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Peace be on this house bestow'd,
Peace on all that here reside!
Let the unknown peace of God
With the man of peace abide!
Let the Spirit now come down,
Let the blessing now take place;
Son of peace, receive thy crown,
Fulness of the Gospel grace.
Christ, my Master and my Lord,
Let me Thy forerunner be;
O be mindful of Thy word,
Visit them, and visit me:
To this house, and all herein,
Now let Thy salvation come;
Save our souls from inbred sin,
Make them Thine eternal home.
Let us never, never rest
Till the promise is fulfill'd,
Till we are of Thee possest,
Wash'd, and sanctified, and seal'd:
Till we all, in love renew'd,
Find the pearl that Adam lost,
Temples of the living God,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.