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Oct. 13-19
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Oct. 13-19

No church as the new carriage has not arrived and I've lost my fancy for long walks. Do some reading and have a nice long walk with Aunt Sally in the evening. The fields and woods are now looking so lovely; some slight signs of Fall upon the vista. Nature seems to be trying on her Fall attire. Do some sewing this week. Have a long letter from Sue and sent her one in return. Friday Jabe comes and aren't we glad. I'm so glad to have him at my house this time for a visit of more than one day or night. Invite him up into the Lodge and show him my pictures and books. He and Mary Lewis get on very cousinly terms, take a kiss both at meeting and at departing. We take some pleasant long walks and he, Sally and I have such satisfactory confidential chats to ourselves in the Guest Chamber. A letter from niece Lizzie [Minor]; she tells me her Pa is better and he will try and come up to see us this week if he can. No especial news in the neighborhood. Brother Jim has heard from Sue Stanford Bacon. The letter was an answer to one brother Jim sent by Mr. Morris through Kentucky. Sue could not write anything of The Times, could only express her joy at the good news from home, the first she has had since she left in the Spring.