all be seen,
Sprinkled with water and with blood,
In soul and body clean;
With Israel's myriads seal'd
Let all the nations meet,
And show Thy mystery fulfill'd,
Thy family complete.



[Jesus, we wait to see]

I will take of them for priests, &c. —lxvi. 21–23.

Jesus, we wait to see
That spotless church of Thine,
The heaven-appointed ministry,
The hierarchy Divine:
Command her now to rise
With perfect beauty pure,
Long as the new-made earth and skies
To flourish and endure;
A church which may remain
With all Thy works restored,
Commensurate with time, obtain
The nature of her Lord;
A church to comprehend
The whole of human race,
And live in joys that never end
Before Thy glorious face.