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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
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1. General. Sir Patrick Abercrombie, Town and City
(London, 1944). Joseph Gantner, Grundformen der
europäischen Stadt
(Vienna, 1928). Pierre Lavedan, Histoire
de l'urbanisme,
2 vols. (Paris, 1926, 1941). Lewis Mumford,
The Culture of Cities (New York, 1938); idem, The City in
History: Its Origin, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects

(New York, 1961). Camillo Sitte, The Art of Building Cities
(New York, 1945). Paul Zucker, Town and Square: From the
Agora to the Village Green
(New York, 1959). For bibliogra-
phies, see: George C. Bestor and Holway R. Jones, City
Planning: A Basic Bibliography of Sources and Trends

(Sacramento, 1962); Philip Dawson and Sam B. Warner, Jr.,
“A Selection of Works Relating to the History of Cities,”
in Oscar Handlin and John Burchard, The Historian and
the City
(Cambridge, Mass., 1963), pp. 270-90.

2. Antiquity. India and the Near East: B. B. Dutt, Town
Planning in Ancient India
(Calcutta and Simla, 1925); Mir-
cea Eliade, “Centre du monde, temple, maison,” Le sym-
bolisme cosmique des monuments religieux
(Rome, 1957),
pp. 57-82; Henri Frankfort, The Art and Architecture of
the Ancient Orient
(Baltimore, 1959), with a good bibliogra-
phy; Francis John Haverfield, Ancient Town Planning
(Oxford, 1913); Stuart Piggott, Some Ancient Cities of India
(London, 1945); Earl Baldwin Smith, Egyptian Architecture
as Cultural Expression
(London, 1933). Greece: Fustel de
Coulanges, Numa Denis: The Ancient City (New York, 1955);
M. Erdmann, Zur Kunde der Hellenistischen Städtegrun-
(Strasbourg, 1879); Knud Fabricius, “Städtebau der
Briechen,” in Pauly, Realencyclopädie der classischen
revised by Georg Wissowa (1929);
A. H. M. Jones, The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian
(Oxford, 1940); Roland Martin, L'urbanisme dans la Grèce
(Paris, 1956). Rome: R. C. Bosanquet, “Greek and Roman
Towns,” Town Planning Review (1914); William Warde
Fowler, Social Life in Rome at the Age of Cicero (London,
1908); Léon Homo, Rome impériale et l'urbanisme dans
(Paris, 1951); Guido Kaschnitz-Weinberg, Über
die Grundformen der Italisch-Römischen Struktur,
2 vols.
(Munich, 1944, 1950).

3. The Middle Ages. R. Borrmann, “Vom Städtebau im
islamischen Osten,” Städtebauliche Vorträge (1914). A. E.
Brinckmann, Spätmittelalterliche Stadtanlagen in Süd-
(Berlin, 1910). Edith Ennen, Frühgeschichte der
europäischen Stadt
(Bonn, 1953). Karl Gruber, Die Gestalt
der deutschen Stadt: Ihr Wandel aus der geistigen Ordnung
der Zeiten
(Munich, 1952). Christoph Klaiber, Die Grund
rissbildung der deutschen Stadt im Mittelalter (Berlin, 1912).
Achille Luchaire, Les communes françaises, 2nd ed. (Paris,
1911). Henri Pirenne, Medieval Cities (Princeton, 1925). Earl
Baldwin Smith, Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome
and the Middle Ages
(Princeton, 1956); idem, La città
nell'alto medioèvo
(Spoleto, 1959).

4. Renaissance and Utopian Town Planning. Wolfgang
Braunfels, Italienische Städtebaukunst (Berlin, 1950). André
Chastel, “Cités idéales: Marqueteurs italiens du XVe siècle,”
L'oeil (Dec. 1957). Horst de la Croix, “Military Architecture
and the Radial City Plan in Sixteenth Century Italy,” The
Art Bulletin,
42 (1960), 263-90. S. Lang, “The Ideal City
from Plato to Howard,” Architectural Review, 112 (1952).
Robert Klein, “L'urbanisme utopique de Filarete à Valentin
Andreae,” Actes du Colloque international sur les utopies
à la Renaissance
(Brussels, 1963), pp. 209-30. Georg Münter,
Idealstädte: Ihre Geschichte vom 15.-17. Jahrhundert (Berlin,
1957). Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age
of Humanism
(London, 1949).

5. Modern. Giulio C. Argan, “Il pensiero critico di
Antonio Sant' Elia,” L'arte (Sept. 1930). Jean Badovici and
Albert Morance, L'oeuvre de Tony Garnier (Paris, 1938).
Françoise Choay, Le Corbusier (New York, 1960). Yvan
Christ, Projets et divagations de Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
(Paris, 1961). Gordon Cullen, Townscape (London, 1962).
Frederick Gibberd, Town Design (London, 1953). Roland
Rainer, Städtebau und Wohnkultur (Tübingen, 1948).


[See also Astrology; Enlightenment; Iconography; Organ-
icism; Renaissance;
Romanticism in Literature; Technology;