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Oct. 6-12
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Oct. 6-12

I am too poorly for church. Such a miserable cold keeps me up in the Lodge for two or three days. Oh, how I'm pining for Sally. Such cold gloomy weather; it makes me blue. Monday a letter from Bob. He is of the opinion that Delay is fighting us a battle. Differs from me in wishing for a "dashing campaign." Well he may be right; hope he is at any rate but I'm getting anxious for action. Doing nothing is not the best work for soldiers. Times are getting harder than I ever expected to see them. Coffee not to be had. Tea from three to three and a half dollars per pound; sugar twenty to thirty cents per pound. We have now nearly come to living on what we can make at home. All luxuries must be given up and I believe we are all willing to give them up cheerfully provided our end is accomplished vis. we are free from the Yankees. Read Charlotte Bronte's novel, The Professor, this week. What a mind that woman must have had. She-Miss Bronte and Mrs. Browning my two pet heroines must have had many points of character alike. Neither was really happy either in their domestic or literary avocations and while I may admire from a distance and enjoy the efforts of them mightily enough I cannot envy them. Friday Mary Lewis, Nanny, Dave and I walk to town and hear that the carriage has really been bought. What a comfort it will be to us. Get my dress fitted at Mrs. Ayers. Do some other work I have to see to and get home to dinner. Find dear little Sis here. She has come for a visitation this time. Letters from Jabe this week tell us of his promotion as head surgeon to the 17th Mississippi. He will try and take a peep at us in the next week or so. Saturday night Tom (Jabe's servant who has been up on a visit to the home of his boyhood) calls by on his way back to camp to take any parcels or letters we may have for "Master Doctor." Sally and I both write a letter, fix up some books, included a sermon and a bag of apples; hope Jabe may enjoy both sermon and apples. Had a letter from Sam.