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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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And hear'st thou not the Music? are not those
The very Notes that floated on the Ear
Of blind Meonides, to whose so clear,
Inspiring Sound his full Heart sank and rose,
With Beatings mightier than Ocean knows?
See, see, the Etements take Shape, and near
The God, departed Forms of Beauty rear
Themselves to Sight! a Temple yonder shows
Its gleaming Marbles thro' the antique Trees,
Beneath whose Boughs, lightstirrëd by the Breeze,
A Band of Maidens o'er the new Grass speed;
Oh happy Vision! which with so much Ease
I have called forth from nothing, what we need
We make ourselves, and do become indeed!