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[Lo, the church with gradual light]

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, &c. —vi. 10.

Lo, the church with gradual light
Her opening charms displays,
After a long dreary night
Looks forth with glimmering rays,
Scarce perceptible appears,
Until the Day-spring from on high
All the face of nature cheers,
And gladdens earth and sky.
Fair as the unclouded moon,
With borrow'd rays she shines,
Shines, but ah! she changes soon,
And when at full declines,


Frequent, long eclipses feels,
Till Jesus drives the shades away,
All her doubts and sins dispels,
And brings the perfect day.
Now she without spot appears,
For Christ appears again,
Sun of Righteousness, He clears
His church from every stain.
Rising in full majesty
He blazes with meridian light:
All the' horizon laughs to see
The joyous heavenly sight.
Bright with lustre not her own
The woman now admire,
Clothed with that eternal Sun
Which sets the worlds on fire!
Bright she shall for ever shine,
Enjoying, like the church above,
All the light of truth Divine,
And all the fire of love.
From her dark, inconstant state
To perfect love restored,
Stands the church divinely great,
The army of the Lord,
Wide His bloody sign displays;
And lo the hosts of Satan fall;
Terrible in holiness
She more than conquers all.
Who shall live to see that day
Of her Redeemer's power?
Jesus, come; no more delay
Thy kingdom to restore!


Or if first to rest I go,
Yet let me in that day appear,
Meanest of Thy saints below,
Thy saints triumphant here!