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Glory be to God above,
God, from whom all blessings flow!
Make we mention of His love,
Publish we His praise below;
Call'd together by His grace,
We are met in Jesu's name,
See with joy each other's face,
Followers of the bleeding Lamb.
Let us then sweet counsel take
How to make our calling sure,
Our election how to make
Past the reach of hell secure;
Build we each the other up,
Pray we for our faith's increase,
Lasting comfort, steadfast hope,
Solid joy, and settled peace.
More and more let love abound;
Never, never may we rest,
Till we are in Jesus found,
Of our paradise possest.
He removes the flaming sword,
Calls us back, from Eden driven;
To His image here restored,
Soon He takes us up to heaven.
Jesu, Lord, for this we wait,
Till Thine image we regain:
Wilt Thou not our souls create?
Saviour, shall our faith be vain?


If we do in Thee believe,
Now the second gift impart,
Now the' abiding witness give,
Give us now the perfect heart.
Surely He will not delay
If we patiently endure,
Will not empty send away
Sinners hungry, mournful, poor.
Jesus wept, and still doth weep,
Human misery to behold,
Pities now His wandering sheep,
Longs to bring us to His fold.
“Children, have you aught to eat?”
(Kindly asks our careful God;)
Jesu's flesh indeed is meat,
Drink indeed is Jesu's blood:
Drink and eat, my well-beloved;
Lean, He cries, upon my breast,
Till ye all, from earth removed,
Share with Me the marriage-feast.