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An Epitaph upon the E. of Ro---ster's being dismist from the Treasury in 1687,

by Mr. Dryden.

Here lies a Creature of indulgent Fate,
From Tory H**de rais'd to a Chit of State;
In Chariot now Elisha like he's hurl'd
To th'upper empty Regions of the World;
The Airy thing cuts thro the yielding Sky,
And as it goes does into Atoms fly:
While we on Earth see, with no small Delight,
The Bird of Prey turn'd to a Paper-Kite.
With drunken Pride and Rage he did so swell,
The hated thing without Compassion fell;
By powerful Force of universal Prayer,
The ill-blown Bubble is now turn'd to Air;
To his first less than Nothing he is gone,
By his preposterous Transaction.