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Joaquin Miller's Poems

[in six volumes]

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They bared their brows to the palms above,
But some look'd level into comrades' eyes,
And they then remember'd that the thought of love
Was the thing forbidden, and they sank in sighs.


They turned from the training, to heed in throng
To the old, old tale; and they trained no more,
As he sang of love; and some on the shore,
And full in the sound of the eloquent song,
With womanly air and an irresolute will
Went listlessly onward as gathering shells;
Then gazed in the waters, as bound by spells;
Then turned to the song and so sigh'd, and were still.
And they said no word. Some tapp'd on the sand
With the sandal'd foot, keeping time to the sound,
In a sort of dream; some timed with the hand,
And one held eyes full of tears to the ground.
She thought of the days when their wars they were not,
As she lean'd and listened to the old, old song,
When they sang of their loves, and she well forgot
Man's hard oppressions and a world of wrong.
Like a pure true woman, with her trust in tears
And the things that are true, she relieved them in thought,
Though hush'd and crush'd in the fall of the years;
She lived but the fair, and the false she forgot.
As a tale long told, or as things that are dreams
The quivering curve of the lip it confest


The silent regrets, and the soul that teems
With a world of love in a brave true breast.