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Oct. 20-26
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Oct. 20-26

Go to church for the first time in the new carriage. Jabe, Sally, Mary Lewis and I hear Mr. Norton of the Alexandria refugees ....Monday Jabe, Sally and I go up to Rugby to finish out Jabe's visit and find them all right glad to see me from brother Brown to Cornelia. Tuesday Gen. Buc, Jabe's dog, comes up and we make his acquaintance and find him quite a well mannered dog and very good looking too. It is really funny to see Jabe petting him; pays Buc much more attention than any of the little children. News comes on Tuesday of battle at Leesburg on yesterday-21st. The victory was again ours. The papers report a large loss on the Federal side; on ours 300 including killed and wounded. Jabe's brigade was engaged. I'm sorry he was not at his post as he might have had opportunity to be noticed. He gets off on Wednesday so sister Betty, Sally and I go to the Depot to say good bye. I'm sorry we did go for the scene I there witnessed made it all the harder to say good bye. A poor woman came down on one train and her husband's corpse was brought down on the other. They met at the Depot. The distress of the poor wife was heart rending. She was on her way to nurse him and did not know of his death until she met his remains on the cars. She had a little infant in her arms, a few months old. Hers is but one of the many many sad hearts made desolute by this cruel war. After dinner, Sister Betty and I go to see cousin Lucy Terril. I'm introduced to Mr. Peters, the wounded soldier. Thursday I meet Ma in [MISSING]

She is talking of a visit home; sent up a pretty Setter puppy to Daddy. Everyone in the house claims it and names it, consequently the poor dog's name is not decided upon for some time. A letter from brother Jim and with it some money. No news yet. They are expecting to see Mr. Coffman soon as his company has been transferred somewhere East. I would like to see him play the lover. Mary Lewis comes home Thursday. We are glad to have her back again. Ginny was not married [as] Mr. Tompkins did not appear. The times are more cheering than they have been yet. The papers say the late storms scattered the Yankee's Armada with several vessels lost. The war is getting very unpopular North with the masses. Oh, that this terrible war may be brought to a speedy termination!