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A Prophecy which hath been in a Manuscript in the Lord Powis's Family above sixty Years.
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A Prophecy which hath been in a Manuscript in the Lord Powis's Family above sixty Years.

About shall be


Joined unto two times Three,
And four times Ten with four times Two,


Amongst us shall be great ado;
An Eagle's Head that time shall fall,
Scatter'd will be the young ones all.
Then shall a Cypher swell so great,


His Name 100 takes the Seat,
And shall do mighty things before
He is removed off the Shore;
But ten times Four, with three times Six,


Doth in another World him fix.
Then quickly after you shall spy
The Eagle back again to fly,
And shall himself bedeck again
With Feathers of his Father's Train;
Then heavy Times shall make Men say
Oft-times, Alas and Well-a-day,
And wish that they a Death might find,
For something troubles sore their Mind.
Then after all a Cloud shall come,
And almost darken quite the Sun;
And in that time Actions shall be
Chiefly carried on by Three:
The Cross, the Surplice, and the Crown,
Strive who shall put each other down;
Great Treachery and Blood-shed then
Shall sweep away great Store of Men.


The Lion and blew Flower shall seek
Quite to destroy the Heretick Sheep,
And England shall be hard bested
Before the Miter hence be rid.
False Ireland continues our Woe,
But zealous Scotland doth not so.
Begin again at One and Six,

Pop. Plot broke out, 1677.

And ten times Seven begins these Tricks;
And for a time shall last full sore,
Till you may number One and Four.


And for Four more it shall abate
To return in a happy State.
Then better every day will be,
But no more—in England see.
When 8 times eight and four times Three
With Six and two shall joined be,


Then shall be sacrificed C.
In Dust shall lie that errant Whore,
Disdain'd of all like to J--- S---
And all her Brats turn'd out of door.
J. R. shall into Saddle slide,
And furiously to Rome shall ride,
His Principles no longer hide.
The Pope shall have a fatal Fall
And never trouble more Whitehall,
Nor England's People more inthral.
And he that chanceth to survive
Until the Year of Eighty five,
Shall see this Land begin to thrive.
O England's Wonder, which hath never been,
Three Queens in England shortly shall be seen.
Two Dukes shall highly for the Crown contend,
Each shall bring England's Monarchy to end.
B--- shall fall into Contempt and Scorn,
And Gospel-Angels shall our Church adorn.
If any ask how this shall come to pass,
The Fox shall ride the Goose, the Goose the Ass.