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The Story of England

by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Edited from mss. at Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall

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Arthur wolde no soiour make,
But Moddred wold he sle or take;
But sorewe ful þough, did hym gret pyn,
Of sire Gawayn his dere cosyn,
& Agusel þe Scottische kyng:
Arthur made here byrying
At Wybyry, þat ys in Walys;
Þer lye þey boþe, seyþ Peres tales.
Now comeþ al Arthures sorewe & drede.
To venge hym on þe false Moddrede,
Day ne night ne wolde he blynne.
To sege Wynchestre, Moddred wyþynne,
He dide þe contre somoune al out,
& vmbyleide þe toun about.