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[When God in man His Son reveals]

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance. —xv. 13.

When God in man His Son reveals,
And in the sinner's conscience seals
The pardon of his sin,
The sinner's heart with mirth o'erflows,
And on his cheerful face he shows
Heaven and Christ within.
He can no longer sigh, nor droop,
From hell to the third heaven caught up,
By his Redeemer's voice;
He only lives to pray and praise
And thank the Giver of all grace,
And evermore rejoice.
O Thou who into me art come
To chase their melancholy gloom,
Thy joyous heavenly love
To every child of man impart;
Merry as mine be every heart,
Merry as theirs above.
Then every countenance shall shine,
And hearts, and harps and voices join,
And saints and angels sing
To Him that sits upon the throne,
To Christ the Lamb, the glorious Son,
The everlasting King.