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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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Meantime among the host that fled
And few that followed, quickly spread
The rumour Tangi too was dead;
And of the fugitives ahead


The foremost and least scared began
To make their comrades as they ran
Note their pursuers—far and few—
Their own o'erwhelming numbers too.
They pause—they turn; collect in knots
About the ruined garden-plots;
Not unobserved of him, in place
Of Tangi now who led the chase,
A wary warrior ‘Máwai’ named;—
Máwai—the Gourd’—because far-famed
For many a crafty deep design
By sap and trench and secret mine
For creeping into forts—unstayed
By tallest post and palisade;
As sure, though unperceived and slow,
As over fences high or low
That creeping climbing gourd will grow;—
Máwai amid the shrubs and trees
The foe in clusters rallying sees:
So shouts the danger out to all
His headlong comrades within call;
Rates—reasons—threats—entreats and makes
All whom his step or voice o'ertakes
Keep more together—rest content
Just now at least with what was done,
The vengeance taken—victory won.
And thus, with caution, by degrees,
And often turning as they went
As if to ferret out and slay
Chance fugitives that hiding lay—
So that a front they still present


To that recovering enemy
In crowds tumultuous hovering nigh,
And make him doubt their true intent,—
The scanty band of victors back
To their intrenchments take their way;
Their Fort unconquered still, though black
And reeking from the late attack.