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Charles Edwin Michael, the subject of this sketch,
was born near Baltimore, Maryland, June 4th, 1871,
and is a son of William B. and Rachel (Taylor) Michael.

Mr. Michael received his education in the public
schools of Maryland and at St. Clement's University,
Ellicot City, Maryland.

His first business experience was gained in the
capacity of cashier and bookkeeper in his brother's
general store at Perryman, Maryland.

Removing to Roanoke in 1889, he accepted a situation
in the offices of the American Bridge Company,
and in 1892 was promoted to the position of Secretary
and Treasurer.

The American Bridge Company which was organized
in 1889, was succeeded by the Virginia Bridge and
Iron Company, upon its reorganization in 1895.

C. Edwin Michael was made Secretary and
Treasurer of the Virginia Bridge and Iron Company
upon its organization, and served in that capacity,
until 1899, when he was elected Vice President and
General Manager, and finally in 1904 he was elected
President of the company in which capacity he has
since served.

The company's business has steadily increased in
volume and importance, and it now ranks as the
second largest bridge works and structural steel and
iron manufactory in the country.

Besides the Roanoke plant, which gives employment
to five hundred persons, including the office force,
the company has branches at Memphis and Atlanta,
and the total number of employees in the service of
the Virginia Bridge and Iron Company in all departments
aggregates twelve hundred.

During his long connection with the business of the
important enterprise of which he is the official head,
Mr. Michael has displayed executive ability of a high
order, and his capable management and untiring
energy have contributed in large measure to the
eminent success achieved by the company.

The judicious management of affairs, and strict
regard for efficiency and reliability of product which
have characterized the business of the company, have
gained for it a high reputation throughout the wide
territory supplied by its plants.

During his long residence in Roanoke, Mr. Michael
has taken an active part in work for the upbuilding,
betterment and advancement of the city, and has ever
been ready to aid in such undertakings, both by financial
investment and personal service.

He has been identified with movements for its
expansion industrially and commercially as well as for
its moral and educational uplift and general civic

He is President of the Chamber of Commerce, and
has devoted untiring service to plans undertaken for
the building of a greater Roanoke, and the enlargement
of the city's manufacturing interests.

Mr. Michael is an enthusiastic automobilist, and
took a prominent part in bringing the route of the
National Highway from New York to Atlanta through
Roanoke, which resulted in the selection of this city
as the central point on the Highway.

On October 19th, 1893, he married Flora M. Gallup,
a daughter of Daniel and Anna Gallup of Harford
County, Maryland, and four children have been born
of this union: Virginia, born July 25th, 1894; Anna
Cox, born November 26th, 1896; Flora DeVoe, born
March 24th, 1905, and Rachel Ellen, born July 19th,

Religiously Mr. Michael is a member of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, and has been for ten years
Superintendent of Christ Church Sunday School, and
Senior Warden of the vestry.

Fraternally he is a Mason, Knight Templar, Odd
Fellow and Past Chancellor of Osceola Lodge No. 47
Knights of Pythias.